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Who created evil?

Many christians will cry that god is pure love and never created evil. Than how can you explain Genesis:

2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Eve was not made yet, its still in the works and God already warns adam about good and evil. So evil already created and exists right? So how everything that god created can be perfect if evil already somewhere outthere?


Some1 answered:

God didn't created Evil, God created Lucifer as a being (angel) with a free will just like the rest of the angels and us human being.

Common dude, if you can't count at least use the calculator. It's only 4th day, god did not even finish create all things. There is no war in heaven yet or angels.

Read the bible.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People created evil. People created the idea of gods. People created stories that had to do with something that made sense (at one point in time), and people took those stories and turned them upside down. Languages changed, which made translations go haywire. People created religion. People once believed that the sun was their savior, and people created an image over it. People wrote down the important things, and people (later on in life) got 'confused' with the translations. People now enforce crazy enforcements, making others believe that they MUST do this and MUST do that. Only people. Not any other species. People with their gahdamn retardo brains came up with everything; everything has its root. Religions have their root; evil has its root; story telling has its root.

  • 1 decade ago

    God didn't created Evil, God created Lucifer as a being (angel) with a free will just like the rest of the angels and us human being.

    Lucifer decided to take over God and heaven because he is jealous of Him, and 1/4 of that angel with Lucifer was cast out of heaven and came here to earth because earth was God prized creation that time.

    Lucifer couldn't get to God so he decided to get to us Human to turn against God.

    Lucifer turned into evil.


    you're the one who should read the Bible you obvioulsy doesn't know that the Devil was used to be the right hand angel of God.

    Just read your Bible dude.

  • 1 decade ago

    very deep thinking, and good point. But if you wanna go to heaven, NEVER EVER say things like that, although god DOES want you to challenge yourself and your mind. If you die, I will pray for you to go to heaven. call me crazy, but I will since god may get real mad. I have nothing against god, and neither should you.

    p.s. oh, and don't pick the answer that guy who answered first. ugh! I HATE cursers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Acctually, God, if that is how you put it, did create evil. But it acctually started as sin. God created sin but adam and eve were his test. Once Eve sinned, that, i guess, really created evil. but if that is how you put it, yes, God created evil.

    P.S. and im a christian

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God cannot create evil , it's against his ways . Satan is the creator of evil .

  • The victors write the history

    Source(s): Necronomica
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The same guy who created farts. Or perhaps "love" created it.

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