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Lv 4
besos asked in Business & FinanceSmall Business · 1 decade ago

which women busy work better, Mary Kay or AVON?

which one cost less to start up?

Cost you less to get thing for your customer and give you more options on reaching people in other place?


what about warmspirits, pamper chef

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Avon is $ 10.00. Mary Kay is $ 100.00

    There is no inventory requirements for Avon.

    Avon offers thousands of products, including skin care , bath and body, clothing, shoes and the list goes on. Which means there is something for everyone!

    Being a Avon Representative has truly changed many lives and has allowed them to leave their 9-5 jobs. Whether you are looking to purchase your products at a discount, make extra money to pay your bills or a career Rep only $10 puts you in business. So what do you have to lose?

    Top 10 Reasons to Become a Representative

    1) It's ONLY $10 to get started and that includes your start-up training kit.

    2) As a new rep, you'll save 50% on all core items from the brochure and earn the same on any orders you collect from others.

    3) Only $1 minimum order is needed to remain active.

    4) No need to carry an inventory.

    5) Take orders where, when and how you want.

    6) Orders are shipped Free directly to you.

    7) Great incentive programs, recognition and fun!

    8) Too busy? You're the type of person we need. Simply hand out brochures to everyone you come into contact with.

    9) Receive special preview books with additional savings for you.

    10) Free online and personal training.

    Source(s): I am an Avon Rep
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Avon cost less to start up can' t tell you about anything more with Avon except My Mary Kay director sold Avon for years before switching to Mary Kay she was able to quit her full time job (she is the primary income provider) and is driving a free car.

    I would tell you to research both options carefully and find which is best for you. Both companies are solid and have been around for years but they are completely different as far as costumer base. You also want to get all the facts on additional expenses. Mary Kay offers a program of mailing books out for you with samples for less then you would pay at the post office and the books are quarterly. You can purchase a website for only $25 for your first year $50 after that. If you built your own site it would be anywhere from 115.00 on up ( my husband is a programmer)

    Mary Kay is about providing a service and building a relationship with clients. I have built a customer base of over 200 people most of which reordered every 2-3 month. I Love what I do it allows me to be home with my children while contributing to the household income.

    It cost 100 to get started and with that $100 you get over $300 in full size products plus the materials you need to get you started training manual, DVD, CD, books trays mirrors, samples and much more. I just want to clarify the age old inventory issue. It is completely up to you how you run your business if you choice to be an order taking business like Avon then you can do that or you can be a convenience store with small inventory or a department store with a large inventory the thing is you have the option. You own your own business so you choice how to run it. You by directly from he company for 50%.

    Bottom line for me is which product I believe in. I used Mary Kay and that is the only reason I even considered selling it. I researched the company ( coming from a finacial backgroud) I was impressed and grow more impressed everyday. I wish you the best whichever you choose!


  • 1 decade ago

    I love Avon better than Mary Kay. Avon is more popular to me than Mary Kay their products are so expensive.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My sister does Avon and she says it's $10. I believe Mary Kay is more. I'm a Cookie Lee Consultant and love it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I would choose purse party instead! Purses and jewelry. That's what I do and I LOVE it!

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