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Lv 5
Q-burt asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do you think this guy has issues?

I get into a conversation (that’s what we’ll call it) with a guy last night.

Here is the original question:;_ylt=ApyOG...

But anyway, he starts emailing me…


You have received a message from another user!

From: why_are_you_so_upset

Subject: First off, it's a phrase NOT a "term"

Message: 2nd, why weren't you able to answer the question?

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Thanks for using Yahoo! Answers.

Update 2:

Well, he didn’t read the whole of my answer, and the answer should be known to him. But I answer this anyway.

For the answer you don't it is. While the origin of this question is unclear it is believed to have originated from the Marxist George Bernard Shaw in 1903. George was a stout Liberal and had major contempt for the education system.

There is your answer.

Why should I give you an answer when you could have looked it up at your local library? I learned this in college. Yea....the Army guy has a degree....

Update 3:

He shoots back with this one….

You have received a message from another user!

From: why_are_you_so_upset

Subject: Re: First off, it's a phrase NOT a "term"

Message: What kind of "degree" is it you have that you can't manage to answer a question?


"George was a stout Liberal"?

Thanks for proving my point!

How old are you "army guy"? How long have you been in?

I earned my honorable discharge from the USAF back when you were still crapping in your pants (1987, NOT last week)

Update 4:

He says, I proved his point….well, there was no point here…so I wrote again to him. Unfortunately I don’t have that reply. (darned Y!A does not have a sent box…)

I commented on his math skills as he thinks I was in diapers when he got out of service, told him I would not bash is military career as it was his only redeeming quality and reemphasized the answer to his question.

I have now answered it twice…

It was late and the dogs needed out, so I walked them and went to bed.

Update 5:

His reply:

You have received a message from another user!

From: why_are_you_so_upset

Subject: Re: First off, it's a phrase NOT a "term"

Message: "You were in in the 80's huh? No conflict, no worries."


What a fool! Like I could predict the future BEFORE I went delayed entry? So I knew I wouldn't be sent to war during my enlistment? IF I could predict the future like that I'd have won the PowerBall several times by now (I haven't even won it once)

"proven wrong"? you appear delusional! Is that why you dodge answering when I asked how long you've been in the army?

you're such a dope you don't even know a phrase from a term. Just what is it you allegedly "teach"? I see you haven't told me all about that "degree" of yours either. Why is that kid?

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Update 6:

And another….

You have received a message from another user!

From: why_are_you_so_upset

Subject: Come on kid, be a brave boy and TRY to answer the question!

Message: when did you get this "degree" of yours?

where is it FROM?

When did you join the army?

Come on, you brag about what a bad@ss you are, don't keep pussing out on me!

By the way, I've been serving as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer since 1998, so while you get paid chump change I have a good paying CAREER. Maybe when you get out you can get a real job like I have.

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Update 7:

And of course, my reply from this morning….

You are a riot!

Well, I went to bed. I don't live for answers....I have a life.

You really should see someone about your anger’re in Federal Law enforcement and you’re like this? Sad

If you had looked at my first answer, it said I was in 15 years. You can't subtract 15 from 2007, you really have issues Mr. Law enforcement.

I joined in 2007-15 years. I joined as an Infantry Soldier. I switched MOS's to Communication Security. I have a degree in Network engineering from Pierce College in Washington and a degree in Business Management from Rio Salado.

Update 8:

As for what I have taught to Soldiers...

Basic electronics

Advance Electronics



Military History

Advanced repair on specific equipment


Effective Military writing

Equal opportunity

Various COOP classes

MS Office

PC troubleshooting

PC repair

Circuit card troubleshooting

Circuit card repair

Hell, the list goes on and on.

I have a REAL Job, as you put it. I am defending my country, protecting the people, fixing equipment, managing maintenance and the greatest honor, Leading Soldiers. It doesn't get any more real than that.

You probably harass innocents in you "Federal Law Enforcement" no doubt.

As for the answer, I have answered twice now, you just have to accept the fact that I am right....but you won't because it is in contradiction with your fantasy...

Update 9:

I just think it is funny. Sharing laughter is great...

I could care less about what he says, he doesn't sign my paycheck or greet me at the door but I though everyone needed a laugh this morning. Whether at my expense or his. =)


11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lets put it this way this guy has had more violations on his YA Id's than Barney Frank on a Saturday night cruising the bars in Provincetown. He loves to ask why people are not in Iraq fighting...The guy claims (I doubt he ever served) he was a REMF in the Air Force..never served overseas but loves to call everyone a chicken hawk..his only combat experience if he did serve was fighting his way to get to the head of the chow line at the mes hall.

    His other big claim is that he is a Federal Law enforcement officer...another lie...he is a unarmed rent a cop in Yuma AZ in a WalMarts and occasionally bust some illegals for shoplifting.

    He occasionally gets off his Prozac and starts email stalking everyone on YA.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I didn't even have to go to your link . After reading about 5 or 6 sentences I knew it must be the same guy I've been dealing with . He has toned-down his rhetoric to me a bit and I've been telling him that his approach to other people will not produce it's desired effects . He's got a truckload of accounts too .

    And yes , he pulled the whole 'chickenhawk' bullsh!t on me too . But I immediately told him I served during some of the same years as him and who knows , perhaps that's why his rhetoric cooled a bit .

    Here's my guess .. . . . . I think he probably did serve . And I think he does have the current job that he claims (he included way too much detailed info for it not to be true , unless he's copying his brothers info or something) . But what has likely happened is that he sees himself glorified or as a hero and sees everyone else as LESS . You know the type. .. "This place will fall apart without ME " type . He's self-isolated himself by self-aggrandizement and putting himself above all others by standing on his soapbox .

    I hope he gets better , cause right now he's not helping himself .

  • 1 decade ago

    The guy has more then one screw loose.

    You seem very level headed and quite accomplished. I wouldn't worry about what one crazy person says!!

    You were actually very nice to humor him as long as you did, I probably would have lost it very soon.


  • 1 decade ago

    Please stay away from this nut. i had the same problem with him.He makes no sense and I finally had to block my email address to keep him from bothering me. He is something and is full of hate if you read his other posts and answers. Too bad We have to block all to keep him out. Good luck to you.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I got a ton ofmail too from him , oh well he and glenn beck have issues

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, this is not a political question; it belongs in the Yahoo Answers section or the e-mail section.

    Secondly, calling out another user by name in public is completely childish. If you have a problem with them, resolve it WITH THEM.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sweetheart, I think you have issues for going back and forth with him.

    Come on, lets rise above this nonsense.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That was way too much reading for me.

    You lost me at the link.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you both have issues, why else would you find it necessary to post the conversation online?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those who can... do

    Those who can't... teach

    Those who can't teach... teach gym

    And the UPDATED version:

    Those who can't teach gym... spend their time on Yahoo!Answers pontificating about stuff they obviously can't do or teach

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