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will i sleep ever again ?

my son is just over 3 wks old and will not stay asleep in his bed. I feed him, burp him, change his diaper and have him wrapped in a blanket. He will sleep in his car seat or swing, is this okay ? I can not allow hin to cry himself to sleep b/c my hubby has to get up early...any suggestions ?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    babies are not suppose to sleep all night for the first couple months, they should be waking up about every 4 hours for feedings. if he is happy in his car seat or swing then go for it but he should still wake up every 4 hours or so.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh gosh-I remember the days. My son is now one and sleeps from 7pm to 7am straight. Those days are coming and believe it or not you'll miss these sleepless nights.

    In the meantime, the car seat and swing are fine, but I'd try and transition him into his crib. Maybe during the day when you are home try and rock him for a little while and then put him in the crib or bassinett?

    By the way, I hope your hubby is getting up during the night to feed the baby to give you a full night's sleep! (If you breastfeed you could pump)

    My husband said "You get up because I work". Well, taking care of your baby is much harder work than any job a man can have. One idea I wish we tried and we will do for baby number 2-

    I'll go to bed at 8 or 830 and sleep until 2am. I'm in charge of feedings after 2am. My husband is in charge of feedings from 8pm-2am and can sleep from 2-630 or 7. That way we each get 5 or 6 hours of uninterupted sleep. Make sense?

    Back to your question-during the day I would rub his tummy, caress him and make soothing sounds while he is in the crib to help him feel more relaxed. Have you tried relaxing cds or a fan? My baby liked that "white noise".

    Good luck and you will sleep again...I promise!

  • 1 decade ago

    You could try laying him down in the opposite direction of how you usually do (head where feet usually are) this worked for my daughter. You could also try attaching a womb bear to the bed, this helped me also. Keep in mind that at 3 weeks he will only sleep 2 0r 3 hrs. in between feedings. If these don't work let him sleep in the car seat or swing but make sure they are in a reclining position. Tell the hubby losing sleep comes with the territory; it won't last forever.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your hubby may have to get up early but he is just going to have to suck it up for a few nights. Your child needs to get in the habit of sleeping where you want him to sleep and your hubby needs to help with this. After all he is a dad now that is his job. keep in mind that 3 wk olds do not sleep much yet. usually only 3/4 hours between feedings.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It takes awhile to get back some sleep. If the baby sleeps in the swing or car seat let them. My son would only sleep in the car seat for the 1st 3 months. his head is a little flat so try and get him weaned sooner if you do this. You will always be tired but you get use to it. $ hrs straight is like heaven.

    Source(s): Mommy of 7 month old boy!
  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter only slept in her swing until she was 12-14 months. She is 3 now and she still doesn't sleep through the night. But the swing worked great for us for the first year.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it will take some time but once he starts to sleep though the night yes you will get some sleep. All mom's have been though this no sleep before you have the baby and no sleep after you have the baby. when he finally does go to sleep, you sleep also. Maybe you have a mother or someone close who can watch him for a couple of hours so you can get some sleep.

    good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    My friend let's her 3 week old sleep in his Boppy. I co-slept with my daughter until she was 3 months old. Think what you till, but I got to sleep at night! She didn't start really sleeping through the night until about 3-3 and 1/2 months.

    Best of luck!

  • Kylie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Get him one of those little baby rocker seats and see if he wants to sleep in that near you.

    If you have to cuddle him until he gets tired, then lay him on that when you are watching TV, or folding the washing or something. He may like to be near you. (The rockers that vibrate are particularly soothing)

    Just remember that he doesn't know anyone or anything and he has worked out after 3 weeks that you are that nice lady that feeds him and cuddles him. He has learned to trust and rely on you - so do whatever you have to do to comfort and be there for him.

    Have fun!

  • 1 decade ago

    Where ever the child will sleep, let him sleep. If he needs to be wrapped up tightly and strapped into the car seat, DO IT!! Do anything you have to do to get sleep. Make sure that you nap when he naps. Take the telephone off the hook so you can rest.

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