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does anyone out there feel that some doctors just donnot care when it comes to your treatment of an illness?

i have had a neuro. dr for about 3 years ,i went to him because he had treated a previous nerve problem i had but since my shingles in 04 i have been seeing him for seizures and all the addons it brings,he just doesnot seem to care,he sent me to another specialist for a sec. opinion and they almost see eye to eye but i just donnot feel any better,i donnot wish to go through another year of sickness and missing work and deciding if i should file for disability

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's your mothers job to care about you. doctors's job is to treat your illness with the best of their abilities. Some doctors have better bedside manners that make you think they care more for you than others, but that is totally irrelevant to curing your problem unless its all in your head.

  • Rainy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    all they care about is the money . . my husband has sinus 's and has been getting head aches well he went to the doctor and the doctor sent him for MRI, brain scan and then put him on migraine medicine . . we have no insurance so we are still paying for these treatments... yet my husband has had terrible reactions to the meds dizzy to the point he couldn't walk or even see straight and the doctor wants him to come in and will not even return a phone call we just get the appointment lady calling saying he'll have to come in but can't come in until the bill is paid in full . . we are paying 150 per month we owe 1900.00 so some time next year my husband will be able to go back to the doctor. Doctors don't care about anything but the money . . don't understand why the doctor didn't even try some sinus meds. probally cause there's not enough money in curing my husband

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Medical doctors know a lot about medicine, but they don't know much about health. If you want to regain your health, you must take matters into your own hands.

    Research alternative health treatments on the internet. Educate yourself, and stop wasting time and money at the doctor's office. They are good for emergencies, but not much else.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would select your own specialist and get a 3rd opinion. I know what you mean about doctors not caring. My husband switched doctors after he went to ours for rectal bleeding and bowel problems, and they gave him some nasal spray for allergies! What a crock. He switched, and then was referred to a specialist who had to do some minor surgery on him to remove some polyps. You might also try , you can check on your symptoms and compare to what they are saying. It is very useful.

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