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WRRRR and Ayiza, and all the others who......?

believe this country to be rightfully only theirs!

(i.e. Black & White)

• Why do you believe that?

• What have you done for this country to earn (own) it?

• What gives you the right to tell someone to leave this country?

No reporting on any comments please. This is a question based on opinions. Remember we are a country believing in freedom of speech.


Thank you Zimmy!!!

Update 2:

G77Project, I guess that is why we could call you a criminal as such..... Thanks for making that clear about you!

Update 3:

Eina, Ibanez said something that slapped me right between the eyes:

Just look at our prisons... if whites steal from blacks, like you stated, why is the prisons overcrowded with black people. Blacks in prison outnumber whites by 70/1 according to the latest statistics.

Oooooh that is a low blow man!

Isn't it strange, when these guys, Ayiza and WRRR get slapped by the truth, they always hit you back with insults and racism, yet they accuse all of us as RACIST?

What makes me happy (unfortunately for them) is that these are the kind of people that would be "out-grown" by the CHANGED people in this country, building a nation!

Update 4:

Open your eyes WRRR and Ayiza, we outnumber you!

This, South Africa, is indeed a country for all!

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ayiza & G, along with Wrrr are racists, it's clear as day. And hypocrates, as they accuse without facts. No one stole land from them, it was swopped for clothing, live stock & guns & ammunition. It was their own kings who gave the land away.

    You guys say you are natives. Well, get a dictionary & look up the word "native". Anyone born in this country is Native. Which makes me a native to this country, & according to your logic, I have just as much a right to this country as you.

    On top of this, there are more murders, robberies, rapes, abuse, child abuse & kidnappings amongst the blacks than what there are amongst whites & between black & white. You can get these statistics from your local police station.Guys like Wrrr G777 & Ayiza should ask themselves the question, when looking at Zimbabwe, do we wan't to starve & run out of energy & fuel? Do we want to destroy 300 000 people's homes because they look bad? Well, if the answer is yes, then your fellow black man, woman & child will be suffering.

    Just look at our prisons... if whites steal from blacks, like you stated, why is the prisons overcrowded with black people. Blacks in prison outnumber whites by 70/1 according to the latest statistics.

    I've said this before as well. The only non-white nation that should be here then, is the bushmen, as they were the first humans to live in SA. Go further back in the black history & you will find that the Black nations of SA, & most southern African countries, originate from North Africa.

    The small bushmen were driven from their land to the Kalahari by the much bigger & stronger black nations. Proof of this is that some of the world's oldest rock paintings are in the east of SA, but now you won't find the Bushmen even close to this area.

    Knowing this, blacks are the same as whites. Whites did exactly to the black, what the blacks did to the Bushmen, way before the whites came to make Africa civilized.

  • 4 years ago

    Ha, you understand how Ayiza and that i've got had our spats in the previous, yet i'm afraid that i'm additionally with Zim and Ayiza in this one. i've got accomplished examine, i've got study books and that i even labored for an AIDS orphan charity in Cape city and that i'm sorry, the info do not upload up and the statisitcs for Africa are additionally doubtful;- The ELISA HIV attempt for Africa and Europe at the instant are not an identical. there is no shown link between HIV and AIDS, some human beings have died of AIDS without being effective, some all of us is effective and by no skill look to get unwell.... AZT destroys the immune device and creates dependancy to boot... and so on and so on, there is likewise the relationship with polio vaccinations in West-appropriate Africa in the process the 1950's making use of chimpanzee cellular cultures,.... humorous how the exams weren't accomplished in Europe or usa.... etc etc.....!

  • Lady G
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Poepies: a star for you!

    Ayiza: Saturday you called me a racist and I resent you for that. BUT I still don't care that you're being (as someone else so eloquently put it) a d**s.

    As far as the language issue goes: I speak 2 languages fluently (Afrikaans and English), I studied Latin, My 3rd and 4th languages are German and French and I'm currently adding 2 more languages to my repertoire: Dutch and Tswana. Next year I will start learning Spanish and Zulu...

