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Anonymous asked in Games & RecreationVideo & Online Games · 1 decade ago

Sex vs violence in video games?

Would u rather have alot of sex or alot of violence in your video game?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well my favourite games are Final Fantasy and Second Life. The violence in Final Fantasy isn't very graphic. 'Death' is considered a sort of knock-out unless all characters are defeated. There's often a lot of morality tales in the Final Fantasy games too. When a character dies within the story line, it's invariably a tragic loss.

    Second Life is a virtual online world and just about anything goes there. Some idiots enjoy going around with a gun and shooting people. It doesn't really simulate lots of gore - just throws people about a bit. When I'm attacked by idiots, I meet violence with violence and I'm well-equiped to deal with gun toters in SL. But the violence doesn't really appeal to me that much. I prefer creating thinks - buildings, furniture and clothes - to destroying things. Having said that, one of my avatars goes to a place called Samurai Island in SL and she takes part in tests of combat. But I think of this as a test of skill and I have an interest in Buddhism, so I see this as just another part of learning. The duels are always against friends and we never fight with malice.

    Sex in Second Life can be very graphic - some might say pornagraphic. People experience it in many different ways. I have a partner in Second Life and she is the only person I ever have SL sex with. Our relationship is exclusive and we have been together for several months now. But other people are into the whole BDSM thing, or group sex. There are even places where there is simulated rape. I find that a little offensive and I wouldn't go to those places. It's the same with the places where there is extreme violence - sexual or otherwise. They are there for those who want that - I don't. Simple as that.

    For me, if violence is a valid part of the storyline of a book, movie or game, then fine. You can't have a Rome story without violence. It's like Dr Quin Medicime Woman - trying to present the old West as being a place where the pioneers were nice to the Native Americans and treated black people as their equals. Nice idea, but that's NOT how it happened!

    At the other end of the scale are the books, movies and games that glamorise violence for the titilation of the audience. There is nothing glamorous about inflicting pain.

    Sex in games can be used well, to tell the story, to bond the characters, to make then feel real. Sex in SL can be wonderful between two people that really care about each other. But a bunch of newbie guys wandering around naked in their basic skins and shapes with a neon pink freebie dick they picked up and asking, "Hey ur HAWT! U wan **** wit me?" just turns my stomach. Sadly, there are far too many of them in Second Life. I have some pretty good withering gestures and set replies to make them feel stupid and if that fails, they get thrown 2 billion meters into the air. By the time they get back to the ground (a good 30 minutes to fall) I've done what I needed to do and have left the area.

    Everything in moderation I think is the way to go. If I had to choose, it would probably be sex over violence, but then Final Fantasy would never be the same without a good scrap every few minutes.

  • 5 years ago

    The main problem is -> The hotcoffee mod wasn't known about by ESRB so as soon as that hacker found it BAM! watchdog groups & politicians pounced. I don't think its that bad of a thing, sex or violence, in a market where consumer sovereignty reigns we're choosing to have that in our video games. Bad thing? I think not. Should it be kept away from the kid gamers? Most definitely, but thats not our choice to make. Ultimately its the choice of the parents and if they're choosing to let their kids play these games, what can we do? Once people start to realize that its not gamers fault or the industry's fault for making these games or for enjoying them, maybe things will cool down. Until then its just going to continue to be a big mess...

  • 1 decade ago

    i want to do things in a video game that i shouldnt be able to do in real life. so violence. thats why i like the manhunt series

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im ok if they have some, im also alright if they dont got any.

    Try this game, no violence or sex but really good!

    Onlne MMORPGS fully free:

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sex! There are enough violence as it is in this cruel world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Violence - sex is for porn

  • 1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    do we have to choose life is full of so many hard questions can we just have a sexy violent video game?

  • 1 decade ago

    I would perfer neither, but if I had to choose one, I would perfer violence.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would rather violence

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