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how do you feel about celebrities helping foreign countries?

i sometimes wonder if celebreties are truly interested in the problems as hunger,no schools, no health care .they give their monies to dafar ,oprah builds a school is it from the heart,for show,for tax writeoffs,i think it is all good but what about some of the situations here in the usa,if you were a famous person would you do the same

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree...I think it is great to help all those in need in other countries, but they should help at home just as much, if not more. We have some tremendously needy people in the US.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, if I was famous I would help others. Guess what? I'm NOT famous, but I help others anyways. Camera and news crews are more apt to report that Angelina Jolie is holding babies in Africa, or that Bono is challenging politicians to give money for the starving....than following ME around. If you don't have any money, thats have something more valuable. TIME. Just giving some of your time for someone or some cause is better than, wondering what dumb ***** celebrity is going to get a DUI, or which dumb ***** celebrity is starving herself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ^I believe most do it from the heart, and I think it's great. A lot of celebrities, including athletes actually have helped here as well, if it wasn't for them, the people whose lives were destroyed by hurricane Karina would still have nothing, remember F. E. M. A. they did nothing or should I say to little to late.

  • JAT
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure it's a question of either or. Some of those folks give a lot locally too. And you gotta admit, some of those places where there are thousands of kids dying of hunger and disease every day need to get a fairly high priority.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i think it might some times be for reasons other than to help the people but look at it this way the people in the countries atleast get help and thats what realli matter and if i was a celebrity i would help the people only because it might brighten their day and make them happy...also some celebs help us in the situations in the usa

  • 1 decade ago

    Perhaps the motivation isn't important if real good is being done. I feel that we all have a duty to give back to society for the resources consumed in our journey to self sustainability, but if one wants publicity and is willing to give just as much, then by all means.

  • 1 decade ago

    they shouldn't have to leave the country all the time.there are plenty of needy people here in the united states who need homes and all that other stuff (education,health,etc) that's why angelina Jolie gets on my LAST nerve..

  • 1 decade ago

    They do that for Tax break dear....not out of goodness of their heart.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


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