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Is it odd for a 7yo to talk about suicide?

last night my son had an episode of rage, frustration, crying, screaming, etc. My wife and i think he is too old to throw fits like this. It all started when we were trying to pull one of his teeth, this is not his first, actually his third lost tooth. At first he was very compliant and seemed glad to be getting rid of the dangling tooth, after about 5 minutes he started getting upset and we were going to stop ut the floss was stuck in the roots of his tooth, and his attitude and demeaner got worse and worse. We finally got the string out and we took him to bed. My wife stayed to tuck him in and he started talking in detail about ending his life. She continued to talk to him about the family that would miss him and what he would miss out on if he went through with suicide. Is this normal thinking and behavious for a 7 year old? He is not abused, physically or mentally, his discipline has always been the removal of privlidges and in extreme cases, spanking.


FYI, he ended up losing his tooth this morning eating cereal!

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do not think that it is normal for a 7yr old to talk about suicide....but I don't think that it is your fault either. did your wife try to ask him what made him want to say those things? Did she ask him where he heard about killing himself? Maybe your son is receiving information from another kid? TV? I think you should speak wit him about it....and if he continues, you should take him to see a psychiatrist...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Talk to him more maybe its not that maybe something happend in school you never its not odd for a 7 year old to think or talk bout suicide..example the first time i thought of suicide was when i was 8 years old, but then again i had and still have many problems with my family and other reasons, if this cant be bout family then it has to either deal with himself personaly, or with school , or friends. Now that you know this dont ever keep your eye off him, take care of him more then you would now but dont be so stricked because then he will get more aggrivated...Trust me its coming from a person who was like that...except for the part of the tooth thing idk i let my dad take them all out!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, that is odd for a seven year old to talk about. I didn't start even thinking about that until I was in my teens. At 7, I didn't even know what suicide was. I didn't know people killed themselves when I was that young. Sounds like your child needs some professional help.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is odd for a 7 year old to go into detail like that. Most children his age, dont even know what suicide means, let alone what you do to go through with it. I would talk to his doctor if I were you, and see what he/she thinks.

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  • Liz
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    When I was about that age, I was thinking about suicide too. But I'm still alive, eh?

    Everyone thinks about suicide at some point, even kids. And they have a harder time keeper strong emotions under control.

    To be on the safe side, I'd schedule him to see his school counselor. They're usually free and in an environment where he's already comfortable (school).

  • 5 years ago

    i wiuld tell him that the pprophet mohammed pbuh might condem this and does not like this in any respect! and that killing innocont human beings is against islam, and that once he dies it stands out as the muslims that would desire to go through and can get the stick 4 it so he has too think of approximately his human beings and approximately his faith because of the fact if he substitute right into a genuine muslim he wouldnt try this God gave you life be gratefull for it even although politcle matters nowdays are tousled and consistently against muslims and there are a number of innocont muslims dyeing ur unlikely to heelp yet in actuality make it worse for us all muslims might desire to stand togother and supply reliable examples of what a genuine muslim is and verify out to alter the international 4 the greater effective and not by killing human beings! yet by what the prphet finished wich is provide a reliable occasion!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    has he been exposed to a suicide before? i had an older brother who commit suicide and since then we've been having problems with my brother who is also now 7. when he was 6 he was brought to the er since he tried committing suicide. its not normal behavior for any age. its sad that kids their age even know what it is or how to do it

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont think its normal but this? i have a 6 yr old sister who either throws shocking tantrums or breaks things of my other sisters or when she disagrees with something or doesnt get her way, then in the aftermath is complaining heaps about how she hates her life and doest wanna be here anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not think thats normal for a 7yr old to talk about need to take him to a child psychiatrist but mainly children at the age of 7 yrs. old dont think of those kinds of things.....if i was you i'll take him to see a psychiatrist/ therapist......

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no this is not.. you should get him to a therapst.. sometimes he can be having problems at school etc and he just wonttell you but he might trust a therapist cuz he doesnt know hims o he doesnt care what he thinks about him.. dont get mad at him for this.. he could be bullied out side of school you never know.,. talk to him and take him to a therapist.. you dont want anything bad to happen

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