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Why only muslim outrage for Muhammed (PBUH)?

After an obscene cartoon depicting the prophet Muhammed (PBUH) as a terrorist was released Muslim extremists didn't stand for it, but whenever Abraham (Ibraham), Jesus (Esa), King David(Daud), Moses (Musa) etc. are put in the same light they say nothing, these are all major prophets in the Muslim religion, all as infallible as Muhammed (PBUH). So why the outrage against Muhammed and little or none for the others?


As Eve so elequently illustrated my point "God calls us to respect all the prophets equally."

Muhammed(PBUH) was shown as a terrorist in a comic, but in an episode of South Park Jesus pooped on the American flag. Yet where is the rioting in the streets? Where's the cleric shouting it's a disgrace?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Actually, we don't like what ppl do with the other prophets either. But what do you want us to do? Destroy every Orthodox or Catholic church because they use dipictions of them everywhere? If you don't respect your own prophets how can we make you respect them?

    Muslims are (in general) the only ones to respect Muhammad and look at him as a prophet of God. So obviously we will say something about it. In Islamic history nobody ever dipicted his face (at least not on some wide scale). In some Iranian miniatures they have the prophet (pbuh) but they cover his face and hands so you cannot see him. Pretty much everyone has already seen the Christians depiction of Jesus (pbuh) and the rest. If Christians had not done this and then somebody decided to make a photo of him then you would see an outcry from Christians and Muslims.

    I've been in a church in France that even depicted God(whom Christians would refer to as God the Father)--it's disgusting. When ppl make jokes about Jesus and stuff on TV we are disgusted.

    You should read some stuff on this subject by Tariq Ramadan. I'll post the links below.

    Source(s): (English & a few words in French) (English) (in Spanish) EDIT: I don't watch Southpark and I highly doubt they show Southpark in the MidEast. Besides that the protest came out months after the paper depicted the the cartoon. That is just disgusting...may I ask, where are the Christians getting together to protest this? I want to join them! (I'm not joking) Also, In American and the west in general ppl don't go to the streets to protest as much as elsewhere because we are employed at a higher percentage than those in poorer countries. -just some food for thought! EDIT:Nomadic, did you read what the links said about Muslims taking it too far? Besides that, when I was there it was not on the Sat.TV...also, is it translated into Arabic? Most adult Moroccans I know don't watch cartoons (they think they are for kids) and would not even understand what is going on in a South Park show with the English they know.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We dont know all obscene agains all prophets. but if i heard this will make me angry and no one can do this in muslim countries. If some one insult one of the prophets weather the prophet was jesus, moses or Ibraham, he would be killed.

    Its not allowed at to do this in muslims countries. We cont control what is happening in your country. unfortunately, what is happening in europe especially they are bringing movies which shows that some prophets are having sex. once i was watching a film on european channel and they show a scene of a prophet having sex, i got mad, i thought that in the next day the whole europe will walk in the streets against this movie, nothing happened.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you're right. Its hypocritical.

    If I had to defend myself, I'd say that we are so used to seeing this everywhere. How can we censor the world from using depicitions of prophets they have depicted for centuries? I have personally taken a stand and turned pictures of Jesus around that I have seen. It's started some drama, but hey, it makes me feel like I am contibuting to the solution, no matter how miniscule.

    With the Prophet Muhammad, we have at least been able to 'control' that throughout the ages. Its not like people have never done it, but it's a well known 'no-no' to do it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Psst - South Park is shown in Morocco, my dear Fez. Satellite TV.

    Anyhow, I think it's silly too. I disagree with a lot of answers here - for one, the cartoons would not have been widespread had Muslims not made them so! It was a small Danish newspaper, but when Danish Muslims saw it, they pushed it instead of trying to quiet it or handle it like normal people, protesting quietly or expressing their outrage to the newspaper itself.

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  • Eve
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The cartoon for the prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him, was the worst and the most offensive. I am Muslim and I do not accept any silly cartoon or violations against any of the God's messenger, peace be upen them...

    God calls us to respect all the prophets equally.


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i'm a Muslim and we continuously good PBUH after his call. we are no longer praising the Propthet(pbuh) because he's larger than Allah. he's not. after we are saying peace be upon him, we are asking God to bestow advantages onto him because he became a astonishing Prophet who lead the Muslims, and he became the in elementary words prophet that spread the religion to the finished international. we are saying this because the Prophet(pbuh) advantages rewards from Allah.

  • 1 decade ago

    Other stuff weren't as widely published as the cartoons of the Prophet (pbuh)...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Muslim fanatics use anything as an excuse to kill people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe it has escaped your attention but these ppl are nuts.

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