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If Bush was lying about WMD's in Iraq and assuming he's such an evil person,?

Why didn't he just have them planted in some isolated area in Iraq?


I forgot about the conspiracy nuts....

Update 2:

I've seen a couple of responses regurgitating the old lines, "he's an idiot" and "he did" (even if there is no proof). I'm trying to figure out how Bush can be an idiot and a evil genius all at the same time??????

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that to assume that all liberals are conspiracy theorists is just as insane as we liberals assuming that the Bush administration is behind every single thing. At this point, I can not say without a doubt that Bush lied about the WMDs. I do believe he was acting on bad intelligence and bad guidance. However, as he himself has referred time and time again to "his administration", he is as much to blame for the people he surrounds himself with as he is for getting us in to this ill-guided war. This (His?) administration has been nothing but one mistake after another. We can draw the line at planting WMDs and conspiring to bring down the World Trade Center, but to debate about that also just takes the focus away from what they did do wrong. Focus on the important things and let the crazies debate amongst themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    You ever wonder, why didn't the Bush administration add some iraqi id's to those found after 9/11.

    Since the consipracy freaks think 9/11 was done, so Bush could invade iraq.

    Almost makes ya wonder, why the conspiracy nuts, don't connect the dots.

    If someone purposely did 9/11, and planted all those saudi id's.

    Wouldn't that mean, they were hopping to start a war with saudi ??

    now who would want to do that ?

    Bush or the liberals ???

    I know which one I think hates the saudi's the most.

    And it sure an't bush.

  • 1 decade ago

    If Bush was telling the truth about WMD's in Iraq and assuming he's such a godly person? Why didn't he just have them dug up where they were?

    Maybe it was because he was influenced by ALL the people in Congress who ALSO talked about the WMD that were in Iraq.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yup it is Bush's fault, every bad thing that ever has happened is Bush's fault. He killed Elvis, caused Pearl Harbor, bombed the twin towers and was the shooter on the grassy knoll.

    Remember the media quoted "sources in the Bush Administration" He has a time machine, didn't you know that?

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  • skip
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Bush didn't lie about WMD's. It was Tony Blair. He's too wimpish to actually attempt anything like that. Hence it was never done.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    the internet nonetheless shows pictures of long, suspicious convoys racing out of Iraq into Syria. of course Saddam grew to become into no longer delivery out a 40 truck convoy into the Syrian desolate tract to cover his great china. those pictures have been uncomplicated: the Iraqi military sent a great line of autos into Syria magnificent formerly our invasion. What have been they hiding? Saddam's huge porn series? 40 autos of it? Nope. right here is something very suspicious: whilst the rotten witch Nancy Pelosi grew to become into named Speaker of the dwelling house, her first act grew to become into confusing to declare the least: she and a few people who have no company doing so raced..... to Syria! Did you basically placed 2 & 2 at the same time? I speculate that the traitorous Pelosi raced there to make a take care of the Syrians: never show what Saddam hid on your u . s ., save it hidden, and we Democrats will mushy ball you at each turn. Even fool Libbys could desire to understand that Saddam did no longer take the fundamental step of freeing a itemizing to the U.N. inspectors because of the fact none existed. He refused to do away along with his weapons, till the invasion grew to become into coming near near. Then he stashed them interior the Syrian desolate tract, and was hoping Bush Jr. might do what Bush Sr. did: circulate away promptly. Then Saddam might nonetheless be completely in ability, and ought to proceed being the Butcher of Baghdad.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because there were no Iraqi made WMD's left in the world to bury.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He tried to, but the 2 dudes he hired got busted. Prison Planet or Jeff rense had the story.

    Source(s): wm--phx18
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    WMDs were there and moved! Why is that so hard to believe? Hussain gassed his own people with WMDs...don't tell me you really think that was all he had.

  • Don't defend the man. He is an idiot, that is why he didn't do it!

    Another sheep in the Bush flock, I see.

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