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Are we being hoaxed ?re pregnant 12 yr.old ?

I have just answered a question about from a pregnant 12 yr.old, in all good faith,. and have been reading some of the other answers and it has been suggested that it is a hoax and that the asker has submitted previous questions which contradict each other.Is there no way of monitoring to prevent this happening if it is the case?Please don't anyone reply and tell me that I am a gullible fool because I am new to yahoo answers and had not seen her name against any other questions.I would not have thought anyone could be so vile or sick as to do such a thing.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have a good heart and tried to help. That's what Answers if for. You are in good company with the rest of us!!!

    Let it go. There are other people waiting to hear from you.

  • 1 decade ago

    You never know.. At 12, kids always help each other out (Think more along the lines of "my friends thinks you're cute"). She might just be trying to get advice for a friend who needs help. Or maybe she is curious about what would happen if that situation ever presented itself. It's hard to say, some kids like to make up stories, and some really do have tough lives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Yahoo Answers pregnancy boards are often frequented by little girl drama queens who more suitably should still be playing with dolls but get kicks out of trying to shock people. That said, there do seem to be an incredibly depressing amount of real posts from pregnant teenagers. I want to know where the parents are, and what happened to sex education in this country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ohhhh welcome to Y!Answers. When I am spending some time out time to myself, I love to spend it here on this forum. That being said however, you will find every single day teenagers pretending to be pregnant. Or magically finding out they are pregnant, and their 9 month pregnancy lasts about 2-3 weeks (if you read their previous questions) and you hear everything from they are possibly miscarrying, to delivering triplets, to they are in labor and their parents still dont know... yadda yadda. It's highly annoying. Its very very very likely the person you were reading about was just a 'hoax'.

    Source(s): Me. Mom of 3 with twins due in July.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Problem is you DO get pregnant 12 year olds here... The church tried to force 9 year old Nicuragura rape victems to give birth.

    So have to take it seriously even though you have very stupid, (of the think its funny to pull fake fire calls that could get somone burnt to death mentality) twats who think its funny to make it up.

    Problem is when the real ones come here they will get taken as fake and many already deeply trumaised may go suicidal or try some sort of DIY abortion with a coat hanger and would be the fault of idiots like you are describing

  • 1 decade ago

    Judging by her previous questions I'd say so even her excuse for them is quite feeble i mean she is a very literate person and says that her sister made a new yahoo account so she is using her sister old one why couldn't she just make herself one? also she says she can't figure out how to change her name and now suddenly she has, this girl lies. Also in some of her questions she says i am 13;_ylt=ArUFj... but now she's 12? that question was a month ago and she even mentioned not wanting to lose her virginity!!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    observed isn't inevitably a horror, that's a secret. And truthfully, definite she would have the ability to. regardless of if she is scared afterwards she knows this is not actual, the action picture itself is honestly truly tame whilst in comparison with maximum horrors inspite of idiots asserting its the scariest action picture ever. yet asserting all of that, the action picture isn't very stable. that's often truly uninteresting and not something truly 'frightening' happens until the appropriate 20 minutes. And whilst it does take place, that's honestly truly disappointing. although, human beings under 14 often like that action picture so i could say provide it a shot. There are plenty greater valuable horror's available yet you are able to practice it to her and she or he would be able to be high quality, assured.

  • 1 decade ago

    More than likely it's some punk teenage kid trying to stir up trouble.

    I found that it's best (when you read a question like this) to go to the person's profile and read their other questions and answers before replying with your own. If their other questions are ludicrous, they're probably fake.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In a way I really hope this is a hoax. Pregnant at 12 how very sad for all involved.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you click on the picture in her question, you can see her previous questions and answers. This will tell you if they are correct. If she is making stuff up you can flag it for yahoo to look at, they will pull it if they find anything objectionable! Just keep answering, you never know when it might be true, and you might be able to help!

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