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Skylers Mama

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  • Knitting a blanket - beginner?

    Just starting, I know I can do multi pieces and knit them together. I have a pattern that is just gorgeous, but it says to cast on 145, how do I do that ? Is it a single stitch or a way to double up, cause I can not imagine having 145 stitches on the that possible

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • preschool and behavior?

    My son is 3 1/2 and has been in pre-k 3, he loves it and seems to enjoy the half day schedule. If he listens and does not get a time out during the day the teacher gives him a sticker. When school first started he got stickers every day. Now, he seems to have issues with touching the other kids to get their attention. He isn't touching inappropriately or to hurt them, but it starts to get annoying to the other kids. The teacher is wonderful and reminds him him to keep his hands to himself once or twice before sitting him in time out, which means he doesn't get his sticker. He is old enough to remember that if he does get his sticker he gets a special treat at home so is he old enough to understand his action results in correction at home ? My son is very intelligent and has no other issues that either I, his teacher or his pediatrician are concerned about. He is very strong willed and I want to start putting expectations to his behavior but I want to make sure he is old enough to understand them.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Not sure what to do ?

    My husband and I constantly fight about money and pretty much everything else you can think of. He has three kids that live with us and a 10mth old baby together. I am the primary care giver of all of the kids and make more money then my husband. I am so over being yelled at and told that I am wrong or not enough, I am only 29 yrs old I dont think I should have to put up with this. Of course everytime I fight back he turns it around on me and again its all my fault. One of the problems outside of the kids is neither one of us can afford our house w/o the other person ? Any suggestions on what to do, please dont say try to work it out..I have several times..we have been together for 8 years now !

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Older kids?

    my husband and I have a 2 mth old baby boy. His three kids live with us, the youngest being 12yr old girl. We dont ask the kids to take care of the baby or anything but we just found an email with her telling her friend that she hates the baby. What do we do ? If I come out and ask her about it then she realizes that we have access to her email (no judgement she is 12 and we have stopped several problems before they started ) I dont want her to resent the baby but I dont know how to get across to her that he is only a baby

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • 9 wks old and anxiety separation ???

    Isnt this to early for separation anxiety ? I just recently started back to work..out of necessity not because I want to. Anyway, my mother watches my son who is 9 wks, he is loved on all day, fed when he is suppose to be and overal very well taken care of. The first day he was perfect, slept when he was suppose to and was a happy camper. The second day he was fussy and refuses to sleep for my mom or my husband. He literally shakes his head back and forth to keep himself awake. I get home he wants only to be held by me and is so tired he doesnt want to play or "talk" he settles against my shoulder and goes right to sleep. I put him in his bed after holding him for a little while and he sleeps for 6 hrs. Could he be missing me during the day ?? He is also starting to teeth so I know he probably isnt feeling his best during the day.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 2 am and he is raring to go ?

    My son is 7 wks today. From everything I read he is suppose to be sleeping about 14 or so hours a day..he is no where near that. He only power naps during the day, a half hour tops at a time maybe three times a day if Im lucky and maybe 6 hrs a night. He will be fussy and act tired but refuses to sleep. Have tried everything, the lavender scented bath, music, rocking. car...what is going on ?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Still awake ?

    Well its 4:30 am and my son has been wide awae since 9 pm...he is 1 mth..does it sound like he has his days and nights confused. how do i fix this, thought he was to young to have them backwards but having seconds thoughts on that now.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • On their back or on their tummy ?

    So I know they say babies should be put to bed on their back to reduce the risk of do they know this if they have no idea what causes SIDs ? I was a nanny for newborn twins about 10 yrs ago..when they said to always put the baby down on their tummy. Is there are actual risk or is it thought to be a risk ? My son is a month old, can lift his head and HATES sleeping on his back...he can be dead asleep when I put him down on his back two minutes later he has woken himself up..if I put him down on his tummy he sleeps 6-7 hrs without a problem. Any idea why the medical field switched from tummy to side to back ?

    21 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • will i sleep ever again ?

    my son is just over 3 wks old and will not stay asleep in his bed. I feed him, burp him, change his diaper and have him wrapped in a blanket. He will sleep in his car seat or swing, is this okay ? I can not allow hin to cry himself to sleep b/c my hubby has to get up early...any suggestions ?

    18 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 3 WK old fights sleep?

    My son is now 3 wks old and he fights sleep something horrible. While Im holding him he is totally relaxed and asleep to the point where you can move his arms and legs without him resisting hit. I can lay him down and he is out for about 10 minutes, then he starts squirming around until he has woken himself takes about 15 minutes before he starts crying..does anyone else have this issue with their newborn ?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding vs Expressing?

    My son is 17 days old and since my milk came in he refuses to take the breast...he did nurse the 1st 24 hrs. I have been expressing, this works for me because my husband can feed the baby also. However, I have several people...two being Dr's pressuring me to force the baby to nurse. I know he can be trained but isnt it possible he just doesnt like it ? He had a 10% weight loss before I started to express..since moving to a bottle he has gained all the weight back plus. Should I stick with what works ?

    18 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 2 wks old today and not sleeping?

    Of course I realize the baby needs a bit more time to sleep on a schedule but for the last few nights my son has been up all night long. Last night I tried to put him down at midnight after being fed and changed...we actually didnt get to bed until 5:30 this morning ! Any suggestions ? I am afraid he is getting his nights and days mixed up.

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is this a type of contraction ?

    I am five days late, having pinching feeling in the vaginal painful contractions just the pinching...what is this ???

    Is the cervix dilating without contractions ?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Cats and water?

    My two cats, both 2 yrs old insist on drinking out of the faucets particularly the tub faucet. I tried a bowl but they wont even touch it, so I got a drinkwell fountain that has the waterfall. Every time they go to the faucet I take them to their water and tell them this is where you drink. It worked a few times now they just run away from it. Any tips on training the cats to drink from the water bowl ? I dont want them to dehydrate I am hoping that if they need the water and there is nothing else available they will drink from it but I dont know.

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Anyone starving before going into labor ?

    I am now overdue, today I slept in until 11am, that is unheard of, and I want to eat constantly but everytime I try to eat Im not really that hungry does this just sound odd to anyone??

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Contractions?

    Okay, so Im due tomorrow..had a membrane sweep yesterday. Have been miserable all day today, keep having the painless contractions with hot flashes, I know that the painless ones make you dilate because Im at 3, should I start keeping track of these now or wait to see if pain kicks in ? My water hasnt broken but I have been told not to rely on that.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Cervix sweep?

    Had a Dr appt today, I am due Sat May 12th. I am only at 2 cm, so they did a cervix sweep to see if they could get my body moving a bit faster. This was very uncomfortable but hope it has been three hours since the contractions long does this take to get something moving and what are the chances that it actually will get something moving ??

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Cat playing to rough with other cat?

    I have two cats, they are brother and sister and have not been separate at all since their birth. I have had them since they were 9 wks old..they are going on 2 yrs now. Recently the male cat has been attacking my female cat and removing large chunks of fur from her neck. This last time the chunk is pretty bad and I think I need to take her to the do I get the male cat to stop ? He is playing to rough.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago