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Ultra sound tonight!?

I have my ultra sound tonight to find out the sex of our baby. I've had my mind set on a girl but today i woke up just thinking they would tell me its going to be a boy. I will be happy with either but what have been your experiences with something like that? We already have one son, and boys run in my husbands family (his dad had 5!) so maybe that's why i'm thinking it will be another boy.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had my heart set on a boy, I went in there knowing it was a girl was a boy!!! good luck!!!

    Source(s): mommy of a 6 month old boy and loving every minute of it!!
  • 1 decade ago

    There is a lot to say for "Mother's Intuition." When I was pregnant with my first I just knew he was a boy. His dad wanted to be surprised so we never had the "big" ultrasound. When he was born and they said boy, I was not surprised. Mom's just know. With my second I had a "feeling" I was having a girl, low and behold I was right again. But this only seems to work on your own children, I have been wrong on all my sisters' kids. Good Luck to you, you will find out soon enough!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh honey-I was keft alone and pg. I wanted a girl sooo bad-I had no clue on how to raise a boy. My 1st sonogram the doc told me that it was a boy-I cried for 2 weeks. Everyone bought me boy things. Well She popped out with no wee wee. If its another boy be greatful. I can no longer have babies and I would kill to have a boy or girl. Be thank ful of your gift no matter the sex. But Im rooting for you. Girls are fun but boys can be too. He may have abig bro to help w you like potty training and stuff like that.Don't bank on your husbands family. It all comes down to his fishys not his dads. Godd luck hon

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, this is SOOO much fun!! I had two girls. With my first one, I just knew it was a girl. I didn't find out until she was born...I cried and cried!!

    With my second, I had a dream that it was a boy, and honey he was so precious!! He didn't have any hair, just a little bit of blonde fuzz, and he had big blue eyes. I can see him right this minute....but during the ultrasound they said it was a girl....and I was so happy I cried and cried...

    So, you see, either way I cried because I was so happy!! I guess it just makes it more grounded and real to know what it actually is.

    Good luck!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I had a feeling it was a boy ( I wanted a girl), since they run in my husband's family and it was our 1st...turns out it was a girl!! I know you are gonna be happy with either sex, but I hope you have a girl! I'm so happy with mine, they are so cute and sweet! Mine is an angel :p

    Source(s): new mommy to a 4 month old baby girl
  • 1 decade ago

    I always had a "feeling" about what I was having. And it turned out I did "know". Maybe it was coincidence, who knows.

    Congratulations!!!! :)

    Source(s): Mom of a 10 year old and 23 weeks with #2
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You'll find out soon enough

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