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harddisk corruption - windows not even loading. pls help?

After 6 months my asus laptop hard disk seem to be corrupted, as my laptop is not even loading windows, not even with safe mode or command prompt. after testing all components from asus, they said that the hard disk is faulty, and they are willing to give me a new hard disk. but i want to access the data on my corrupt hard disk, which is making windows crash, and everytime i connect it to a desktop, it always crashes.

what can i do, or is there anything i can do? i'm sure there is, but itr probably expensive.. how much??



i already to the hard disk off and connected it via usb to a desktop, and also with an IDE \ ICE adapter to a desktop, both having crashing problems and when reading the hard disk from F:/ it always end up 'not responding'

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi - get a laptop to desktop hard drive converter cable for about 10 dollars. Take the drive out of the laptop and install it with the adapter cable into your secondary IDE channel on your desktop pc - the one that the "C:" drive is Not connected to. Disconect the CD-Rom if it is connected to this point. Boot the PC into windows and open My Computer. You should see the drive if it is functional and be able to transfer the files off of it.

    If the drive is not even working at this level the price goes up fast. Try Ontrack.

    Oh - I forgot - you can boot off of a floppy that has NTFS-DOS and you might be able to copy some files out that way.

  • 1 decade ago

    it might not work on a laptop (not sure how many can fit) but get the new hard disk install windows then attach the old hard disk and use some data recovery tools

  • 1 decade ago

    One way to recover your data, would be either to run a linux live cd, or to take the harddrive out of the laptop and put it into a external 2.5" laptop drive case and then connect it to another machine and check it for errors on that machine, or get the data off that you require.

  • 1 decade ago

    1.i need to know where your computer starts to crash...

    2.if it right before you load windows you could ater you git your new harddrive ask them to also link up the other one a like an extra or second drive this willl allow you to have a C:/ (you normal hard drive and then it may be called the D:/ your second drive the D:/ can change to like an F:/ or something

    -Shane W.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    hey to start up off with back all your documents up. try this with the aid of burning it to disc or storing it on a exterior hard disk. now insert your XP disk and restart your laptop. once you get a message announcing "press any key to start setup", press a key, yet while domicile windows keeps as properly, restart you laptop and set your cd force to be first boot gadget. while your in setup, you will see a blue history. some documents will load first, and then some suggestions will look. on the 1st one, press ESC. on the 2nd press F8 (word that the 2nd could be an EULA). next would be an otion to repair a present day device, decide for to not. next would be your partitions. delete each pertition which you have there. as quickly because it is finished, press enter. you are able to the two do a speedy format which will take approximately 10 seconds, or an entire format wich will delete evry record on your hardddrive so as that they won't be recovered. eitherway, your documents have been deleted and wont be shown or available except particular application is used. as quickly as format is finished, some documents will replica over. after that, the device will restart, and look as properly into domicile windows. now a demonstrate will look announcing 39 minutes final. this would properly be a coarse wager and the speedier your laptop, the fewer time! as quickly as we get further via, you would be asked fr your product key, your call (I positioned my first call in call and surname in orginasition), it sluggish zone and language settings. the subsequent verbal replace will ask approximately community settings. in simple terms decide for everyday. in case you didnt get the community settings verbal replace, its ok, cos thats the final one! the laptop will now reboot, and cargo domicile windows!! you would be asked to pass into the person names and wether you decide on for to enable updates. after which you're in domicile windows, a intense high quality sparkling installation of it. now deploy your drivers. each little thing inner first! after that, deploy the exterior instruments, then restart your laptop. now activate domicile windows. thats it, youre finished! now in simple terms replica back your records and different documents, and deploy your application alongside with place of work!

  • 1 decade ago

    if you dont have any important files, reformat your hard disk. or you can boot from your operating systems CD and do a repair install.

  • 1 decade ago

    find a computer geek maybe that will help otherwise get the new hard drive and start fresh

  • fun
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


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