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Should I be bothered that my husband still speaks to an x-girlfriend from High School?

we have been married for five years and I knew about her when we were dating. She lives 3000 miles away and they have been friends for years. However, he has told me for years that he hasn't heard from her and then today he says that he does talk to her that she has his cell phone. I say, if they are just friends, why doesn't she call here at home. Im so upset, but should I be? What do you think? and What should I do about it?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well he says one minute he hasn't talked with her for years.. then says he does, that she has his cell phone #? or am I confused? Anyways.. if that's the case, he lied and why lie about that if nothing is going on between them.

  • 1 decade ago

    He has no bussiness talking and keeping in touch with an old ex girlfriend from high school. They both need to forget about themselves!! Sorry but you don't know what this womans intent is with your husband and she needs to get a life. He is married to you now and his conversations about things should be shared with you not some ex girlfriend. I would not like it if she only lived three miles from my husband. Men think we are stupid when they do this crap! It bothers you and how would he like it if you were all up in your old flames life? Some women are devious and they don't care about a man being married or the problems they can cause. They are connecting and giving each other attention and they are enjoying it at your misery . Communication with any outsider from the past should be disscussed and feelings considered. If this makes you uncomfortable he shouldn't be doing it. It is different if you both run into someone from your past and you both are included. Maintaining a relationship with jobs and running a house hold leaves very little time for the two people in it than to include someone else of the opposite sex taking up either one of your time. I'd tell my husband to grow up because this isn't the High School years anymore and to quit egging on this relationship. The next thing you know she will be on a plane coming to talk with him in person. Tell him you don't like it and to knock it off before his clothes end up on the front lawn. Tell him if he continues this it means he dosen't care if your ex's can call on the phone and keep in contact with you sweetie.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a delicate situation that should be handled carefully. On the one hand, your feelings are at risk. On the other, your husband could get upset if him and her are 'just friends."

    My advice would be to sit down and talk calmly with your husband. tell him your concerns with him talking to her. Tell him you don't like the fact that she won't call at the house, and clear up and nervousness if you think there could be an affair situation developing. Keep the trust between you and your husband. that's the most important. Once you feel comfortable, and you know your husband is completely devoted to only you, and the other woman is just a "friend," you can possibly make friends with her as well. Whatever you do, don't overeact and cause a fight with your husband. That won't help at all. Try to be understanding, and express your concerns about it.

    My best friend happens to be a guy. When he has a girlfriend, she immediately gets jealous of our 10 year friendship. But I know that's always going to happen, so I try to reach out and make friends with her, and ease the panic in her, and become an ally instead of an enemy. Because my friendship is very important.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, no one can tell you how you should feel. The most important issue in this case is that if you are bothered by this contact (which you understandably are), you need to take some private time to explore your specific reasons why and then talk with your husband about it when you are calm and have mulled it over. Sort out your emotions and when you are ready, just be completely honest with him - good or bad.

    Sadly, this kind of situation very often creates trust issues for couples which may surface over and over down the road. For right now, just be completely honest with yourself and your husband and don't waste even a tiny bit of energy blaming yourself for his behavior.

    Go get'em Tiger!

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  • 1 decade ago

    The mistake I made years ago was not telling my wife I saw my ex high school friend. My intentions were good as far as my marriage went but I went about it wrong. I would never want to be with my ex girlfriend as that was evident when I got a divorce several years later and turned down the ex after she found out I was divorced and called me. I still consider her a friend but I don't talk to her because I don't want my wife to feel uncomfortable.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds just like my situation. FIrst, he lied because he told you before he hasn't heard from her and now all of a sudden he says he does talk to her. Second, if he wants to talk to her he can do it from your house phone while you are around if there is nothing going on. In the end you are his wife and he should be more concerned about your feelings and jepordizing your relationship than about her feelings.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Check his cell phone bills and if its just an occasional call, don't worry about it. If its daily or they also email daily, its time to say you aren't comfortable with their level of intimacy and you would appreciate it if he kept it to once a month.

    Carrying on and accusing him of things he isn't doing will make you appear foolishly jealous and insecure, both things that men don't like to see in their women. Allowing him to continue to do something that bothers you is going to drive you nuts, you need to find that middle road.

  • 1 decade ago

    If it were me I would not let it bother me because I trust my husband and you did say she lived 3000 miles away. you have to dig deep inside and ask yourself if you trust him. Many people will say don't trust him and alot will say yes trust him but I am here to tell you listen to your gut only you know how you feel not a bunch of strangers. Good luck

  • Matt G
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    There appears to be some deception on his part, so I think you are entitled to be irritated.

    Talk it out. If it truly doesn't matter that he stays in contact with her, say so and then let the situation drop. If it does, say so and your husband should put you ahead of her.

    I don't know how I would approach this situation; I could see myself going either way - so I don't think anything you decide is wrong.

    Good luck


  • 1 decade ago

    yes you should be upset. It is completely wrong for them to carry on a relationship, especially through a cell phone. I think he's been hiding this relationship for years.

    Ask him to cut the ties completely. Tell him you feel very uncomfortable about the relationship and it must end now. Ask him if SHE is worth hurting your relationship.

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