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Did Jesus in the Bible contradict himself?

Mat 5:22 If you call someone a fool, you will be taken to court

Luk 11:40 You fools! Didn't God make both the outside and the inside?

Mat 23:17 You blind fools! Which is greater, the gold or the temple that makes the gold sacred?


Cindy: That's what my versions say (ASV+CEV)

Luk 11:40 Ye foolish ones, did not he that made the outside make the inside also?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To interject a point that hasn't come up yet. In Jewish tradition and law slander of a person was a very serious crime- on par with an actual physical assault. If you wonder why just look at what happened to the Duke Lacrosse players. Jewish courts took the crime of slander very seriously, so Christ was correct when he said, "If you call someone a fool, you will be taken to court." In that time you would be.

    Remember, before banks and advertising on television, the most important asset a man had was his reputation. When you slandered a man you ruined his ability to find a bride, earn a living, etc.

    Also, remember that then (as it is now) truth is a defense to slander.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible is translated. Unless you read Arameic, or you were there and happen to know exactly what Jesus said, you can't know for certain that the persons who wrote those gospels weren't mis-translated. You can't know for certain, much like we have more than one word for "fool" in the English language or words that resemble the meaning of that one, if another word was or was not used.

    Continuing on, the translation of the meaning behind the passage is in the lesson that Jesus wished us to learn. This lesson is not to let one's anger turn to sin.

    Whether or not Jesus contradicted himself is not the question here, because most honestly he probably has in the eyes of a literal translator, and on numerous occasion. You could argue the same thing about the words of God in Old and New Testaments. But the true question is why you are searching for contradictions? Search instead to be like Christ.

    Praying for you...

  • 1 decade ago

    In the earlier portion of Matt 5:22 Jesus made the point that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of judgment. Within this context Jesus mentioned about calling someone a fool (in the context of being angry without a cause) in the same verse. So the principle is we should not in anger and without a cause called somebody a fool.

    Jesus in the verses you have highlighted called those people fools not in anger but with a good cause, in right judgment of them. So Jesus did not contradict Himself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Keep a personal intimate journal the Q&A way then goto the authoirtis o Bible for discussion to pick out truth. car ful I say "pick out" not swallow it you will have more exercise before swallowing any thing there -perhaps the entire bible! My dear

    Source(s): acid truth serial
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  • 1 decade ago

    It's all in the way you say it.

    If I tell my friend jokingly, "**** you," I have done nothing wrong. But if I say "**** you" in extreme rage and hate, I've committed a sin.

    It's the negative emotions related with insults that are frowned upon, not the insults themselves.

    When Jesus called people fools, he had good reason and did not do so with hate, but with "tough love.". He uses powerful, bold, and even sarcastic diction to try to get his points across. He had good public speaking skills.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Your verse : John 9:39 39Jesus reported, "For judgment I even have come into this international, so as that the blind will see and people who see will grow to be blind." Your verse : II Corinthians 5:10 10For we would desire to all seem till now the judgment seat of Christ, that each and each would acquire what's due him for the flaws performed on an identical time as interior the physique, no count if reliable or undesirable. Your verse : John 12:40 seven 40 seven"As for the guy who hears my words yet does no longer shop them, i do no longer choose him. For i did no longer come to choose the international, yet to save it. Jesus, in maximum religions, does no longer choose. it is GOD who judges, yet he does no longer purely choose us for our sins, yet for our reliable deeds too. all of us would be judged via GOD on the "great Judgement Day." The BIBLE isn't undemanding to appreciate once you study it by myself. attempt going to church, or asking a pastor or different non secular mentor that can assist you you recognize the bible. you are able to no longer call the bible a contradiction in case you're taking the words of Jesus out of context. In John 9:39, in case you study further, he's utilising a metaphor of being blind. people who can see, recognize that they are sinning. people who're blind, don't recognize the father, therefor he needs them to work out. people who can see, he he needs blind - meaning he needs them to be unaware of the worldly or secular nature of people and be godly people. no longer proceed to sin. we are all sinners. All you will desire to do is repent of your sins. God won't even bear in mind. it is in contrast to he's up there conserving score! he's making waiting a place for you at a astonishing banquet. do no longer study to lots into the Bible without guidance. And in case you study a verse, it often facilitates to study the financial disaster till now and after the verse interior the bible. It facilitates to appreciate what the comprehensive tale is. in case you desire any help, touch me. i wish you recognize my JESUS!

  • Fuzzy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Abusive speech is what Christ addressed in 5:22. What is abusive speech?

    It is calling someone an idiot or a fool while they are not.

    If however someone showed themselves to be a fool, it would not be abusive speech to call them that.

  • Ju ju
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Your scripture quotes are out of context and slightly misquoted.We shouldn't say fool to another because no

    man has the right to judge another . That's putting ourselves in the place of God. We should consider our brother above ourselves. No he didn't contradict himself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus is the judge, jury and executioner of this court I'm sure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I thought it said " you hypocrites" not fools

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