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Why is he ignoring me?

So, my boyfriend broke up with me after he cheated on me and then didn't talk to me at all after that. It's been almost two weeks since then and I am wondering as to why he may be ignoring me. He doesn't have the guts to say anything to my face (he broke up with me over the phone.) So, does anyone have any idea as to why he's ignoring me after he had cheated on me and broke my heart? I'm thinking that maybe he feels bad and if he talks to me then he won't know how I react. Any idea's? I'm just puzzled by this behavior... Thanks you guys, for all your answers!


Also, does anyone know why he can't say anything to my face? I'm thinking it's because he's a wuss, even though I don't know what he thinks I could possibly do to him, physically, since he's a foot taller then I am...

Update 2:

Note: he's not a guy that has a lack of confidence, he can say anything to anyone's face, he just doesn't get scared easliy. That's why I find this behavior out of the ordinary.

Update 3:

Just, FYI, I want to talk to him, or at least have him say something to me, because our relationship ended so abruptly and I just need some closure. Just because we broke up doesn't mean that we can never talk again. I am still majorly pissed off at him, so don't even get me started on that. I just seriously need some closure. And most of you are right, he probably doesn't care about how I feel. He's one of those people who genuinely doesn't care what other people think or how they make them feel. He's a loser and I'm glad that I found out who he truly is before it got really serious. He already broke my heart, why would he ignore me like that? It's like pouring salt on a wound...I'm better off without him, though. I see that now.

Update 4:

I think he needs to stop being such a coward...He should have broken up with me face to face and never added the little bit "I still want us to stay friends.'' He really shouldn'e have said that because he didn't mean it. He is a huge wuss and he's afraid of a little person like me and breaking up with me. He's going into the army, so I'm just hoping that he's a better soldier then he was a boyfriend. Because if not, then the Marine Corps is in for a rude awakening when he comes around. lol.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    here's my perspective, he's probly embarrassed and if he didn't have the guts to break up face to face he definitely doesnt have the guts to talk to you. maybe he's worried that you'll go all out and spazz and throw fruit punch down his pants and even though that would be funny he still wouldn't enjoy it that much

  • 1 decade ago

    He's avoiding you because guys don't like confrontation. It's not because he feels bad, if he cared about your feelings he wouldn't have cheated and broke up with you in the first place. He's an a**hole.

    As for him not being able to say anything to your face and breaking up with you by phone, it's because he's a coward. You shouldn't even be pondering why he does what he does. All you need to know is he's a jerk and you're better off without him.

  • 1 decade ago

    He may now be in a relationship with the girl he cheated on you with. The problem is, in his mind the relationship was probably over long before he called and told you. Honestly, he probably only officially broke up with you because of pressure from the new girl. Is it crappy that he broke your heart? Yes. Is it crappy that he cheated rather than breaking up with you first? Yes. Is it crappy that he won't talk to you face to face? Yes. But, from his point of view, he probably doesn't want to piss off the new girl.

    Move on, he isn't good enough for you. His actions before, after, and during breaking up with you prove it. It sounds cliche, but seriously, there are many more fish in the sea.

    Hint for future options: Don't get with a jerk. You say he was an "in your face" type personality before... Don't go for someone like that again, because those types normally are self centered and therefore more likely to cheat.

  • sage
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Why do you want to talk to this creep? Best thing for you is to focus on yourself and figure out why you would want to continue to communicate with someone who has absolutely no regard for your well being. Who cares why he won't talk to you now. Be grateful that he isn't. He is doing you a favor by not trying to continue to talk to you.

    Don't waste your time or your heart on a loser, and a cheater is a loser. He is a liar and a creep, move on, don't look back.

    It is true that guys don't like confrontation. Also true that most don't like to be confronted about things they know they are in the wrong for. It is very hard for a guy to be able to acknowledge his mistakes. He would then have to feel bad about them.

    Nothing good can come from keeping the Ex in your life. A person like that is not a friend or a lover, they are just someone that has proven to be untrustworthy and unworthy in general.

    I hope you take this to heart.

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  • Without knowing this guy, I can only suppose that he doesn't like you anymore (which may be why he cheated on you). If he doesn't like you, he probably doesn't feel the need to talk to you.

    Plus, he broke up with you. In his mind, that means it's finished. He obviously doesn't have any intention of continuing the relationship, so the quickest means to an end is to stop communicating with you. This will plant the seed in your mind that "hey, this guy's a jerk. Why would I want to waste my time with him anyway?" and ultimately help you get over the relationship faster, as opposed to an extended break-up. When the relationship is over, it is sometimes best to have it end quickly so both parties can get on with their seperate lives as opposed to letting things linger.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's a coward....

    and probably feels bad for breaking up with you. Just because someone does the breaking up doesnt mean that they don't care....

    Also, if you two have broken up...why should you be communicating anyway.....he cheated on you, probably feels like talking to you're going to bring up the cheating incident and he probably doesnt want to be bothered with

    that...leave it alone.....

  • 1 decade ago

    It's b/c he's an ***hole! I'm sure he's a wuss. But he prob. doesn't care how you feel anyway, if he did he wouldn't have cheated on you. Why would you want to talk to him after he did that to you anyway? forget the jerk!

  • 1 decade ago

    hes a chicken **** breaking up with you over the phone. hes a giant wuss. who cares how he feels....he cant face you thats why hes ignoring you... forget him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he may b igoring u b/c he doesnt have the guts to talk to u rite now b/c he may feel like u may overreact badly or something. which u have a rite to. juss call him ad talk to him....let him ko u want to kno wats going on and how he feels about wat calm....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because..he broke up with you....if he left you, why the hell would he want to talk to you? duh.

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