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Atheists: Why do you ask questions about right and wrong?

If there is no god, then you are the only source of morality for yourself. You can't get your morality from others, becuase theirs is just their opinion, just as yours is. Even if a bunch of atheists got together and voted on right and wrong and accepted the majority view, the idea of "accepting the majority view" is just an idea that some of you came up with and carries no more authority than accepting the minority view.

What is the logical basis for anything being right or wrong for an atheist which isn't just your own opinion or the opinions of others?

30 Answers

  • Be me
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    There are still certain issue that are right or wrong regardless of religion. Rape is wrong and so is murder. It would be hard to find a legitimate religion to say otherwise. Human have a sense of right and wrong naturally. Morality did not come into existence when Moses presented the Ten Commandments. If one does not believe in God but does believe in morality then the best thing they could do is talk to others and find out their beliefs on a topic. This shows that they are willing to listen to others and entertain the notion that they could possibly be wrong in their beliefs or just simply see another point of view. If an Atheist does not seek the opinions of others then they will become ignorant and much less likely to be moral because in their opinion no one else can possibly be right but themselves.

  • JAT
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You could answer this question yourself if you just considered a bit of cultural reality. Think of the cross-cultural abhorrence of murder. (There are several other such general proscriptions, but one will suffice for this purpose.)

    It doesn't seem to matter whether a group has one god, 10,000 gods, or no actual "gods" (think Buddhist), they universally decry murder. In other words, take a cursory glance outside of your neighborhood and you will find that ALL cultures create a morality - regardless of their theology. And since that is the case, what could it possibility have to do with a particular god or gods?

    Isn't it far more likely that the relation between morality and "theology" is the OPPOSITE of what you suppose? In other words, humans create morality and then (some) attribute it to their god(s) - not the other way around.

  • 1 decade ago

    Morality stems from the development of society.

    Morality is passed on from generation to generation, it changes with every trial and every error.

    The ancient Egyptions allowed brothers and sisters to marry. It is immoral now because we know the genetic consequences.

    Hence morality does not come from a higher power, it comes with human experience like everything else - we tried it, it didn't work out, it is told to everyone and forms 'common sense'. Hence the progress of mankind and the beginnings of civilised society.

    Morality is to be human, gods are the invention of man.

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  • Dawn G
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    First, thanks for the early morning liquid refreshment.

    I haven't noticed many atheists asking about right/wrong. At least ten times as many believers ask how atheists can be moral without a belief in God. Why would atheists ask? We already know that we know right from wrong!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    But what is morality? Is it not just what someone or some group of people thinks is right or wrong?

    A tiger slaughers a zebra in cold blood for food..... is that wrong? No....... but if a human were to do that to another animal they would be faced with charges of animal cruelty. beauty.... is in the eyes of the beholder. One person thinks one thing is wrong and another person thinks it's right. The fact that christians adopt the morality/opinions of a 2000 year old book does not make them any better than those who do not believe in that book and choose to live their lives according to what they believe is right or wrong.

    The bible is just a book that was written by a bunch of guys who agreed on what was right or wrong. Personally, i'd rather decide on my own what I feel is right or wrong as opposed to some 2000 year old book doing it for me.

    You think god torturing Job to win a bet with satan was moral and "good?" I know that torturing another person for any purpose is wrong. I do not need a book or a group of self-righteous religious types to tell me what is right or wrong.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Morality: A social construct, taught from birth, that allows socializations and interaction.

    Paste from Wiki:

    Personal morals define and distinguish among right and wrong intentions, motivations or actions, as these have been learned, engendered, or otherwise developed within individuals. By contrast, ethics are more correctly applied as the study of broader social systems within whose context morality exists. Morals define whether I should kill my neighbour Joe when he steals my tractor; ethics define whether it is right or wrong for one person to kill another in a dispute over property.

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband is an Atheist and I am a Mystic and we never fight about it. We agree to disagree because if we didn't we would be fighting all the time. Sometimes I do want to get into it but it isn't worth fighting about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The logical basis is our own human nature. As social animals we have evolved to value altruistic, cooperative, charitable behavior and to proscribe behavior that deceitful or injurious to others.

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL. Do you actually think your "morality" comes from God? Sorry! YOU are the source of your morality no less than any atheist - you simply like to pretend that you have the sanction of "God" for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    We care deeply about right and wrong. We also understand why things don't work in a vacuum. So we ask for others opinions. We like to have our own opinions challenged, so that we can test their validity.

    Some of my morals are those of a majority of Americans. Some are not. I enjoy having people test them and ask why, so I can constantly rethink them and reevalutate my path.

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