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My 16 month old son has frequent night terror, any suggestions?

My 16 month old son has been having night terror for about 2 months now. He used to sleep through the night by the time he was about 4 months old. Then all of a sudden he started to wake up at night screaming and kicking. It started out only happening once in a while, so at the time, i didn't know that it was night terror. I thought he was in pain by the way he was screaming. It wasn't until he started to wake up more and more frequently, that i noticed that he probably had night terror. It's getting really bad, he wakes up at least 3 or 4 times per week. He doesn't ever get a good night's sleep anymore, and neither do i. I read that you should wake the child up about 15-30 minutes before the night terror usually occurs. Has anyone tried this????? I'm desperate to help my son get rid of his night terror!!!!!Someone please give me some advice.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have a 6year old daughter that has been having night terrors for 4 years on and off. The best advice I can give is to sleep whenever possible and hang in there. My pediatrician said that if you give them the appropriate dose of benadryl for the age and weight and a dose of the appropriate amount of motrin together before bed time this will help them rest a little better. He calls it the toddler martini! You can also google night terrors and see if there is any new advice out, web md is another good one you can check. But all in all, the outcome is waiting for them to outgrow the terrors. My 6 year old has about 2-3 per week. We have the choice of putting her on sleeping medications or dealing with being up for an dhours or two a few times a week and I have chosen to not do the medication except for bendaryland motrin on occasion because the terrors are not hurting the child, they do not even remember having them. Please do make sure that your child, if not still in a crib, is sleeping in a safe place that he will not fall when he rolls, jumps or moves eratically from the terrors. Good luck and I am truly sorry that your family has to deal with these terrors. I for one know they are horrible, but my doctor asured me that they are worse onme seeing them than they are onthe child having them and they are not as uncommon as you would think. Please check out the sites and research night terrors where ever possible to reassure you and your husband that you are already doing everything possible to help your child.

    Source(s): Mother of 4, one has night terrors
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope I never woke my daughter when she had night terrors, during them the child is not actually awake. There is nothing you can do but let this phase of growth and development take it's course. I used to go in and hold my daughter's hand until she calmed down and was back snoring. But wake them up? No wonder the child doesn't get any sleep.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a 20 month old and he has night terrors too. I found not moving him into a different place once he falls asleep helps. I have noticed that he gets them when something traumatic happens during the day. I heard that warm milk at night has something to do with night terrors, and not to drink it before you go to bed. He has a cold sippy of milk before he goes to sleep.

  • KAT
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Make sure he has a good nap during the day. Make sure he goes to bed at a decent time. And that it as as routine as possible. I was told that being over tired can trigger this.

    Poor baby. Poor mommy. Hope you find relief soon.

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  • 1 decade ago

    my daughter would have these episodes sometimes. i read that you should do the 15-30 minute thing with your child. but also make sure to give him / her plenty of hugs and cuddles and let them know that mama and daddy are there and nothing is going to hurt him / her.

    mind what he is watching during the day. sometimes whatever they see / hear during the day can come out in their dreams. hang in there. it does pass eventually.

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