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We are all born free, why should we feel guilt as we grow?

Is this due to family upringing, religion, education or life experience.

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Guilt is like salt on your sidewalk, in the middle of winter. A little bit of salt helps you get out. Too much salt, and you won't have a lawn next spring.

    Guilt really does give you power, and the authority to change your life, by taking responsibility. But somethings are just to big for one person to handle. The burden has to be shared, or lessened, or even completely removed to live a free life.

    Forgiveness is something we get as grow. And we grow as we get it. It started in the middle east, about 2,000 years ago. You don't need a priest, or a lamb, anymore. You do have to ask...

  • 1 decade ago

    Guilt is a funny thing and only if you grew up on a desert island on your own, would you be truly be free from it.

    What is right for one person, is not necessarily right for another, because influences determine where your guilt is placed. This is conditioning. depending on your conditioning is where your guilt belongs. So guilt can be mis-placed.

    A guilt free life is unusual, but the best way to ensure it, for yourself, is through education, and awareness, both self and others.

    Guilt is a trait, that is often placed on you by the guilty trying to evade their responsibility. Or for some you are the placer of it.

    This is why Mental health is so important. A balance in life of your actions and those of others, is what a person who wants to live a healthy life should seek.

    This is karma, Nirvana, inner peace.

    However who sets your limits ,could be limited themselves.

    Its whatever you can live with, Peacefully ,that keeps you free from it.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many types of things you can feel guilty about, but for the most part I would say guilt has to do with life experiences. For it is the things we do that bring guilt in to our life.

    You see:

    Family up-ringing may have something to do whit it, but it really depends on how your family is so it's not true for everyone.

    Religion just teaches you that you have hope and forgiveness. in other words you have an escape door from feeling guilty for If you ask for forgiveness God will forgive you.

    Education teaches you and prepares you for the business world.

    So you see it is life experience that brings you guilt. we are not perfect and we always tend to do bad things. for it is when we lie, steal, cheat and do other things that we know are wrong we feel guilt.

    God Bless

  • 1 decade ago

    Some feel guilt because that is what they are taught to feel. The Abrahamic faiths teach that everyone is guilty of the original sin and we must beg forgiveness (through the church) to be absolved of something we never did but the church claims the first person did, even though we weren't there.

    No thanks, I think I will stick to Wicca. The only guilt I feel is when I do something wrong myself other than that, I am free to love and live.

    Blessed Be )O(

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  • Jed
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Guilt has suffered alot lately. Guilt is beginning to be seen as only a bad thing, when actually it is a good thing. It is conscience working. But, people don't want to know they have done something wrong anymore, they apparently only want to feel good all the time, without a care.

    Guilt is bad if it does not come from the truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Many religions believe, to one degree or another, that we are not, in fact, born free. The concept of "Original Sin" is oft debated and may sound silly on its face, but there is actually much interesting philosophical thought dedicated to the idea. It doesn't really matter if original sin is real, if people believe it they will have real feelings about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is why children are referred to as 'innocent'. Every person is born with a conscience and that is what makes us feel guilt as we grow and become sinners. We are all sinners. Only God is perfect. If we were without sin, there would be no need for a God. I am a repentant Christian. Jesus loves me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Guilt is what we were taught if we were raised Christian. I don't feel guilty for my life anymore. I'm not good and not bad. Just the same as most other people, trying to get through our days as best we can.

  • 1 decade ago

    Guilt was made to condemn us from sin. However it is with pride that we can say that through Christ we are free of all condemnation. Whilst we were sinners we always felt guilty, not because we had indeed committed an act of sin but it was because our nature was sin. Growth provides knowledge, knowledge can provide guilt, guilt breeds condemnation, condemnation leads us to surrender and surrendering bring us to Christ!!!

    Source(s): Romans 8 : 1 ( There is no condemnation to them who are in Christ)
  • 1 decade ago

    perhaps we all have an idea of perfection, we feel guilt when we don't match it - in that we think (know?) we should be more than we are.

    where this comes from depends on what you believe - I'd say it's spiritual - we're capable of being fully enlightened but feel guilty when we fall short (get there one day!).

    but then, some people have no shame at all and no sense of guilt.

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