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Where would you rather live: U.S.A. or Canada?

I've got the choice between the two, and I'm pretty conflicted. I guess I'm looking for educated opinions about the differences between both sides, socially, economically, etc.

I realize this question will probably generate alot of patriotic crap from both sides, so let me just say that I won't find it at all helpful, and if you're intelligent enough, please avoid it.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was born in the USA and moved to Canada years ago. Actually both countries are very good. It depends on your priority.

    If you live in the US you better be able to afford the health insurance. The Canadian socialized health system works better.

    If you want to be a journalist Canada is better. If you want to be in television the US is far better.

    Canadians are more strict on Law and Order, if you're a criminal forget Canada, but paradoxically the Canadians have a better prison system but do not believe in capital punishment. The gun laws are far more effective.

    If your into the "night life" and sports like baseball, football and NASCAR, country... The USA is better.

    If you are into fresh air and land with no one else around, Canada is far better with lots more choice.

    If you are into politics. Canada is far better. In the US they only have two political parties. In Canada you could come up and start your own. That has happened for real too.

    If you are into financial stuff no question New York or Chicago. So in business you would do better in the US.

    At present, since the 911 fiasco there has been a tight limitation on the comfort of freedom of speech in the US. Even with the combat engagement in Afghanistan the freedom to criticize the government is better in Canada.

    If you want to be a farmer. The USA is better because the government subsidizes agriculture.

    These are a few of a countless number of comparisons. What I am saying is that no one can give you advice on which would be better because we are not you. Everyone has their thing.

    Worse still is that even within both countries there are areas which are better and worse. At the moment the best cities to live are in order Kelowna, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, Toronto, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay. Quesnel. Now that is a personal list. I've visited or lived in them all. And the rating sort of changes all the time.

    Okay to compare my US list. Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Charlotte, Hilo, Boise, Anchorage. Other places are good too.

    At the moment I'm in Toronto since it is like living in the world. It has a collage of a lot of cultures. And people can do their thing for the most part. Food is good. Rents are reasonable.

    You see you left out a lot of information. Instead I would narrow it down to a list of cities rather than which country.

    Since you appear conflicted and highly educated. I would begin the process of elimination. I am going to guess.

    If you are a medical professional.... Atlanta, Houston, Toronto.

    If you are a technical geek. San Francisco/San Jose for the Silicon Valley.

    If you want entertainment. Well Los Angeles, Chicago or New York or Toronto. If you are an entertainer/actor then add Stratford Ontario to the top of the list first... then Vancouver then the rest of the list.

    Stratford, Ontario by the way has the highest quality Shakespearian Company/Theater in the world. Most of the Star Trek Captains have acted on that stage at least once.

    So what I am saying is rather than pick which country. Each country has more similarities (like both have idiot political leaders than differences). Pick the city.

    If you have a career opportunities focus on which city not which country. Do some reading on each city. Make a top five list. If the job opening is in that city then never mind which country. Its like picking which hard boiled egg to eat.

    I picked Toronto like that because it was on every list even though it was never number one on any list. So when it came to the point I could go anywhere. I picked Toronto. So if you can't make up your mind. And Toronto is on the list.

    It has air connections to every part of both countries. Its in the middle. The climate isn't all that bad. Has health care. Immigration is located in the city so work permits/Visas/Citizen papers are got. It has festivals, fairs all year around. Its the best place to go if you can't reach a final decision.

    In summation, the countries are like so much the same and different. They have a long list of advantages. They have a long list of disadvantages. At the end of the day, honestly its a dead heat. I'd suggest you focus on which city. That's the key to your search.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Any country has its positives and negatives...we cant have everything in this world. Living in the USA has also many challenges like unemployment and crime.. Living in Canada I think might be better that the US due to less crime and a classier environment. This also depends on WHICH part of Canada as well..Some parts in Canada are freezing cold! It really is a matter of preferance depending on certain things.Personally Id rather live where it's warm and sunny and not have medical insurance than cold and cloudy..Places with cold and rainy climate have more depression rates too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I live in Florida and I haven't been to too many places in either place. But when I do go to Canada, last time it was Montreal, the people I see are generally nicer. Then again, that was just my experiences. Medical is free in Canada. Anti-piracy laws are less strict. US has a better education system I think. Other then that, there isn't really a big difference as far as I know.

  • 1 decade ago

    That depends. I live in Canada and it has some socialist tendencies. We have universal healthcare, affordable and decent education and a stronger employment safety net.

    There is potential to be super wealthy but it's not as prevalent as in the US. We also have a stronger middle class and less poverty. We pay very high taxes and we are less litigious. We try and support those in need since we know we may be in need someday.

    We try to avoid conflict but we stand on our willingness to fight when required (WW1, WW2, Korean War) and we strongly support peacekeeping. We believe in strengthening our country first but not forgetting countries in need by supporting them with sustainable resources.

    We have four seasons and most of the country experiences cold from December to March.

    Sound good ?

    But I don't wish to short change the US. They have the better schools (Harvard, Yale ...). The best doctors and medical system that money can buy. They allow for a greater potential for wealth and US citizens pay less taxes. Americans are far more patriotic and believe in their country. They have amazing cities that are exciting like NYC and Las Vegas to name a few. They also have a warmer climate depending where you locate in the US.

    They are both great options. I hope this helps.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Canada is beautiful.very nice people,health care for EVERYONE,

    I have been to both places and choose Canada anytime over the US

  • ...
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    USA has more in my opinion.

    Vast differences in weather, in landscape, in Cities, in careers, in people.

    More opportunities.

    Yes Canada may have some of them. But it doesn't compete.

    But then it all depends on what you're looking for.....

    Source(s): This is coming from a Brit - so no bias here!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As an American I would have to say - Canada. Cleaner, friendlier, better food (less preservatives), better health care.

  • 1 decade ago

    Canada has a better education system. and it is a beautiful countey. so is the us though

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would choose Canada.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    USA its good for opportunities..

    Canada cannot probably match with it..

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