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2 wks old today and not sleeping?

Of course I realize the baby needs a bit more time to sleep on a schedule but for the last few nights my son has been up all night long. Last night I tried to put him down at midnight after being fed and changed...we actually didnt get to bed until 5:30 this morning ! Any suggestions ? I am afraid he is getting his nights and days mixed up.


A few more details..the son is on breast milk, but bottle fed. He is burped regularly, has not shown any signes of colic or reflux.

He sleep using a inclined positioner in his bassinet. He also is swaddled in a blanket when he is fed his bottles.

Thanks for any help...Im becoming an insomniac involuntarily :-)

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Is he eating a lot more? He could be going through a growth spurt?

    Try to swaddle him, and gently have a rocking motion when he goes to sleep. You need to create that 10th month--you want him to feel secure, like the womb.

    Also be sure it's not colic--try a foam wedge and if using formula, try to change it to a soy-based formula.

  • 1 decade ago

    He probably does have his days and nights mixed up and that is completely normal. You can try keeping him awake for longer periods during the day and not letting him sleep as long during the day when he does sleep. Also, be sure where he sleeps isn't too dark during the day. This should help him get his body clock in tune w/ what is really day and what is really night.

    Another thing you could try at night is co-sleeping. If you're not comfortable having him in the bed with you, you could put a pack-n-play right next to your bed. New babies who sleep close to their mommas actually have a decreased risk of SIDS as your breathing sounds help him to regulate his breathing as well.

    For many months after birth, a new baby doesn't even know that he's NOT a part of you. They do not recognize that they are their own creature for about 3-4 months after birth. Up until then they think that they are a part of YOU...and it is very unsettling to them to be w/o you.

    Other than that, it is totally normal, for a baby so young to not sleep on any kind of a schedule. Every baby is different. Yours may not get into any kind of routine for months to come. Or he may get into a routine around 6-8 weeks. But each baby is different.

    The No-Cry Sleep Solution might be a helpful book for you to pick up. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My daughter is 2 months old now, and at this age she did the EXACT same thing! It seems like she never slept, and when she did it was only 2 hours! I used a snuggly for an hour or two during the day to give her some bonding time, left the TV on during the day (even when she napped) and I started co-sleeping with her for a few nights. That was enough for her to start sleeping better for me at night. Now I get a 6 hour stretch in and she has moved to her bassinet. 2 weeks old is very young and it will get much better soon. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm part of a "due date club" on the internet where new moms post questions and advice, and I've seen a lot of people with this problem. Here are a couple things that have worked for them:

    1. Keep your baby awake longer than usual in the evenings so he'll be sleepier when it's bedtime.

    2. Use a routine right before bedtime. Baby's need this. Here's one that's worked for lots of women: bath baby with lavender-scented wash, put on some lavender-scented baby lotion (lavender helps them relax) and gently massage him, then feed and change them in the dark with no sound, and put him to bed.

    3. To fix the day and night confusion, wake your baby up for every single feeding during the day- about every two hours. That way he doesn't sleep quite as much and learns to be awake during the day. Then let him sleep at night until he wakes up by himself.

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  • tcb
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There really isnt a lot to say except that its normal. He's only 2 weeks and all the sleep you got during pregnancy has worn off by now. Try the tips above and sleep when he naps. Most babies wont sleep through the night for months. And his nights and days are probably mixed up because in the womb babies sleep when mom is awake. Her movement rocks them to sleep. But also they just sleep all day anyway so they dont know what time it is. It will take time. Just sleep when you can

  • 1 decade ago

    This happened with my little one too. (she is almost 6 months now) We had a rough time from about 2-6 weeks. Just try to keep things light and busy during the day and don't let him sleep for more than three hours at stretch during the day. At night keep things dark and quiet. I know it is hard, but try not to interact too much with him socially. Just do what needs to be done (feed, change, hold him) but no cooing, playing singing etc. This will help send the message that day is for interacting and nighttime is for sleeping. I hope this helps. Just know you will get through this, it is definitely the toughest time. I remember being so exhausted I could hardly see straight, but things couldn't be more wonderful now!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was in this situation with my first son. He had his days and nights mixed up. Keep the room dark (or at least somewhat dark). Brights lights with lots of bright colors to look at can be a bit too stimulating and he may just want to stay awake longer. I made this mistake myself. I got a friend to watch him for 2 hours (at her apartment) one evening while I was home taking a desperately needed nap. He cried for about 45 minutes while he was there. That night he fell asleep at midnight and didn't wake up until 6 am! He was only 9 days old and I was thrilled that he was able to sleep that long without waking up. I felt so much better after 6 hours of sleep. After that night he slept more at night than during the day but it took until 3 months before he slept all night, every night.

    Every baby is different but my babies would want to stay awake if they had new things to look at. They were easily visually stimulated. Newborns can see well at short distances (like 8 to12 inches according to some parenting books) but they can see different shapes and different colors from objects further away. I believe a different apartment for a couple of hours gave him a reason to want to stay awake longer during the day (new things to see) leaving him exhausted that night. Hence the reason he slept so well that night.

    Other mothers may disagree as to whether "cool things to look at" would give a reason for a newborn to want to stay awake longer at night but I think it is something to consider with your newborn if you're leaving the lights on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just work on creating a same time schedule for you and sweetie-pie. My girls really did well with bath @7pm, then a massage with lavender lotion, then jammies, swaddle in blankie, then bottle. Keep lights dim for all of this. Rock in chair till drowsy, then lights out. He may take a few more weeks to get the hang of routine, but try to stick to it as much as possible. He will feel secure by knowing what to expect which will result in a happier baby.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is normal for an infant to get their days and nights mixed up. You have to train them to get onto a schedule and it takes much longer than 2 weeks. Some tips would be to try to put him to bed at the same time each night (even if he doesn't want to!), turning off the lights at night, keeping the noise down, speaking to him in hush tones (or not at all) during midnight feedings, etc. During the day, you want to let the light in so he sees daylight, not be as quiet, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    i have two things my daughter at that age didnt sleep because of gas and acid reflux,simple solution buy Gerber gas drops 2 drops before or after meal then burp and your fine this helped her reflux a little to then doctors put her on reflux meds and she got over her sleepless night almost instantly and at about 6 months old her reflux was gone..secondly my brother at 5 days old got his days and nights mixed up and sadly died of sids (sudden infant death) by the time he was 3 weeks old..not trying to scare you just making you aware...good luck and i hope you get some rest...hope i helped

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