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Has Big Brother got it wrong over emily?

So she uses a racial word - one on one - as a bit od psuedo lesbian sparring whilst dancing - and Apologies but stil they throw her out.

Yet black people use the term ****** all the time.

Have we gone PC mad.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mountain out of a molehill again, and why chuck her out in the middle of the night, when she only had her nightdress on.

  • 1 decade ago

    No it was upper middle class people that coined that phrase back in the days when we enslaved black people. To throw the term round that loosely shows she is either completely ignorant of her culture or just plain stupid. After all the problems last year I am sure Big Brother would have pre warned all the contestants to be extra careful.. She appeared to be a well educated girl.. She either did it to be controversial or genuinely has no idea why the term was ever offencive.

    As regards to black people using it as a friendly phrase to each other. I feel it's the same principle as 'insulting your own family but not tolerating others to insult them'.

    BB can't take the risk with any more racist backlash. They lost millions in advertising and reputation.

    Emily was a silly, naive little girl who deserved to lose her place in BB.

  • 1 decade ago

    Stifler's Mom... here's your explanation. The N word has been, more than any other either in terms of racism, or other forms of discrimination, the absolute epitome of race hate. So much so that it has taken on a symbolic status way beyond the confines of normal language. the way it can be used acceptably is EXTREMELY complex now, but probably the best way to explain it to the kids is that this is a word that has been used down the centuries to demean black people. Now that blacks are less excluded from society and have gained a footing that many feel to be parity of equality, they have reclaimed the word for themselves. They have, in effect, taken ownership of it. There are (honestly) still strict rules that define when it is appropriately used, but the broadest terms dictate that it is OK to be used by black people to black people, but completely unacceptable in the mouth of a white person. You can tie this is with explaining and teaching them about the major Civil rights campaigns to explain just why blacks have earned the right to use it how they choose.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the whole thing was a set up.

    Think about it if there was another race row then there would have been such an uproar and BB would have to be cancelled, especially as they didn't interveen in CBB earlier this year.

    So instead of loosing 15% of their revenue a year, they pay someone to 'accidently' say something that will clearly cause an uproar. (which it did)

    So incomes Emily who is known as an actress. Acts like shes from this high class family who goes to Uni and gives the impression she is very well to do.

    Now she got put up for nomination which put a spanner in the works because if she leaves then she wouldn't have done her job, so she goes out of her way to find out if Ziggy nominated her and when she does she only has a limited time in which to say what she was put in the house to say.

    The context in which she used it was so unnessersary which makes it even more suspicious.

    So there you go shes said the word, channel 4 kick her out making them look like heros, and they keep their word to Emily by fully backing her and making statements in her defence. So everyone wins.

    Channel 4 look like heros after what happened earlier in the year, they get to keep their 15% revenue that it brings in and they have put someone in the firing line but back the person up completely so she doesn't become a public hate figure and Emily gets a bit of ££££££££ in the process.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it was a mountain out of a molehill. They had to do something as they would just have had all the complaints and cries of 'racism' they did on CBB. They could have warned and punished Emily not evicted her, especially not in the middle of the night when she was asleep. The real culprit here is that Charley (can't stand her) - she kept saying forget it, she wasn't offended and to shut up about so as not to get Emily into trouble and then did just that - went behind Emily's back and told everyone and acted like she was offended. She wanted Emily to get the boot. Why Ziggy did not nominate her I will never know.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's one thing one black person saying it to another cause nowadayz this is seen as greeting ('Yes my n*****)

    For one Emily is White and that word should never of come out let alone in the way that it did... She babbles on about people back home saying to each other but when Ashleign* came into BB she never came out with it and she was 'Street' spoken...

    I think she personaly thought it would be made a joke with Charley and that she wanted to fit in more with her..

    Personaly I think Channel four were right to get rid of her.. She was getting on my nerves big time. Okay maybe not a 3am with no underwear on.. y it took 7hrs to come up with there action i do not know...

  • 1 decade ago

    It’s ridiculous that she was kicked out.

    I think racism, and discrimination of any kind, is totally disgusting and unacceptable in any instance, but Emily wasn’t being racist. She was in the garden having a laugh with Charley and Nikki, just joking around, when she said that word in a comment she meant to be funny.

    Ok, it was probably stupid of her to say it, especially since what happened on Celebrity BB, but if she is guilty of anything it is of being ignorant to the effect that word has on a lot of people.

    She didn’t say it in a hate filled way, she said it in a way which is constantly being seen on American television and in music. The word is being used so much in the media that it’s obviously going to seep into people’s minds, especially when they see it in comedies etc being used in a gag. If a person, of any background, hears it being said in a jokey, non-offensive, manner which they find funny, its only obvious that they will use it themselves, either consciously or unconsciously, without even thinking of how it might sound to someone who is sensitive to the word.

    As Emily didn’t mean it in a racist way, I think that BB should have explained to her that the use of the word is unacceptable in the house, because some of the viewing public may find it offensive, and they should have told her to make it clear to Charley that it wasn’t meant in a hurtful way towards her, and then they should have let it go… She probably would have been evicted tonight anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would like to know why some people think it's okay for a black person to use "the n word" to another black person, but if you're not black it's unacceptable???? Either you find it offensive or not regardless of who uses the term.

    I am a person who will not tolerate racism in my house, and am raising my children to never judge anyone by colour/culture. How do I explain to them that it's unacceptable to use "the n word" as it's offensive, when they hear people using it in a non-offensive way all the time?? I won't allow them to use it, and I am not judging anyone who does use it, but surely you can see my

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they are trying to set a bench mark of what isn't acceptable for future hsemates but I think it was a little OTT to chuck her out, possibly some form of in house apology and explanation and punishment plus a full explanation of some BB rules regarding the matter by her in the diary room may have sufficed but it's done and dusted now so I for one will move on and just hope Charley doesn't keep on playing tricks like she did with the weeing in the shower thing and now telling Shabs about it knowing she'd confront her then ask her(Shabs) why she brought it up.

    Come on peeps move on for whatever Deity you believe ins sake.

    Kind regards


  • 1 decade ago

    When i saw Emily say it to Charley on last nights BB i really didn't think she was saying it to be racist it anyway and she did explain that it is a norm for her to say it to her friends and for her friends to say it to her so i really believe that it wasn't meant in a racial way.

    I think BB only acted the way they did over the controversy on celeb BB and with a lot of media attention on BB over the racist row between Jade, Joe, Daniella and Shillpa they had to be seen to act in a way that showed us that they don't accept and racist comment even if it was meant in a racist way or not.

    I think its a little unfair that Emily was removed as if she had called a fat person fat she wouldn't have been removed and no body would have made a big deal out of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    C4 will happily broadcast gangster rappers hurling out the N word in torrents of racist invective that advocate gun crime, drug dealing and prostitution yet when a youngster regurgitates the very same crap that they have broadcast suddenly it`s unacceptable. To then have to watch them milking the whole affair by airing the views of a bunch of holier than thou PC bigots on Big Brothers big mouth was just sickening I think even Galloway seemed a bit uncomfortable.

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