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YZFR1 Yamaha, I think it's correct now. Need repair info?

Bike hit tree at 60mph, amazingly the bike appears in good shape, other than the plastic parts on front, the exhaust pipe. Worried about frame damage, although to look at it, it's amazing how it held up. Any info would be helpful, need to repair and sell. I posted a day or so ago, I think this is the right numbers, it's a racing type crotch rocket. It's a 1000, year is 2006

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can buy al the stuff you need off e-bay. But if i were you i would make sure the new buyer knows that it has been crashed. Well if you have made a insuance claim on it then the title can only be retitled as a rebuild. But if they ask you if it has been crashed and you say no then you can be sued of they ever find out for flase advertisement. Sounds to me you are doping this for your boyfreind or somethin you dont even know the bike. A 2006 R1 brand new is about 12 grand well 11,599. When you go to sell it you will get less money for a crashed bike but thats the way it is. Most likley no one will buy the bike anyway for the price you are going to sell it for they can get a clean bike with no hassels. I would call the insuance company and trade it in.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    So get on it and ride it down the street. Let go of the handle bars - if it goes straight, youre cool. If it starts steering to one side or the other, your frame is bent.

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