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Why did 10 Republican Senators vote In Favor of the Faulty Immigrations Bill?

This Bill was created in Secret, and MOST OF THE SENATORS did not even know what was in the Bill until the day of the Voting.

Knowing this, why did Republican Senators: Snowe of ME, Gregg of NH, Specter of PA, Lugar of IN, Durbin of IL, Lott of MS, Craig of ID, Bennett of UT,and Kyl and McCain of AZ vote against the wishes of their Constituents, and 80% of the LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Especially since 18 DEMOCRATS voted againt the Bill. They are:

Byrd and Rockefeller of WV, Brown and Voinovich of MI, Landrieu of LA, Pryor of AR, McCaskill of MO, Harkin of IA, Dorgan of ND, Nelson of NE, Bingaman and Domenici of NM, Baucus and Tester of MT, and Feinstein of CA.



4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are traders to their Party and constitutes

  • t d
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    there was a totally different agenda for the immigration bill that most people don't know ... it's about control of CITIZENS, as well as non-citizens.

    the NY Law Journal put it this way...

    "The proposed [electronic verification system] could be the sleeper issue in the immigration reform debate, since it would affect all American workers, not just noncitizens.

    For example, the bill would require the Social Security Administration (SSA) to issue fraud-resistant Social Security cards within two years after enactment.

    The bill also requires the SSA to consider adding biometric information to Social Security cards. This could effectively make Social Security cards a national ID card."

    the immigration bill was tied directly to the Real ID Act (became law 9/2005). by passing the immigration bill, all U.S. CITIZENS & non-citizens would have to have a national id card & be entered into the National Data Base.

    within the card is a chip with your info & biometric identifiers & must be machine readable.

    w/o this card & your name in the national data base, not even CITIZENS can hold a job.

    w/o this card, you get fired.

    this part of the bill was called the job eligibility/verification act

    the media & political reps never talked about it ... it was secret. but suddenly when 2 amendments were passed on thursday that would strip the immigration bill of these powers, the immigration bill died.

    it was never about the immigrants.

    it is about control of EVERYONE.

    our next hurdle is to get rid of the Real ID Act before it is enacted - 5/2010.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would say the Democrats represented the will of the American people better. That is their job bring the will of the people from their area to Washington. I am sick of the outdated Republican party of a fading generation that fallows father figures that know best instead of representatives of the people`s will. I say jail the Americans hiring illegals and that will kill the motivation to come here if people are scared to hire them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they speak for those of us who are not whiny little socialists. Unlike you, we can compete in a true- or close to a true- capitalistic market without the government having to mollycoddle and protect us like helpless little babies.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because the conservative movement in America has failed (under Bush) and no longer has a clear course to follow

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