    Don't you DARE tell me that I'm not trying. Don't you DARE tell anyone of us that we don't contribute. Don't you DARE tell us that we should leave because we don't belong here. How can you say that Christianity is a bust, I know people who are more devout Christians than I am, and they're not white. Are you saying that these people's souls should be lost just so that you could have a monochrome country? You are being selfish and an idiot and I hope that you will realise this (sooner rather than later).

    To the rest of you: good luck with the week (it's only Monday...) =)

    PS: Well said Alf and Ibanez, I couldn't have said it better!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey Poepies - hope the weekend was good!

    1] I believe this is my country because I was the first one to invite the Martians to have a meeting with our leaders about the migration issues that followed after the nationalization of my South African Bank Robbers Union.

    2] I served my country for a very long time running around in other African countries taking photo's of what was thought of as a possible threat. Turned out it was a massive toi toi inside their camps so they asked us to stop photographing them!

    3] The only right that I think I have to tell someone to leave is because I know they are here just to snatch my 'Kreef' and that they are going to scare the Martians with them.

    Source(s): **from 'Mars', the 'H' is 'MELLOW' this Monday
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  • 1 decade ago

    Poepies - this is a reasonable question, designed for a reasonable response. Which is why it can't work. Black savages like WRRR and Ayiza are incapable of logic or objective reasoning. They are what Afrikaans people refer to as houtkoppe.

    Also, you justify their worthless existences - sponging off the white man - just by asking it. Much better to just hope they get run over by a car, or are murdered by other black savages.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    South Africa belongs to the South Africans. That's me, you and anyone else who is working towards making this country a great place to live in!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In South Africa you have a minority of mostly educated whites wanting to reason with a large majority of mostly uneducated blacks.

    And the little education that the blacks have received have mostly been ANC lies and propaganda - witnessed in the responses of those about whom you ask.

    You have more chance of covering yourself in mint butter sauce and reasoning with a cannibal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    South Africa belongs to all decent people who work to make a living, whatever they do, and pay taxes. Expats who send money home and help South Africa abroad and people who want to live in peace as neighbours and friends....meditation is irie man!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Poeps, missed your insightful questions. Me's back in the land of answers...

    Source(s): the general is back.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont need to teach you hisotory and what your ancestors found when they landed in Cape Town but unfortunately you need to accept that the answers given by Ayiza and G whatever are the majority view of the great unwashed.However, here is an interesting "apology" you can use when confronted with their distorted version of history:

    An Apology to the Black Man from the White Race

    We apologize for giving you doctors and free medical care, as a result of which you have been able to survive plagues and catastrophes and grow in numbers;

    We apologize for teaching you to read and write, and for building you thousands of schools which we have repaired after you vandalized them and burned them down. After all, if you could not read how could you have learned the words of Karl Marx, Mao Tse-tung, and others who taught you how evil WE are and how oppressed YOU are?

    We apologize for building factories and highways and buildings that gave you employment;

    We apologize for developing farms which to this day feed the bulk of Africa;

    We apologize for providing you with warm clothing made of fabric instead of leaving you wearing the animal skins which you wore before our arrival;

    We apologize for taking minerals from the earth which you neither used, nor wanted, nor even knew were there;

    We apologize for those among us who have established welfare organizations and have devoted their entire life towards making life richer and better for your people;

    We apologize that we have built roads and railroad tracks between towns and cities which you now use every day without thinking;

    We apologize for paying the lion's share of taxation while spending less on ourselves than on you;

    We apologize for giving you law and order and a strong central government which prevented your own warrior nations like the Zulu and the Matabele from slaughtering black people by the hundreds of thousands as they did year in and year out before we came;

    We apologize for teaching you the English language which has opened to you the entire world of European thought, culture, and commerce;

    For all these sins we humbly beg forgiveness, and if you will only accept our apology we will be happy to take back all of the above evil and horrible things we have done to you and return to our European homeland.

    (Arthur Kemp)

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