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Is this an epidemic?? What's the philosophical reason behind this?

It seems that there are more and more car bombings and suicide bombers, people committing suicide and takings others with them. What's the driving force for this increase in what I'd call bizarre behavior. It's a non-sequitur. Some of it is religiously motivated, but others seem to madness or maybe a disease. The religiously motivated ones are a disease too. Is there a philosophical reason behind this?


Can killing yourself and others be seen as spiritual or religious?

17 Answers

  • Millie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They act based on what their clerics tell them that the Qu'ran says, but the truth is that the Qu'ran doesn't say anything about such violent acts they commit. I've been reading about Islam for years and this is what I've been able to learn about it:

    Muslims are "playing just by ear" because the vast majority of them are not able to verify and/or confirm what they are told by their clerics that the Quran says.

    The only version of the Quran accepted as truthful is the one written in Classical Arabic, language that is not even close to the Modern Standard Arabic of today. Not to mention that the countries that speak Modern Standard Arabic, have their own dialects per each country. Most of the people in Islamic countries have very little education or none at all. And even those that have a higher education, if they cannot master Classical Arabic, they cannot read and understand the Quran either. Only the "clerics" versed in Classical Arabic can read and understand the true meaning of the Quran. Those clerics are the ones actually guilty of all the misleadings on the message of the Quran, which they interpret according to their own agendas. According to those "clerics" each and every verse of the Quran has seven (7) meanings, to be applied accordingly (clever!) and no translation of the Quran is the Quran, only the original Quran is the Quran.

    I've have the Quran and I've read it and nowhere it says that people should blow themselves up. All that violence and terrorism is an idea developed by extremists and the Muslims clerics that are following their very own ideas, not what the Quran says. Besides, I've read that Muslims hate developed countries because they cannot understand why their countries are not as developed when their civilization is much older, why don't they see that their clerics are the ones holding them back??

    But those clerics and extremists want their countries to stay as undeveloped as they are otherwise their people will wake up to all the abuses they have been submitted all their lives for no reason whatsoever.

    Ask yourself this question: Have you ever heard about the children of any of the Muslim clerics or terrorist leaders blowing themselves up???? NO, they ask others to become homicide bombers but not their own children.

    Source(s): "Visions of Islam" "The Origins of the Qu'ran" "The Crisis Within Islam" Volume Library Encyclopedia, Vol. 2 "The History of Religions"
  • Maybe its a bit like bloodlust - some people in war get a sadistic pleasure from all the carnage. So they see these events, see people get a sense of importance from it, by being in the media etc, enjoy the feelings of being in power over others, enjoy the drama of it, like kids with video games. Also the Koran can certainly be interpretted that way as Mohammed said harsh things about how infidel and abandoners of the truth should be treated, so it can seem religiously justified to them. Life in those countries may be pretty stressed and boring, so its a relief and exciting to them psychololgically. All hellish, imo.

  • 1 decade ago

    Terrorism is an act of one (or a few) that constitutes violence on a large group of individuals. In the case of the incidents you reference in your question, it is not as much as a function of a particular religion as it is acts of small, radical groups that have found ways to impact disproportionately large groups through methods that require little in the way of organization.

    The terrorists often feel that their cause is righteously more important than the views of the majority. Sometimes these occur within national boundaries (Oklahoma City Bombings) or on a more international basis. (al Queda) I see it more as "David and Goliath" syndrome.

    Tactics used in the American Revolutionary War, at the time, were considered terrorist acts. The history books recorded them as tactics of a small army against a large, organized, invasionary force. Because the "terrorists" don't follow the largely accepted rules of war, the organized military has a very difficult time dealing with random tactics, random targets, and complete disregard for polite fighting.

  • 1 decade ago

    'Terrorism' has for centuries been a highly effective way for a powerless group to attack a strong enemy like an entire state.

    Zionists groups used it to bring about an independent Israel. The ANC used it to attack apartheid South Africa's government. The IRA used it to fight for Irish nationalism.

    It works: a single cheap bomb can cause billions of dollars' damage,and security to prevent it costs even more.

    A suicide bomb is even more effective, because it eliminates the problem of placing the device. If the group is desperate enough, they can find volunteers.

    Islamic groups have no shortage of bombs and willing volunteers. They're rewarded and considered heroes by those who side with them. Are you really surprised there's so much of it, given the enormous success of this tactic?


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  • 1 decade ago

    I wonder if we only believe things are getting worse just because we have more access to information with the news, the Internet, and newspapers telling us all of the horrible events in our world. I believe suicide has always been an epidemic but we now know how prevalent it is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It certainly seems that more and more car bombings and suicide bombings are making the news. But do you actually have a source on this alleged increase?

  • 1 decade ago

    I definitely don't see it as spiritual or religious, especially when the person purposely takes others with him/her. I think some of it is copycat stuff. The others are convinced by, in my opinion, very sick spiritual leaders that it is the thing to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's because of a lack of faith in the true God of creation.

    I talked to a soldier last week end who was in Iraq as military police. He said many of the casulities of the American soldiers are suicides! It's just not reported.

    Sad, very very sad,

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All that you see today, in the news, around the world has been predicted

    check this out.

    read Matthew 24

    2nd Tmothy 3:1-7

  • 1 decade ago

    Religious fringe groups are the reasons. It's the same reason that there are christians (little c because they are not followers of the Christ I follow) who murder doctors and people who perform and have had abortions. God said He was the Judge, Jury and Executionor, not anyone here on earth. "Vengence is mine", He said to those seeking to impose His will in the world. We are not to be His mouthpiece and do horrible deeds in His name. Love people and lead them ti repentance and He will do the rest.

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