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Is it possible to trust someone after being cheated on?


By this person

Update 2:

My partner has gone our since it happened...i cant sleep, eat, think about anything but!

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is possible.

    I've been both sides of that particular fence and I'm still with my husband.

    I can tell you that I have cheated in the past and will never do it again after I saw the pain I caused.

    He subsequently cheated on me and I forgave him after a lot of screaming, shouting, crying and generally acting out, but I honestly believe he won't do it again.

    Certainly our relationship is different. There is a kind of mutual respect now and I think both of us know (and we've not had to say it) that should either of us do it again the other will not tolerate it and the marriage will be over.

    We do from time to time have a go at each other about it, but sometimes we even laugh about it.

    It does depend on the reasons why it happened in the first place, so I would urge you to keep talking, and it also depends on the individuals involved. If he was acting out of character I think there is more of a chance of you working through it.



  • 1 decade ago

    Personally I don't think it is. I was in a relationship with someone (married 7 years) who cheated on me multiple times and then blamed it all on me. There is no way that I could ever trust someone who cheated. Once a cheat, always a cheat no matter what ANYONE says. The tendency is always there and you can work on your relationship til you're blue in the face and that person will still be a cheater. The main problem is that the person who cheats has a reason, be it in their mind good or bad, and they feel justified in their actions. They don't WANT to continue with their current relationship or they wouldn't have cheated in the first place.

    Source(s): Life experience
  • 1 decade ago

    I think that before you judge someone you should walk a mile in their shoes. Why did he cheat? Maybe that is a better answer. Yes, you can trust someone after they have cheated on you. Have you ever done something and not told? Like take a little bit of money, stay out latter than you said you would, do one thing while you were actually doing another (does not have to be sexual), people are human for goodness sakes, you either love them or you don't.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Trust takes a long time after you have been cheated on. You will be able to forgive long before you will be able to forget or trust again. If you can take thefirst step and forgive then you have a long road ahead of you. My husband ended his affair 9 months ago and I have forgiven him. I haven't forgotten nor do I trust him 100%. He knows this and is willing to do anything to help me get past the hurt that he caused. It depends on the people involved and the relationship.

    Source(s): My life.
  • 1 decade ago

    do u mean to trust someone else besides the partner that just left you and cheated on you now thats u can count on a new partner but the one who cheated on you sorry once a cheat always a cheat move on and find a new partner look at there reactions when your with them do they have a roming eye and etc etc sorry you got cheated on i think we have all gone threw that and i know it hurts hon so get yourself together and this will pass gl to ya

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess you could, but it would take a lot of time to get over. You doubt their every move, whenever they go out, you are wondering what they are up to....who they are with....And the person who cheated would have to understand that it is going to be a long and hard battle, and that the cheating will be thrown in their face in every heated argument......sometimes I think it is better to just move on. For both parties.

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    i know exactly how you feel...i have been there and he turned my whole world upside down, he ruined everything that we had all because of his selfishness and deceit....i tried to trust him again but i just couldn't, i could be possible for you to trust him again but it will be hard work....because you'll be constantly thinking about where he is, what he's doing, who hes with, why he's not home at a certain time, who's calling his phone, it's a horrible feeling hun, but if you can find trust again then your a very strong lady....personally i would just get shut and grieve for a while then rebuild your life from scratch without him, it will hurt for as long as you allow it to hurt, i know that horrible gut pain feeling only too well... well actually, that's what i did, i just walked and never looked back....i feel your pain babes....i hope you get to sort this out one way or another...bless you.....x

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it's possible, but it takes time. You need to both be honest about why it happened, and take some of the blame if you need to. Seek outside help so you get a balanced view, and avoid blaming. Try reading on for more advice (christian based, unbiased and not judgmental).

  • gogirl
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You know, this is a hard question to answer, as the answer varies a lot depending on many things, but I would say that anything is possible IF BOTH people are willing to do what it takes to make it work out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course it is possible. I am married to a wonderful man today because I didn't give up after my ex husband cheated on me. He was thirty when I met him and I was fifteen. I left him in 1991.

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