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Is Obama's Civilian Security Force going to replace Our Locally Police Departments?
Obama has stated that he wants to create a National Civilian Security Force. Will it be Under his Total Control? He said that Our Military can not do the whole job. What Job? We have the FBI, State Police, Local Police, and National Guards. Why the need to create a Secret? Civilian SECURITY FORCE? This sounds like Hitlers Brown Shirts, and you Liberal Socialist Democrats do not need to believe me. See Obama state this in his Own Words!
1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoWhy are Liberal Socialist Democrats unable to disagree with Others without using Valgar Language or Worse?
Lately, it is becoming evident that the Obama Supporters are acting like Hitler's Brown shirts, who put Hitler in charge of Germany in the late 1930s. They attack All who disagreed with them with Racist, Sexual, Sexist, and Hateful means.
When all else failed, the Followers of Hitler resorted to Physical Terror, Killings, and Death camps.
I do not like what I am seeing and hearing from these Obama Supporters. I wonder if there are Other Reasonable People who also see this Danger Growing.
13 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhat is the story about the LA Times refusing to release a Video of Obama at a Hate The Jews Meeting?
It is reported that Obama attended a meeting with Muslims, and that Hateful Threats, and more, were made in the presence of The Obama. It was reported that Obama said nothing, as usual, to stop the Racist Haters Spewing such Racist Hate! It was reported that the LA Times has refused to release, or show, this Video to the American People!
What is Obama LA Times Hiding?
LA Times = Fare and Balanced Reporting?
13 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoIs Freedom of Speech being Silenced by the Liberal Socialist Democrats?
Recently, a Florida Woman TV Reporter asked Obama's running mate, Senator Biden, about his, "MARK MY WORDS" Statement, that Obama will be seriously tested within 6 months of taking Office as the President. That he, Biden, believed that the People would not agree with the Obama Response, but that We had to Stick with Obama and Biden.
Biden refused to answer the Woman TV Reporter's Question, and later, the Democrat Party advised the Woman"s TV Station, protected by Free Speech, that it was being Barred from Interviewing any Other Democrat Politicians!
19 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoThe Price of a barrel of Oil went down $10 this Week. The Price at the Gas Pumps has not dropped One Cent!?
When the Price of a barrel of Oil goes up, the Price at the Gas Pumps goes UP IMMEDIATELY!
Why is this so? Why has the United States Congress done nothing about this? Why have they prevented us from drilling for Our Own Oil, in Our Own Country?
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoDo You think that it is about time to BOYCOTT ALL GOODS AND PRODUCTS FROM CHINA?
Because of all the problems, poisons, lead content, etc. still being reported in or on goods from China, what else can we do? Our entire Government appears not to be able to protect our food, clothing, toys, etc. Does anyone have a solution?
14 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHas Anyone ever Heard about the NAFTA Super Highway being planned from Mexico, through the USA, to Canada?
Apparently, it will be four football fields wide. It will start at the Mexican border at Laredo Texas, to the Canadian border North of Dulth, Minn. Containers from the Far East will enter the Mexican Port of Lazaro Cardenas, bypassing the American Longshoreman's Union. The Mexican trucks, WITHOUT the involvement of the AMERICAN TEAMSTERS UNION will travel this Highway through the Center of the USA, to a MEXICAN Customs Office in Kansas City. This Facility is being built for MEXICO at a cost of $3 Million to the U.S. Taxpayers. Then the Containers will either go to Canada, or to other U.S. States. It appears that there are Plans to create the NORTH AMERICAN UNION to replace the USA! Great Reason for trying to pass the Defeated Immigrations Bill.
Sources: Click on the other sources IN the Article.
5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoHas Anyone ever Heard about the NAFTA Super Highway being planned from Mexico, through the USA, to Canada?
Apparently, it will be four football fields wide. It will start at the Mexican border at Laredo Texas, to the Canadian border North of dulth, Minn. Containers from the Far East will enter the Mexican Port of Lazaro Cardenas, bypassing the American Longshoreman's Union. The Mexican trucks, WITHOUT the involvement of the AMERICAN TEAMSTERS UNION will travel this Highway through the Center of the USA, to a MEXICAN Customs Office in Kansas City. This Facility is being built for MEXICO at a cost of $3 Million to the U.S. Taxpayers. Then the Containers will either go to Canada, or to other U.S. States. It appears that there are Plans to create the NORTH AMERICAN UNION to replace the USA! Great Reason for trying to pass the Defeated Immigrations Bill.
Sources: Click on the other sources IN the Article.
5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhy did 10 Republican Senators vote In Favor of the Faulty Immigrations Bill?
This Bill was created in Secret, and MOST OF THE SENATORS did not even know what was in the Bill until the day of the Voting.
Knowing this, why did Republican Senators: Snowe of ME, Gregg of NH, Specter of PA, Lugar of IN, Durbin of IL, Lott of MS, Craig of ID, Bennett of UT,and Kyl and McCain of AZ vote against the wishes of their Constituents, and 80% of the LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Especially since 18 DEMOCRATS voted againt the Bill. They are:
Byrd and Rockefeller of WV, Brown and Voinovich of MI, Landrieu of LA, Pryor of AR, McCaskill of MO, Harkin of IA, Dorgan of ND, Nelson of NE, Bingaman and Domenici of NM, Baucus and Tester of MT, and Feinstein of CA.
5 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoOn 6-28-07, the Amnesty Bill was DEFEATED 45 to 53 in the Senate. Have they NOW learned who Elected Them?
The Democrats are now trying to gather support to pass a Law, to Censor and Destroy Talk Radio! Is this related to the Amnesty Bill lost in the Senate?
10 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhy did FOX News not show the MUSLIMS AGAINST JIHAD [Special] last night? WAS THERE OUTSIDE PRESSURE APPLIED?
Instead, they put on a 2 HOUR NEWS ALERT SHOW about what was already reported and known by most People. They could have done this at an earlier time, and in so doing they would have advised their viewers at the same time that other stations were advising their viewers. Even if they had waited until the 11 PM News Time, it would have made more sense than doing what they did!
14 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhat do you think about Creating a New Political Party?
Both the Democrats and Republicians are serving the interest of ILLEGAL Aliens, instead of the American People. They appear to be more interested in safeguarding and extending their Political Careers, than in doing what is right for their Constituents.
They are trying to sneak an Amnesty Bill through Congress, even though they know that the Majority of Americans do not want this! They tried to do this behind closed doors in a Political Back Room.
Both Parties are no longer working for the American Citizens, and it is the time for a New Party to be Born. A Party that will listen to the Legal Citizens of this Country of Ours. A Party that will not serve the extremist from both sides. A Party that will care about Our Country, Our Flag, and Our Families FIRST.
12 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade agoFor anyone who owns a 2006 or 2007 Ford Freestyle?
I would apprecieate your pros and cons about this vehicle, before I buy one. Thank you in Advance.
4 AnswersFord1 decade agoGPS car navigation system?
Does anyone own a Tom Tom GO 510. How do you like it, and is it worth the $600.
2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago