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Truly_Complexed asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

Do you think steroid's can cause enough rage in someone to kill people, particularly family members?

I am referring to WWE wrestler Chris Benoit killing his wife and son.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • pepper
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The deaths occurred over a three day period. There was systematic intent. There was no rage. He tied and bound his wife and killed her (Friday).

    The following evening he killed his son (Saturday). Both were suffocated.

    He spoke to people on the phone during this time and said that they were ill - food poisoning.

    Sunday, the day he took his own life - again, he placed calls to people. Told them he loved them. He told people that the garage door was open and where the dogs were, so that the authorities would find the bodies.

    Not roid rage. Not a crime of passion. It did not occur in a fit of any sort. It was cold and calculated. His son was in the house with his dead mother for a day. Chris was in the house with both dead bodies at least overnight.

    Could steroids have caused his mental decline? perhaps. But this was not rage. I don't know if any of you remember Lyle Alzedo - but steroids can cause brain tumors, brain tumors can cause aberrant behavior. Hopefully an autopsy will reveal whether or not the use long term steroid usage or HGH had causative effects in this instance. Studies have proven the link between steroids and violence - there's little room for doubt there. Anyone taking steroids should be considered a time bomb - especially if used in conjunction with testosterone supplements.

    IT IS NOT AN EXCUSE NOR A DEFENSE. If drugs were an excuse for murderous behavior the Manson Family would be alive and well, walking among us - alive and well.

    I am not a WWE fan, I didn't know who this fella was until this happened. I am an Atlanta resident.

    Source(s): For those of you who think this is media hype - it's a ghastly crime. It will be discussed for some time to come. At least the taxpayers won't have to pay to convict this "man". Jack the Ripper is still known today - and there were no television cameras or WWE to hawk his deeds. He will go on the list of family annihilators or psychotically deluded individuals for criminal psychologist studies to reference, not as a "great athlete". Criminals of this variety go in the history books alongside John List, Andrea Yates, William Lembcke, Susan Smith etc. His legacy will be on, the crime library and
  • 1 decade ago

    NO, not in this sense. I think that steroids could play a part in someone doing a violent act, but it is pretty obvious that Benoit had some deep seeded emotional problems that finally came to a head. The whole "roid rage" thing is a bit misleading. I have known several people who have taken steroids since I was i highschool. I have even known people who abuse steroids in college, and know of a few people who abuse steroids today and who have done so for quite a long time. Nobody just snaps and kills their whole family in a manner like that because they are on steroids. What Benoit did was not even a rage. It was a calculated, planned out event, as evidence by the amount of time that expired between each of his family members deaths and his own. People are sort of looking at this whole steroid thing as an excuse for what he did, but it is a cop out. Benoit was obviously a man who had many issues, and there are no easy answers that are cut and dry like steroid abuse that can cover all of the questions. Steroids can't even begin to answer the questions. The media find an issue like steroids and then they harp on it, because it gives them something to talk about. It is a hot button issue and gets ratings. The media is always looking for a boogey man because that is how they make their money.

  • 1 decade ago

    The physical findings announced by authorities indicate deliberation, not rage. The wife's feet and hands were bound and she was asphyxiated, not beaten to d3ath. By the account of the authorities, there were substantial periods of time between the d3ath of the wife and the d3ath of the son, again suggesting deliberate thought, not rage. The presence of a Bible by each is also not an act of rage.

    Chris Benoit meant to kill his wife and son, it was not roid rage.

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  • 1 decade ago

    yes they can. However in Chris Benoit's case the killings were deliberate, meaning that he took his time and thought about everything he did. He placed a bible next to each victim and carefully bound and tied his wifes body. he made a makeshift noose from a weight lifting cable, he also fed his son HGH in recent weeks before the murder. I doubt steroids played a part in this but I am sure that wont matter to the media.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Roid Rage can absolutely send a person into a sadistic rampage; but - if that was the case - Benoit elected to abuse the drug(s) and he alone murdered in cold blood and then took a cowardly exit for his crimes.

  • 1 decade ago

    IF he truly did do this it was not roid rage. The timing is not consistant with the actual duration of roid rage. There would also have been more signs of a struggle and not a so cleverly thought out process.

  • Angel
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have seen someone go into a roid rage and trust me.. god himself wouldn't have been safe. They just snap and go mental.. this guy i knew just went crazy and punched a steel pole and dented it. I walked away at that point but apparently he just went nuts at his girlfriend. Thanksfully no-one was hurt, so in a drug induced mental rage.. yes anything is possible

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I do, because steroids can mess up anyone who uses them. And it happened to cost him, Nancy and Daniel their lives.

    R.I.P. Chris, Nancy and Daniel Benoit

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah they mess with your head and if you drink alcohol which i guess he did it makes it worse. I think he got roid rage killed his wife, drunk, and then killed his son.

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