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The Knights Templer, where they Islamic??

I have been researching this all morning and am starting to believe the knights templar where in fact followers of Muhammad. Has anyone else ever heard this? What do you think? Read this link to get you started if you are interested.


my goodness, do any of you even know what islam is? If you research it you will find that Islam means and I quote "A monotheistic religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and to Muhammad as the chief and last prophet of God. " These people worship the same god as christians. A god by any other name is still a god. From what I've read so far they even believe in Jesus, or atleast that he was a great prophet. I 'm not so sure about the whole son of god thing.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No they were not.

    Remember there is a lot of propaganda against Masonry and any part of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, do U really want to use that wide a "Brush" to "Paint" them All as following Muhammad??? First , these men were being "Tortured" to extract "False Statements" for the "Kings Purposes"!!! Under this situation, they were barely able to answer "Yes or No", so that the "Inquisitor" would ask something like "Did U ever worship "So & So?", looking to have them agree to whatever he said & the Torture continued until he would get a "Yes" or the man died!!! That's not to say that perhaps some did "Convert", but if that was the case, why did they go back home instead of staying with their "Adopted Peoples" steeping in their new "Religion"??? So, can U provide a "Relevancy" for how this affects Us Today, or is it one of those things that just "Intrigues" U??? Ok, NOW I SEE, from Ur "Addition" that U have some "Twisted View" U are trying to "Prove" about "Islams god" being the "Same" as "Christianities God", which of course is WRONG as is evidenced by the fact that "Islam" Does Not Follow the Bible but the Quaran, which says to "KILL" those who "Won't Convert" just like the "Catholics" have done in the "Crusades" and their "Exploration" of the "New World"!!! Well,"FORGET IT", AT ONE TIME, Jacob & Esau were under the "Same God", but Esau blew it & is considered the "Father of the Arabs" for his "Rebellion" towards God by "Selling" his "Birthright"!!! And so the Jealousy & Hatred Against Jews Continues to this Day!!! John

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To my knowledge, the Knights Templar were a strictly Christian organization. The article that you presented was interesting, however, it does not prove they were Islamic. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they seem to be demonizing the Prophet (S). They used an anagram of the French word for Muhammad and they created this devil-goat-like thing. In the article you presented, the Freemasons used the symbol in the 19th Century.

    The article that you presented said that they might have incorporated some Islamic teachings, but that has yet to remain evident in history or in the article that they were Muslim.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you will find they were more "Sufically" inclined. The Sufic movement originated in SPAIN, actually, and only moved to the Middle East when the Moors were tossed out of Spain. The Sufis themselves acknowledge they are "beyond religion"; their tenets are universally applicable; though nowadays most if not all "Sufis" are Muslims. It is beyond question that the Knights Templar were influenced by Sufi thought; in fact I KNOW that the Knights Templar embraced MANY different religious teachings, and were able to do so because they were a law unto themselves. In fact, the Knights Templar STILL EXIST as a secret Order, dedicated to the promotion of religious freedom; I know this because I have MET them! Any Order calling itself "Knight Templar" that pledges allegiance in any form to the Roman Catholic Church is NOT a true "Templar" Order; the original Order was betrayed by the RCC, back in 1307 and thus is its sworn enemy.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Total nonsense. Ask Saladin, the Muslim general who several times got routed by the Good Christian Knights Templar.

  • phrog
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    nope. don't think so...........


    Pilgrim, the twelve tapers you see around the triangle, correspond in number with the disciples of our Savior while on earth, one of whom fell by transgression, and betrayed his Lord and Master; and as a constant admonition to you always to persevere in the paths of honor, integrity, and truth, and as a perpetual memorial of the apostasy of Judas Iscariot, you are required by the rules of our Order to extinguish one of those tapers; and let it ever remind you that he who can basely violate his vow and betray his secret, is worthy of no better fate than Judas Iscariot."

    (The candidate extinguishes one of the tapers; the triangle is placed in the centre of the room, on which are twelve burning candles; between each candle stick a glass of wine; in the centre of the triangle is placed a coffin, on which are the Bible, skull and cross-bones.)

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. They were warrior Christians that were wrongly persacuted. There is references that they mixed paganism into it, but I can't remember where I read that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, they were Christians who were falsely accused of devil worship in order to justify their persecution

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They were Christian.

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