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Alan S
A question about evolution that I would guidance on?
Why didn't we retain a full coat of hair?
the time of emergence of Homo sapiens has been placed at 250,000 years ago, during the second interglacial period and evidence of clothing goes back as far as tools and weapons. It is even claimed that Homo sapiens early rivals (Homo neanderthalensis & Homo floresiensis) had way more body hair. A protective coat represents a still valuable genetic trait 250,000 years ago, why was it taken out of the code along with the deletion of a penile bone, no sheath for the penis and breasts that took full form at adolescence instead of pregnancy; all to add a bigger brain? I follow the explanations about how traits emerged due to pressures and demands being placed on creatures from various sources (climate, geography and available free O2) but why would our genes leave us naked in a cold climate? thanks in advance for the help.
1 AnswerBiology1 decade agoto those that disapprove of Obama's performance?
Please tell me what he has done that you disagree with that wasn't part of his campaign platform.
17 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoI need your accurate memory.?
Hugo Chavez followed GWB in speaking at the UN and made a comment about sulfur. Please try and offer up the quote as accurately as you can recall. Thank you all in advance.
1 AnswerPolitics1 decade agothe end of the recession.?
I'm curious as to what your expectations are for the ending of this mess. I keep seeing the DOW used as an indicator. Please offer your opinion of what the DOW has to do or where it has to be for the recession to be over in your mind. I do understand the what defines this but I'm more interested in your expectations. thank you all for commenting.
6 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoafter 2 years of being dems or repubs can we now move on and be simply "Americans"?
every 4 years we all divide into parties to get a new leader and after it's all over we often continue to complain. The president elect is eying not only dems but also repubs for his cabinet, not because of their party but because they are the best ones for the job.
Can the masses also drop the party affiliations and all rally around our president to be as full Americans?
7 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoPowell endorses Obama, Al Qaeda endorses McCain, Opinions?
Meet the Press gave us Powell's endorsement of Obama and now TIME reports that the current election chatter on the A.Q. sites is in support of McCain. Offer an opinion.
17 AnswersElections1 decade agowhose approach was better?
we had a unique opportunity to see how our two presidential hopefuls would have coped with the Wall St. meltdown. Obama sat around with his economic advisers that he called together. McCain took immediate action by calling for the head of the securities and exchange commission to be fired.
Was Obama avoiding the issue by staying in meetings or was it a genuine attempt to find a solution? Was McCain cutting through the fray and eliminating the source of problem or was he looking for a scapegoat?
Who did the better job?
4 AnswersElections1 decade agoIs this a gross enough violation of the constitution to warrant action?
the following is from an ACLU mailing RE: legal action on behalf of
Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri.
"Al-Marri was first arrested in December 2001 at his home in Peoria, Illinois, where he was living with his wife and children. His case was scheduled to go to trial in July 2003 but was halted when President Bush took the extraordinary step of designating al-Marri an “enemy combatant” and transferring him to a military brig in South Carolina."
Many people support indefinite holding of foreign terrorists but this is a US citizen who is no longer protected by the constitution and he was striped of that by the president. he has not had his day in court, All legal protections afforded you or I have been taken away on hearsay. And a secondary question, are you still confident that your constitutional rights are protected?
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago9/11 pentagon attack. I'm just looking for a photograph of the pentagon w/the jetliner protruding, got one?
if so send it or provide a link thank you.
15 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade agoAl Qaeda bombed the Iraqi Parliament, an Iraqi bridge and two more sites in Algeria. So how is it that?
our occupation of Iraq is keeping us safe from terrorists? It appears that they can take any target of their choosing and that they have the forces to do it as well.
5 AnswersMilitary1 decade agonow that Imus has angered the blacks it makes me wonder what's the worst slur the blacks have for whites?
I won't report anyone for giving an honest answer and I encourgage no one else to either.
10 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoGWB has set the paradigm of a deadline as telling the enemy how long to wait. However, isn't it also telling
Iraq how long they have to be ready to take over their own security issues. We cannot give Iraq an endless ride on the "we will protect you" train. So far their efforts have been rather thin but what motivation do they have considering we are saying there is no end to our commitment to defend your country?
7 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoon 9/11, 19 terrorists hijacked 4 planes and assaulted America?
15 came from Saudi Arabia, 3 from Iran and 1 from Yemen. What, if any, action should be taken in regards to these countries? Please bear in mind that Saudi Arabia, prior to 9/11, had training camps (we captured them on film) but afterward denounced terrorism and became our ally.
8 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoon 9/11, 15 Saudi Arabians took part in an assault on the United States, they and four others were trained in?
in Saudi camps which were funded with Saudi money. What could motivate our president to call them allies not enemies and then try to turn the security of our major ports over to them?
12 AnswersPolitics1 decade agohow does evolution explain the unique chromosome structure of each creature?
humans have 23 pairs of chromsomes yet the closest primate has 24. my understanding of evolution is that it is the action of small incremental changes over a long period of time. however on the chromosome level wouldn't this have had to have been very abrupt? also, wouldn't this change have had to happen to many offspring simultaneously, as they would no longer be genetically compatible to the previous generation?
7 AnswersBiology1 decade ago