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9/11 pentagon attack. I'm just looking for a photograph of the pentagon w/the jetliner protruding, got one?

if so send it or provide a link thank you.


FYI: the air craft was over 150 feet long while the damage only extended 75 feet into the structure.

Update 2:

having been an engineer for 30 years I do understand the physics but I also know that the tail and wings don't simply vaporize.

Update 3:

having been an engineer for 30 years I do understand the physics but I also know that the tail and wings don't simply vaporize. Even the first response fire chief did not see any thing resembling aircraft components on the scene.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    From what I have gathered in photos, a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon, as our government claims, but rather a military aircraft armed with a missile. Want proof, the Jet engine found at the crash site has been identified and is too small to fit a 757, but it does fit a Skywarrior.

    There is strong evidence to support a Douglas A-3 Skywarrior armed with a missile hit the Pentagon. One thing we can be certain about; it was not a Boeing 757, as our government claims. Listen to this retired General, He says, "The Plane does not fit the hole; so what did hit the Pentagon...?"

    One might expect to see three holes in the pentagon, one for the main body and two more for each engine. The engine and engine parts were found outside of the building, they never penetrated the building thus no hole was created by them. The deep 18 foot hole was most probably made by an on board missile and not the aircraft itself. A radiation expert claims high-radiation readings near the Pentagon indicates depleted uranium (DU) munitions may have been used.

    Witnesses say, the U.S. military secretly had Raytheon Co. refit an A-3 Skywarrior with new jet engines, a missile, and a Global Hawk guidance system, just prior to 9/11. Coincidentally, five key executives of Raytheon Co. went missing on 9/11. The official word is they died in the hijacked planes on 9/11.

    The Jet engine(s) found may be key to identifying what type of aircraft hit the Pentagon: At the very least, they help determine a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon. Both the jet engine housing as well as a "front end rotor head" have been identified as belonging to a Pratt & Whitney JT8D jet engine. The P&W JT8D engine has been used on the smaller Boeing 727 as well as a retrofit for the A-3 Skywarior. Two P&W JT8D's do not provide enough thrust to get a Boeing 757 off the ground much less sufficient power to perform the military precision maneuvers the aircraft in question did.

    A photograph of a cracked windshield found at the crash site strongly resembles the top canopy glass found on the Skywarrior: No windows of this shape are found on a Boeing 757.

    The landing gear is one part found in the crash site that may be linked to a Boeing 757. It could also be a part that was retrofitted on an A-3 Skywarrior, since the wheels would most likely need to be replaced with something still available.

    A geometric analysis can show the aircraft that hit the Pentagon is under 85 feet long and therefore too small to be a Boeing 757, which is over 155 feet long. An A-3 Skywarrior is 76 feet 4 inches long. See geometric analysis: also see revision note under comments.;_ylt=Avt4N...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Should google test footages where they slam jet planes into reinforced concrete walls. Because that's what happened.

    Any engineers should know not to eyeball, estimate something this complex as plane crash into large, reinforced structure.

    Planes explode at that high speed crash. They don't stick in like a dart.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you ever seen a jet crash? The structure of the craft disintegrates on impact, especially with a solid, reinforced structure.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You won't find it because the unique structure of the Pentagon is such that the plane, which came in at a low angle, plowed through more than one wall and imbedded itself INSIDE the facility.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And how big were the pieces of jets from the WTC. Stop watching youtube videos and take some school on this stuff.

  • 1 decade ago

    the jetliner broke apart as it went into the building, so as there is no actual footage or pictures of it hitting, you will not be able to find and pictures of the jetliner protruding

  • 1 decade ago

    There are none. We're expected to believe it was completely and utterly destroyed in the wreck. Even the large skidmark that must've been left was wiped out by the crash.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here, and a bomb didnt do that, unless it was hanging in the window:



  • 1 decade ago

    During that whole time being broadcasted, I never before or after seen any plane parts.

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