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some ways you can deal with pseudo-seizures?

i have talked with a dr.about it and i am on meds,but i just want these pseudo-seizures to go away for good.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pseudoseizures (Somatoform Disorder) are dissociative symptoms and psychotherapy is the treatment method most effective for it. They generally arise in response to trauma initially but they can become a habitual way of responding to current stressors. Meds may take the edge off, but therapy is what really treats the disorder by helping you learn to stay grounded and tolerate the triggering emotions as well as to find more effective and healthy means of coping with the symptoms. Try and find a therapist with experience or expertise in trauma or dissociative disorders.

    Source(s): 20 years as a psychotherapist with specialization in dissociative disorders
  • 1 decade ago

    You might need a second opinion if the doc is not caring. Otherwise, remember it might take time for the meds to take hold, and/or they might need to tinker with the dosage to get it right.

    Hang in there and good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Psychotherapy might be good for you. We're you referred to a psychologist?

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