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Taj has outlived its usefulness for India?

As per a theory, Taj was built by destroying some old temple or palace. These guys have pretty strong arguments. If this is the case, Taj is a symbol of atrocity and not the love.

If above is not the case, then as per folklore, it was built by best builders and craftsman whose hands were chopped off after the construction. Still then it is a symbol fo atrocity and not of love.

I went to agra and sikandara looks more serene to me compared to Taj mahal. Taj signifies opulence without any soul in it. Then do we really need this soulless thing to be our national symbol. With god's grace, India now has enough to feed its citizen and we need not preserve symbols from the dying philosphy & manner of living. What we need is the modern structures and not these atrocious things. More tourists will come if we give them something of present. Past can only attract a few.

Lets not be emotional, but think from rational angle and then answer. All trolls will be duly reported and blocked.


Those who are here for point gaming will get blocked and if multiple people block you, yoour yahoo account can get blocked also.

Now my point is that India should build modern structures and invite more and more foreigners to these rather than to a soulless structure reeking of blood and sweat of someone. We should increse people to people contact and tourists hsopuld remember us for our current culture and some forgoten times.

Update 2:

I never said that it should be destroyed. My point is that Indian tourism shopuld now focus on something new to be built by New india. Even now, lots os visitors are now coming to our IT cities and appreciate these. Why not we can create something like that. If agra is also developed like this, believe me, Taj will lose its shine. It looks great only because of its surrounding, otherwiswe there is nothing so remarkable about it.

Also, I am an Indian, so talking about Indian symbols. Egyption or other sysmbols are the responsilitity of that countries.

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Hmm .. u right. I never knew the story behind Taj. It seems more attrocious now to me when I heard that the hands of the architects were chopped off not to construct any thing like that.

    Again ! ppl r mad & out of sense in love & when pride hits the head.

  • 1 decade ago

    Taj has NOT outlived its usefulness. It has become an unforgettable memorial of love and a symbol of brilliant Indian architecture. Besides, Taj is currently the biggest tourist attractant in India. Furthermore, nobody is stopping people from building new structures. Just look at the Bahai lotus temple built in 1987 or the marvellous Delhi Akshardham, opened in the 21st century.

    Secondly, India does not have enough to feed its citizens. Yes, I agree that the economic progress in last 10 years has helped cut down abject poverty by 10 % and that is great. But still 25% of people live below poverty line and it will take atleast 20 more years before we eliminate abject poverty.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what the hell is wrong with you, you call yourself an Indian? I dont care if yahoo comes and arrests me for sayin my opinion.

    first of all where the hell did u get the idea that the Taj was made of atrocity, it is a love story made of white marble. Shah Jahan was not a creul person, go educate yourself kid the mughals were muslims, not no slave drivers, of course they had to use slaves, how else would they biuld it with no technology? and yea if u want to criticize india's tourism dont talk **** about the taj, u want to build new monuments, fine it wouldnt hurt, but also india is not a wealthy nation and no it cannot fully feed everyone, why the hell do u think there are bumbs living on the street everywhere, have u even ever been to India? the taj was not build so people like u can crticize it, go educate yourself first kid.

    Source(s): my indian brain
  • 1 decade ago

    If that's how you feel, then the Egyptian pyramids should also be destroyed, since they were built by slaves, even though they are the symbol of Egypt.

    Either way, if you think about it in a practical manner, destroying the Taj Mahal would greatly hurt India's tourism industry. The Taj Mahal is also a historical building. I don't think destroying ancient and historical sights is ever a good idea. I think they should be preserved. Modern buildings are not as appealing to tourists, because they have no historical significance.

    I think people can marvel at the building while having respect for the designer and constructors of it. Many very old sights were built in questionable manners:

    Pyramids of Egypt (slave labor)

    Taj Mahal of India

    the Parthenon of Greece (slave labor)

    Great Wall of China (slave labor)

    Borobudur of Indonesia (slave labor)

    Would you really want all of those to be destroyed? I think it would be quite tragic to see them torn down simply because people were injured to construct them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Normally I am the one to say...everyone to their own devices and views. Its true that you might find other buildings like Sikandra more serene than the magnificent Taj but the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. What is sublime to me might be ugly for you, but that does not mean that you ahve a right to break down what I think is sublime just coz its ugly to you.

    Over centuries the Taj has been cited as a masterpiece of not only architecture and symmetery but also aesthetics. You might lack in appreciation of those factors but it is your view. I think the Taj is beautiful and no matter if the hands of the carvers were chopped the monument I see is sheer poetry in stone.

    Your view that modernism is better holds true for you and you might like a Taipei 101 building better than a Taj, but please do not be blinded so much by your convictions to say that what is so beautiful has outlived its use!

  • 5 years ago

    The Taj Mahal! I just finished watching a show called "The Secrets of the Taj Mahal" on National Geographic Channel like 30 minutes ago! :D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All that you say is heresay, whilst Taj is there in all its beauty for all to see. We should be proud of it as Indians.

    What happened during the building of Taj is history. Modern buildings have the BLOOD of the poor labourers. What do they get for all their sweat and hardwork they put into constuction. Is it right then to laud such structures ?

    Every theory has flaws. Lets not bicker about what our ancestors didn't do right and stand united in putting Taj in the 7 Wonders of the World list. As Indians I think we should be able to do atleast this much in support of our nation without letting personal differences come in our way.

    Let's take pride in the fact that ONE OF OUR MONUMENTS is getting world recognition, instead of running it down.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you Indian ?

    If you are then you are one only in name.

    You seem to be more inclined towards groupism than being a true Indian.

    India is a nation first, castes / religions etc do not make us anymore Indian than we really are.

    Isn't there enough animosity going around in the world ?

    Make the present India beautiful by your behaviour. Fault finding in the rich Mughal creations will not get you any tourists. Nor will your attitude my friend.

  • Jargon
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    First of all understand the soul of yahoo community.... Stop telling that you will report and block people.... You can report but if u report someone for wrong reson you urself are coming under a watch... its a place to ask and every yahoo user has right to say what he wants to long as he/she is not using someting which is obsisive.

    As long as taj is concerned...its aclassic it will remain as it is... and even as per the order of Supreem court of India in 500 mtr arround taj mahal nothing can be changed... no construction can be done.

    So taj will remain as it is...and we wll present it to world as it is even after several years.

    as long as other part of india is concerned...India is growing and not only we are growing our growth is a matter of concern for west.

  • jammy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    What you have mentioned might be a sad history .... but such things still cannot neglect the fact that's its a wonderful masterpiece of art ever created ... and may be it will never be created again ... that's the reason its one of the seven wonders of world ....

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