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To Non-Muslims: Do you have Muslims whom you consider good friends?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm friends w/ a ton of people and I think they are good friends.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a shop owner in my town who is muslim.. I consider he and his wife friends and very good neighbors..

    I often go into the shop around lunch time and have often gotten recipes from he and his wife after smelling something he is having for lunch..

    Last winter during a sever storm and subsequent 3 day power outage I received a call from them asking if I could check on their shop because they were unable to get there from their house across the river (it was running 5 feet above flood stage and the bridges were closed)... I checked on things twice a day for the 3 days of the power outage while their alarm system was down and then once a day after the power came back up and the alarm was working until the bridges were reopened so they could get across..

    While I do not agree with their religious beliefs and they do not agree with mine it's perfectly ok we have agreed to disagree on that and remain friendly and neighborly toward each other..

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh Yes i have a great muslim friend !!!

    I am Pagan And he doesnt mind being with me either!!


    I hope no one is treating you unfarly

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is a difficult question, on account of Islam not permitting Muslims to take non-believers as friends.

    • O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust. (S.5:51)

    From Tafsir Ibn Kathir:

    •Explanation for S.5:82: Allah said, (You see many of them taking the disbelievers as their friends.) Mujahid said that this Ayah refers to the hypocrites. Allah's statement, (Evil indeed is that which they have sent forward before themselves;) by giving their loyalty and support to the disbelievers, instead of the believers. This evil act caused them to have hypocrisy in their hearts and brought them the anger of Allah, that will remain with them until the Day of Return.

    •Explanation for S.5:57: This Ayah discourages and forbids taking the enemies of Islam and its people, such as the People of the Book and the polytheists, as friends. These disbelievers mock the most important acts that any person could ever perform, the honorable, pure acts of Islam which include all types of good for this life and the Hereafter. They mock such acts and make them the subject of jest and play, because this is what these acts represent in their misguided minds and cold hearts.

    •Explanation for S.5:51: Allah forbids His believing servants from having Jews and Christians as friends, because they are the enemies of Islam and its people, may Allah curse them. Allah then states that they are friends of each other and He gives a warning threat to those who do this, (And if any among you befriends them, then surely he is one of them.) Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that 'Umar ordered Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari to send him on one sheet of balance the count of what he took in and what he spent. Abu Musa then had a Christian scribe, and he was able to comply with 'Umar's demand. 'Umar liked what he saw and exclaimed, "This scribe is proficient. Would you read in the Masjid a letter that came to us from Ash-Sham'' Abu Musa said, 'He cannot.' 'Umar said, "Is he not pure'' Abu Musa said, "No, but he is Christian.'' Abu Musa said, "So 'Umar admonished me and poked my thigh (with his finger), saying, 'Drive him out (from Al-Madinah).'

    So I suppose, yes, I do have Muslim friends, but only on account of their ignorance of these verses. I actually confronted one about this. After a discussion where we debated and I brought in the relevant tafsir, he became very confused and admitted to me that my analysis was correct and he could not argue further on account of the tafsir, and told me that he had a number of non-Muslim friends. He said he was not told about the existence of these verses and he would have to think about it... and promptly did not, shrugging off the notion of a conflict between his actions and his beliefs by simply forgetting about the issue. Thanks to doublethink, yes, I can say I have Muslim friends.

    Source(s): Qur'an ( , Tafsir Ibn Kathir (
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, and they are friendly and "normal".

    Only hardcore religionists give you the cold shoulder.

  • 1 decade ago

    No because anyone who wants to kill me because I believe in Jesus, is not a friend of mine.

    Source(s): Jesus
  • 1 decade ago


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