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Are Muslim immigrants turning this country into the very slums they left behind?

someone told me this and then i thought about the shopping parade down my road which has basically turned into a pig sty since a vast number of muslim took over.

What say you the jury?

25 Answers

  • MBC
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have lived in a Muslim country and in a Muslim neighborhood here in America. I would have to say, in all honesty, that while Islam stresses cleanliness, many Muslims originally from other countries do have a lower standard of upkeep than do Americans.

    This is simply a cultural thing. For example, when their grass is growing high or their yard needs weedeating, they just don't see the problem because they weren't raised to see it. We Americans expect that there will be no fingerprints on doors or walls, for example. To them this is one of those things that is off the radar because they weren't raised to take notice.

    It is like that with all people. There are things in American culture that need to be improved, but because we are raised to expect those things, we don't pay them much heed.

    The problem for your shopping parade is simply one of enforcement. There have to be standards of cleanliness that are moitored by the authorities. Eventually, people will move toward an American standard when the expectations are made clear to them.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Most Muslims, or at least a majority in the middle east are pretty conservative towards there beliefs. So, yes going into a country that is ruled by Islamic beliefs you are not going to get away with being a Buddhist, christian, or Jewish. Dont think too many women can walk around the street wearing skimpy outfits either. A lot of countries who is mostly dominated by Christian beliefs have much more liberal minded people who allow others to live the way they feel. It just shows the double standard society we create in this world. But you wont see me walking a Islamic ruled street. Did two tours in the middle east, and never seen a country full of intolerance.

  • 1 decade ago

    We cannot continue to use generalizations on some religions and not on others. Are all christians racist murderers? We can deduce this based on the KKK using christianity in a lot of their beliefs. Use the same rule to judge christians that we use to judge muslims and this is the logical conclusion. In every large group of people (whether is based on race, religion, economic status, etc.) the bottom line is there will be good people and bad people. To say that all muslims are bad, you would have to say that all christians are bad as well. This reasoning is so illogical and ignorant that it only works when applied to others. You would never be able to judge your own religion the same way. Do you believe that there are no christians living in slums or "pig stys"? Do you believe that no christian has ever killed or shown hatred? Religious fanatics come in every religion, that is why they are called extremists. They are not representative of the entire religion, just some twisted extreme view share by a few.

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in an area with a high number of Jewish citizens and Muslim citizens, and your average white UK citizen of any/no religious domination.

    Although I'm sure deep down the Jews and Muslims probably have 'suspicions' of each other due to their religion, they nevertheless live side by side in peace and harmony, pbey the law, keep their properties clean, go to work, don't hassle their neighbours.

    The white people around here meanwhile are a 50/50 mix of those who are like their Jewish/Muslim neighbours, the other 50% are utter scum: jobless with no intention of getting a job, stand on the pavement drinking beer all day in the summer, making a noise, making a nusiance, commiting assault, breaking into cars, dropping litter all over, spitting constantly, talking unintelligible slang (despite being English) and to be frank basically just being utter f*cking charv scumbag twats.

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  • LillyB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I do find it frustrating that some people from Pakistan and Balgladesh in particular do recreate the scruffy, filthy shops they once visited in their country of origin. At home, external appearance of premises is often neglected as it deteriorates so quickly during the monsoon - can't see why it happens here too though.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No, yes and maybe all at the same time.

    No- Because a person's religion does not affect their attitudes towards property. I own it, I look after it etc.

    Yes - Because immigration is a serious problem in this country, and I don't care how PC it is to admit that fact. We need tighter security and have a level of awareness of who's here and who isn't.

    Maybe - Because regardless of who is where, it is the local authority's job to keep our streets clean. We could be more helpful, but it's their job.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And they are still so low they even deny it... can you believe it?.

    Yeah man, forget about the British culture, you see the ads in the street, the amount of Muslims speaking arabic and in veils and burkas withe the awful attitude, you go out trough London and with the most of the deep sorrows you just have to recognize this looks like a cheap Muslim Bazaar...Londistan... still they have complaints... when in Britain will come somebody to finally ban at least the veils so we can get rid of the extremists...

    I am absolutely with you... Far from improve they just want to conver this in the same place they left behind...

    Check this out...specially the part of London, look what kind of authorities we have...

  • ditto
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Gotta say the halal chicken n chips shops are always filthy, real scuzzy.

    Never eat in those dives.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not just the Muslims, I am currently staying outside of Washington DC and they are having a horrid time with "illegal" Latinos, overcrowding of housing, hanging around the quick marts all day long, vending illegally, big stink about it so it is all over it seems

  • Scouse
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree but as they get wealthier tghey funish their homes with good taste and eventually their shops reflect it also. Wait and see the wealthy ones move out to better accomodation

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