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my new boyfriend seems like an alcoholic, but what makes a person an alcoholic?

it seems as if he drinks daily: beer, wine, vodka,margarita. usually it is with a meal and/or with friends. he does go out to drink on the weekends. he usually has about 3 drinks. he does not get drunk. he tells me of people he knows who are alcholics and claims that he is not because he does not drink and get drunk. he can handle his liquor. i believe he enjoys drinking because he is a very sociable person...he loves to talk to people everywhere he goes. i usually catch him mentioning some kind of alcohol and says it like it is one of the best things in the world; praising it as if he needs it everyday. what do you think?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's not an alcoholic yet..but if he continues the behavior he very well may become one. A drink a day, or a few on the weekends is really no big deal, it is actually said that a glass of wine a day helps your heart. If you find his drinking habits increasing to 3, 4, or 5 drinks with dinner, and constantly going out and getting drunk, and skipping work all the time because he his hung over or passed out...that is alcoholism.

    Best of Wishes!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, yes and no. My parents have had Brandy Old Fashioneds (brandy and sweet or sour mixer) every night since I've been born and before. They have about 2 a night. However, they're 60 years old. They can go without a drink, too. They just enjoy it. Having 3 drinks a night religiously seems very bad in someone who sounds young. Alcoholics drink because they think they need it to survive/relax/live. It's possible he's just a social drinker, too. Some people drink alcohol to relax, some drink tea. I'd be worried if he couldn't go without drinking for a brief stint (a day, a few days). Keep an eye on him to be safe. I just hope he doesn't drink and drive.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He probably needs the alcohol to be sociable, so it isn't likely that he's going to stop drinking.

  • 1 decade ago

    Usually alcoholics will give you flak if you try to talk to them about your concern.

    Normal drinkers can take it or leave it, and if they care about you and your concerns - will leave it.

    Alcoholics will let you know subtly - or not so much - that they love the booze more than you - through actions or words

    Source(s): Been there, done that, know the secret handshake
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  • belle
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I suppose drinking alot makes the body addicted to the drink, like smoking and drugs.

  • specky
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    but really, what do you think. does his drinking habits bother you. most alcoholics deny they are alcoholic. but here's the test. can he get by without it. mind you, if it doesn't cause a problem with anyone then i guess there's no problem

    it's up to you

  • less
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If he's not he's getting close. I would try and talk to him.

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