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Lv 6
sassy asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

How many of you feel as I do, that our government is and has been, selling us out?

allowing the constant flow of illegal immigration to continue, rewarding them for breaking our laws, and bending over backwards to make sure their rights do not come into harms way, and to hell with us.

Diversity is wonderful, if it is done legally. This is not diversity, this is criminal.


Wherz My Leg, I have been watching for a great many years what our government has been doing. I have been writting, making my voice heard and known.. This country has been divided by those in office. If we don't do something, no one will.

Update 2:

ricmon87 - I can appreciate your words about the War. I went through the Vietnam War, and have continued to watch how this country continues to do for it's people. You seem to think that neither will effect me, or any of us really. I wish that were the case, but it isn't. Oue men and women fight there for the freedoms, and we need to fight here to maintain ours.

Update 3:


Foreign nations may tell us that, and we may ignore it. But when it's one of us saying it, doesn't it strike a nerve, fo something we've already known.

Update 4:

All of you feel so strongly about wanting our country to remain as it was. You all feel strongly that our government is selling us out. What are all of you going to do about it? Make your voices heard, now, like people in our past have done. Email - snail mail - make phone calls - protest - let's all unit and let ouir government know this is our country as much as it is theirs! Fight people, fight to have your voice heard! You all may be only person, one voice, but it has got to begin somewhere, so why with you.. keep moving forward as I will, and lets take back our home.

Again, thank you all, for your answers.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    MOST of us!

    Anyone voting pro illegal will not be employed within the government come election time.

    Kinda feels all good inside huh?

    Source(s): If you want to help end this illegal immigration crisis go here AND HERE AND HERE AND HERE
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    email going around...

    Dear Rep:

    Start here and stem the tide of illegals:

    ENFORCE the immigration laws on the books before making any new laws {unenforceable laws]. Also, build the entire FENCE - it has virtually stopped most illegals in San Diego where it now exist; SANCTION all employers heavily who hire illegals and DEPORT all illegals when found [it can be done with the WILL to do it!]. The bill in the Senate will NOT stop the illegals and only create a poor voting base of up to 100 million for the Democrats and hardship for the rest of the taxpayers. 12 million x extended family members - say 8 on average [higher number most likely] = 100 million more people!!!

    Congress is destroying this great country.

    Lastly, HOW would you ENFORCE this new law when you haven't enforced the ones on the books currently???

    Funny, not one Rep I have talked to can answer that simple question of HOW.

    Thank You,

    Every american needs to read this 1864 book :

    The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions by B.F. Morris


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Things are even worse than you think! Multinational Corporations don't care about diversity or anything other than increasing the bottom line & increasing the price of their stock for the investor class. This means they must decrease the wages paid for jobs they cannot outsource. They have managed to drop wages inside the US by using illegal labor in the service & construction industries. The plan is to increase their power by controlling trade agreements also... notice "fast track" & the PP&S (North American Union) designed to destroy the Independent trucking industry inside the US by using Mexican trucks & drivers to transport goods throughout the US.

    Because the multinationals need help pushing their agenda on the American public, the Chamber of Commerce has enlisted the aid of many liberal & ethnic organizations... LULAC, La Raza & many Democratic party members that see illegals as potential voters.

    Yep, Americans have been sold down the river & it may be too late to stop it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no other way to call it , but a sell out .!!!!

    This Government has tried every way it can to give Corporations what they want and that's , cheap labor and no closing of borders .

    That clears the way for the NAFTA Super-Highway and The North American Union .

    Then you have LaRaza 's influencing the Government , over the objections of the American Citizens .

    We all have to join together and make our feelings known to every member of Congress , today !!!!!

    Bush & Kennedy will try to pass the Amnesty Bill this week . We can't let it pass !!!!

    Dreaming Free : Hey ! , Good Sites . Everyone should look at them !!!!!

    CLOSE the BORDERS , NOW !!!!!!

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  • 5 years ago

    How plenty injury can Obama do to united statesa. in the three a million/2 years he has left? the 1st one hundred days introduced the utter destruction and downfall of our as quickly as Constitutionally risk-free capitalism. Now, he has 3 a million/2 greater years to end feeding something of the form and bill of Rights into the White abode's huge shredder. We, the persons, have slumbered for plenty too long. consequently... ...Obama will do incalculable and irrevocable injury. there'll be no destiny for united statesa. except we alter issues speedy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Our government is selling us out. Just look at the outrage from the American public about the current immigration bill they are trying to put over on us. We don't want it, yet they persue it. That says it all: We do not have government by the people and for the people. Period.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Selling they sold us out. Ready for this Fox news this morning the largest #1 employer of criminal illegal aliens is The federal Gov ,states, an city offices.Imaging that that's why they they want to pass this shamnesty bill.So much for our jobs.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is indeed "diversity." It is, among other things, an attempt by the Democratic Party to capture an even greater number of votes as the main beneficiary of a Hispanic voting bloc to add to those they receive from the black voting bloc. Without the "diversity" voters they'd be out of power.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes they are selling out. It is helpful to know why they are screwing the public. They answer first to business, second to campaign supporters and third to voters.

    Much of the legislation that the senate has conducted in the past has always been behind closed doors.

    The Internet, cable TV, bloggers etc have changed all that.

    We have to stay on top of things and exercise our freedom with letters, faxes and phone calls to keep them listening.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No disrespect intended ma'am, but.....gee, what was your first clue? Bush has invaded our privacy, brought us to war for illegitimate reasons and now you are suprised that he is trying to pull the wool over our eyes, in plain sight, regarding immigration. Its all a part of his daddys New World Order. Its new to you and you are ordered to participate.

    You can rest assured that one way or another, the American people are going to get screwed again on this one.

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