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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

Ladies, will you be teaching a Vacation Bible School class this summer?

If so, will you please teach the little girls that wives are supposed to obey their husbands? I think it is essential that they are taught this at a young age before the world tries to corrupt them with their lies that they shouldn't. Also, will you make homemade snacks instead of store bought ones? Try to make the snacks as tasty but as healthy as possible. This can give girls a subliminal message that when they grow up they need to make homemade snacks instead of buying store bought snacks that are very unhealthy.

23 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, I'm going to be too busy at having fun.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm going to be teaching VBS this summer. But I will most definitely not teach them the obey any man. In a marriage there should be mutual communication not obey your wife what are we in the 1800s? no i don't think so. & I agree that we should give them homemade snacks but if you were to be working in VBS you would learn that teaching a group of 40 kids isn't a walk in the park and i doubt that ever you would be up until 2am baking things for your class every day for a week. & even if you were that would distract the real reason for VBS & that is teaching them about the Lord and trying to get them saved. So no I will absolutly not teach them to obey anyone else but the Lord.

  • kriend
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I taught VBS for a long time, over 20 years, and I NEVER ONCE TOLD THEM TO OBEY THEIR HUSBANDS. Sounds like you are the religion with a bunch of wives. I do think homemade healthy snacks, prepared in a clean kitchen, are great. I TAUGHT GIRLS TO DO WHAT GOD LEADS THEM TO DO AND NOT TO BE SUCKERED BY ANY MAN AT ANY AGE. Our church teaches that men/women are equal and should submit to each other.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What a wonderful message ! Thank you Sandstorm for reminding us! I won't be able to teach this year, but I will be sending my adopted sons to the VBS this next week. I am so glad you reminded me about the homemade healthy snacks, you always keep us ladies informed and up-to-date. Keep smiling. Nice to hear from such a great friend of ours. I have been away for awhile and missed your great advice! :o)

    Source(s): iemþŒØ
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the first 15 years of my life I went to church and bible school. Sunday nights I went to Wednesday night bible study, and a youth group on Tuesday and Thursday, and now I'm a Atheist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I won't be teaching, but I'm always around to lend a hand! So I will be helping my mom with the snacks and things!

    Sorry, I don't believe in obey! But I do believe in respect!

  • That is the most sexist thing I have ever heard!!!

    No I will not be attending it.

    They don't teach that kind of crap at church.

    Church is about being equal and at church you learn about whatever religion it is that you believe.

    I pity you, you should not look at any woman like that!

    You are going to live a sad and lonely life!

    Women are not made to be a mans slave!

    Man and woman are created equal, it is jerks like you that corrupt kids!

    People do not go to church to learn or teach about women bowing down to a man!

    There should be respect, woman respect man, man respect woman!

  • JQ
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I WILL be teaching VBS this summer... You gave me some really great ideas of what to teach the kids - but just the opposite of what you suggested! I am going to make these kids into a bunch of amazon warrior women and p-whipped little mama's boys...

    Do you have kids? I love for them to come and join the group!

  • 1 decade ago

    I never promised to obey my husband. Wasn't in my wedding vows. Only to love, honor and cherish. And I always cook fresh things, rarely by store made crap.

  • .
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I wish I could but as a woman I'm not allowed to go out.

  • 1 decade ago

    if i was going to teach some lil gurls at a Church camp thing i would tell those lil gurls make a name for yourself don't depend on a guy for everything and you don't need no guy all you need is your faith and dreams !!! you can do anything u set your mind too

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