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Are Big Macs at WalMart McDonalds cooked differently?

I have already verified that Mcdonalds inside WalMart stores have the old, fried, apple pies that have not been sold by regular McDonalds in years but..

Are the Big Mac sandwiches at WalMart McDonalds cooked differently (are they fried too?)

I ask because the Big Mac I had at WalMart was more juicy and flavorful than I remember in years. They have gotten very dry at the regular McDonalds

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I work at McDonald's and here is the insider info.

    The Express McDonald's are in a congested area where people are all the time.The burgers go out faster and you probably get meat right off the grill (juicy and flavorful). While at the "regular McDonald's" the meat goes out a little slower, and it's probably been sitting in tray for a minute or two, causing it to dry out a little.

    Hope I was helpful. Good Luck and enjoy.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It is doctored up in the ad to make it look more appealing than it actually is. It is just a little bit of a crap shoot with what you decide to buy. Some items can be what they appear others are not. It also depends on which McDonalds you got it from, one can fix a big mac better than another, as far as the squashed part.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mcdonalds runs all the stores whether its in Kmart Walmart or the mall. The procedure has to be the same for all stores or it would not be a franchise business. If it taste better consider that the supplyers are closer? Or that they acually use better quality

  • Jack
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Should be cooked the same.

    Nikki -- They are not "microwave drawers." They are heating cabinets where they can store food that has just been cooked and hasn't been sold yet. The food shouldn't be there too long before they sell it or throw it away, but some keep it a long time.

    Source(s): Used to work there.
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  • Nikki
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have seen Walmart's Mcdonalds use microwave drawers for their burgers...That's how it's cooked in regular Mcdonald's as well. n

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the Big Macs in Wal-Mart's McDonald's are made from former greeters. Ever notice how some of them just disappear?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe they are cooked after you order them instead of cooked an hour ago and placed under the warming lamp.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hadn't noticed any difference, maybe it's different in the USA than in Canada. Go where you get the best ones I guess.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No it's the same it's just a different location.


  • 1 decade ago

    my advice to you would be to never eat anything that is in Wal-Mart.They have a bad rodent problem,I bought bread one time that had bugs in it.I would know better than alot of people.I work there

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