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Hi, I have a good friend of mine who is in a really serious relationship with this guy that I just do not like (please don't ask why, I just get a weird vibe from him). Anyway, before this we've always been very "friends are more important than any guy". But these last few months, its like she's completely forgotten this, and when we go out, she's constantly on the phone with him. Frankly, I don't understand what the point is in hanging out with her if she's going to spend the evening talking to him. Recently, it's begun to really frustrate me, and I've been a bit rude to her (avoiding conversation), and she's picked up on it. How do I resolve this situation?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all, your instinct about him not being a good guy is probably right, because normally friends can pick up on that type of thing, but that doesn't mean you should trash talk him to your friend, because at this point, she obviously has feelings for him and the fact that you're bashing someone she really likes is going to hinder your friendship.

    You should just keep your friendship and their relationship completely separate. If she wants to talk about him, that's fine, but you shouldn't bring him up because you'll probably end up saying something bad about him.

    However, I would bring the talking on the phone thing up to her, because chances are she probably doesn't realize how much it's affecting you. If you do tell her it bothers you, and she gets angry at you, just spend some time away from her, and she'll come to her senses. She may not act like it now, but one day when he does something stupid, all she'll want to do is talk about it with you, and she'll realize that maybe he isn't more important than you. Good luck, if she's as good of a friend as you say she is, things will work out!

  • 1 decade ago

    This same thing has been happening to me recently... I know it might be difficult, but honestly you need to tell her how you feel, and be completely frank about it. You don't have to be rude, but you should be firm. Whenever you're out and she's on the phone with him for a long time, remind her that you and HER are out together at the time, and conversations with him can wait. Remind her that you were friends before she and him became boyfriend and girlfriend. This doesn't mean that she has to break up with him -- but it DOES mean that she should be mindful of your feelings too because you are her friend and you obviously care enough to hold on to the relationship.

    Just be honest. Honesty is difficult but probably the best way to resolve the situation. If she can't understand why you're feeling this way anyway, she probably isn't worth having as a friend in the first place.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell her calmly and respectfully how you feel. Let her know that her friendship is very important to you and that you enjoy spending time with her. Apologize for being rude to her, and tell her that you feel frustrated when she spends the whole time you're together on the phone. Maybe she'd be willing to turn it off for a while.

    Telling her that you get a weird vibe from her boyfriend will probably not help the situation. I'd say, be honest if she asks, but don't just volunteer that "Damian gives me the creeps."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know igzactly how you feel. The same igzact thing happened 2 me and my former best friend. And you need 2 talk to her before it too late. If he really loves you, she'll stop. Friends were there before any boy and friends will always be there after. Take it from someone who knows, you have to talk to her before ots too late. This is how I lost my best friend, and it is the hardest thing I'vever been through in my life. I used 2 talk 2 her every single day and we didn't spend a day without eachother. We loved each other but guys can really **** things up. Now she's under his little spell. Even though it may seem hard, talking to her is the only thing you can do. And don't treat her badly even though she deserves it, that will make things worse. You just HAVE to talk to her. Its the only way.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you should begin by talking to your friend about this, rather than avoiding conversation..Tell her that she needs to give sometime for her friend, at least when she's out with you..Also tell her that you're aware that she won't spend as much time with you as before, but she needs to respect you're friendship...

    I know it may be hard for you when your friend has a bf all of sudden..She's just too involved with him, cuz it's only the beginning of the relationship and they're getting to know each other...Just give it some time after you talk to her and see how it goes...

    Best of luck :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wow this sounds so familiar to me... me and my best friend went through exactly that.. she had a bf and i could not stand him, just like u say dont ask why i just couldnt, and when we were together especially when she would come over to my house she would styay on the phone with him for hours at a time, and it drove me crazy, but anyways my point is you just need to get her alone and you both need to sit down and talk about the entire situation (oh and to help make sure she turns her phone off or leaves it in another room while you guys are having your talk, but just get together and talk you guys should work things out together. good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Except the fact that this is the new her. I have a friend that is the same way. When she is single we hang out almost everyday but when she gets someone she is totally occupied with should tell her how you feel and then just find new ways to deal with it because getting upset solves nothing and makes her think you are jealous of him (which I am sure is not the case)!

  • 1 decade ago

    This is something every friendship will face, everyone gets boyfriends and puts their friends to the side, it does not mean she does not care about the friendship. I think you should talk to her and let her know how it makes you feel. If she ever has a problem she will be crawling back to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just tell her how you feel. She needs to know how you feel, but also try to get a new friend to hang out with.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would say something to the effect "hey when is a good time to get together to spend time together when you aren't so busy that you will be on the phone? i would like to have some girl time. i know you love him but i really miss our time together"

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