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  • checkers anyone?

    i am looking for a online game of checkers online free,all sources have too many passwords , to know or downloads

    3 AnswersBoard Games1 decade ago
  • making fun of what you donnot know?

    if you donnot have mental issues ,you should not make fun of others, children and adults can have mental issues from all walks of life so please donnot make fun.

    16 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • the correct spelling is abilify ,thak you SABRINA?


    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • does anyone take amblify for their mental issues?

    i have been on this med since aug. 1 ,it has helped me and for once a dr. has helped me by putting me on a med that works on the whole me,not just putting a bandade on something. i am feeling better each day.

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • what kind of religious piece do you wear?

    i wear a guardian angel around my neck,it gives me extra peace.

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • some ways you can deal with pseudo-seizures?

    i have talked with a dr.about it and i am on meds,but i just want these pseudo-seizures to go away for good.

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • how do you feel about celebrities helping foreign countries?

    i sometimes wonder if celebreties are truly interested in the problems as hunger,no schools, no health care .they give their monies to dafar ,oprah builds a school is it from the heart,for show,for tax writeoffs,i think it is all good but what about some of the situations here in the usa,if you were a famous person would you do the same

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • doctorology show?

    to the person whose question i just answered abot the new show coming on discovery health i just saw the commercial for it ,it will be coming on , on saturdays,i wanted to make the correction

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • rebuttal to beacbum?

    i was saying if the youg lady ferrell had lived in a black neighborhood ,i donnot think her belongings would have been thrown all out on the grass ,if her neighbors are angry and i do understand but donnot throw another persons things around ,if the cop had of been caucasian and had a caucasian h.s. classmate(female) what would have happenend?the cutts man was wrong to take 2 lives and the poor jesse davis and the loss for her family,but miss ferell's family will suffer too ni am not out for racial issues i just feel sorry for the young lady

    1 AnswerEtiquette1 decade ago
  • does anyone out there feel sorry the ex cop,cutts female former classmate,i think she got duped by him?

    i saw on fox news this am where the female h.s.classmate of the cutts man that brutally killed his girlfriend jesse davis,but how did he dupe the poor classmate into helping him,the thing i saw is where all of her caucasian neighbors were just throwing her belongings out of her apt. all on the grass ,like a witch hunt,they didnot have the right to do that,i didnot see any african american neighbors throwing her stuff out ,if there had been any african american neighbors around they would have not done that,just awful ,awful awful,miss ferrell i think is her last name will need a highprofile lawyer to help her, she needs an oprah and others to help her,she looked so pitiful,i hope she won't have to go down the tube with that excop,some friend he is,with friends like that who needs enemies,

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • are they taking the show ugly betty off?

    i watched an episode where the main issue was betty's gucci purse,she had many offers for it but traded it for meds her dad needed at the pharmacy,after all was said and done and she solved all the issues of her boss and his hosting a potential client and his entonrage and spending only a small amt of money,at the end of the episde she says she is going to miss this place

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • i am looking for a childhood friends of mine ,they are brother and sister,jean and john percy jr.?

    we grew up in asheville ,n.c. together and later our parents at different times moved us to tuskegee ,al the percy's father was chaplin at the v.a. hospital in tuskegee awhile jean john and i went to school in elementary and some of hs then i think they and their parents moved to va. i would really like some help

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • does anyone out there feel that some doctors just donnot care when it comes to your treatment of an illness?

    i have had a neuro. dr for about 3 years ,i went to him because he had treated a previous nerve problem i had but since my shingles in 04 i have been seeing him for seizures and all the addons it brings,he just doesnot seem to care,he sent me to another specialist for a sec. opinion and they almost see eye to eye but i just donnot feel any better,i donnot wish to go through another year of sickness and missing work and deciding if i should file for disability

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • i am on meds for shingles,that does not interfere with meds,i need sleep ,no seizures,no pain, rest?

    my meds help ,but cost ,too much,i am miserable,i am in pain,shake all the time,please help me.... it is wearing me out,i am tired of not sleeping well,being in pain,i am tired,i eat well ,exercise, somebody help ,if i need to spend the whole summer in a special place away from here and not work this summer,i will i have blue cross blueshield ins.please i am in paini need some other help like an herb that will not mess with my meds,i have colon issues too ,i am on zelnorm

    7 AnswersAlternative Medicine2 decades ago