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Burnsie asked in Games & RecreationGambling · 1 decade ago

How can I improve my poker face?

I'm not bad at online poker, but when it comes to playing in real life, my opponents can read me like a book. For some reason or other, I can't help grinning when I'm dealt a good hand or when I'm making a bluff - I never have this problem at the computer mind you, just when six pairs of eyes are watching me!!

Any thoughts?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just do everything the same, you don't have to sit there like a rock, just be sure that no matter if you have aces or 7-2, be sure to take the same amount of of time. I myself don't ever look at my cards before its my turn to act, this is because i number one want to watch the action and see how people are playing, and number two i don't want to give away that i have a strong hand. Look at Chris Ferguson, he always takes the same time no matter what his hand is. Now things like jumping out of your seat or grinning when you have a hand are dead give aways, so be aware of how you act when you are at the table. I knew one guy who was so quiet all night long, and then all of the sudden he started talking to me, right before he made a raise, i thought that was weird and as the action came around i looked down to find two 8-8s, i folded them right away and showed him the two 8s in the hole, he smiled and flashed two aces at me. His sitting up in his seat and the fact he was talking a lot all of the sudden are clear signs of a good hand. But i don't go for a lot of tells to start with, i look for how a player bets his hand out, only if the tell is right in front of my face will i give it a lot of credit.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The best type of practice for a good poker face is to try out your expressions in front of a mirror. Getting to grips with presenting a misleading face can be a little tricky at first; if you're feeling really excited, keeping your face sad can be a hard thing to do. If the other players do end up getting taken in by your false expression, you will also have to resist the urge to grin at your own cunning. Just remember that by controlling your poker face, you have a greater chance of influencing the outcome of the game - in your favor -Michael

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The best plan is to fix on reading other people's expressions. Many will be giving away as much as you are if you can read body language. Top-rate books and Internet material on reading body language are really great. I figure the more time you spend working out other players' body (esp. facial ) language, the less time you'll have for revealing your own.

    Sunglasses or (how drastic can you get ?) plastic surgery are not the answer - not even available on the NHS, obviously not a vote-winner. Unless you make your face as expressionless as some ancient member of the late and unlamented Soviet politburo, people are going to read your eyes, head movements, hand movements, shoulder stance, less crossings .... The more you fix on reading other players, the less time you'll have to express your emotions and the fewer clues your face and body will give away about yourself.

    Know your enemy. At present you're letting them know too much about yourself. Turn the tables.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it sounds like you're focusing too much on your own expressions and not enough on your opponents. its not about the face so much as it's about your actions, first of all. so once you get better at this, you can display actions according to your interpretation of the opponent's strategy.

    dont concentrate on your face so much as you should be concentrating on your opponent's face. the reason why you're getting called all the time is because your opponents are playing you. you should be doing the same to them! you'll only get better at this with practice.

    So the answer to your question:

    - To get better at you poker face, you need to study others' poker faces. and remember there cards if you see them.

    - make note of their actions and put them in two categories: poker action - raises/reraises, all-in moves, etc.; and body action - scratching the nose, headcranks, crossed arms, etc.

    - remember how they played and try doing what they did. and see if it works for you.

    - if it doesnt try the opposite.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    stuff the sun glasses i hate any 1 that wears them playing poker you look bloody stupid get classed as an **** wear an i pod turn up the music start singing and it really gets to the 1s that play a deadly game that means life and death then they never can read yr signs and it confuses the bloody hell out of um lol

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If smiling is the problem maybe sniling all the time would be best as long as you do not get face ache. Practice makes perfect can you play with any members of your family to practice the face?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    like clef pro said buy some glasses....preferably funny looking one that have something funny on the outside like smiley faces(trust me).....also if you cant hold your emotions in ...then don' the whole friggin game....when your dealt a bad hand smile just like you would if you were delt a good hand

    good luck


  • Zippy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Have a real bad dude beat the pulp out of you and see what happens to your poker face

    Source(s): Gambler
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wear some really expensive sunglasses and you will intimidate everyone! Play at

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you thought about surgery? I know a bloke dahn the Nuclear Sub called 'Dave' who'll sort you out

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