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Big red asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

dog bit my son twice, what to do?

She is a doberman, 4 years old and has been bought up with my son who is the same age as her. The problem is, she has been ill, on and off, for the last few years, and is finally showing some improvements, but she has never shown any aggression towards my son at all, if anything i was worried she was too tolerant. Well, that changed last week, she bit him on the back, not badly, but she did break skin. He was leaning across her back and trying to get her to take his full weight, so it was kind of his fault. Well, both him and her got punished. But this morning, he had kind of been giving her a hard time for about an hour, just being a boisterous boy, but she hasnt been well the last couple of days, off her food and just mopey, so i separated them. Then he went to sit next to her, and she snapped at his face, no broken skin, but she did connect, scared the hell out of all 3 of us. She was just as shocked as i was. I am thinking about doing some more training with her, but dare i risk it


I have another, younger, child, and one on the way. And my son is pretty rough with her, so i was thinking of trying to curb his behaviour with her as well as do some more training to reestablish the family heirarchy, with her. I am confident in my place as pack leader, i know she would never bite me, but where do i begin to try to establish my sons place. She honestly seems remorseful that she hurt and scared my son, but i also know she can only put up with so much from him(you wouldnt believe some of the things he has done to her when my back has been turned). I still trust her insofar as someone can trust a dog, but, i also dont want to risk any of my children.

Update 2:

By the way, taking her to a shelter isnt an option, if i cant resolve this with her, even if it takes some outside help, how can i expect anyone else to. The only other option is euthanasia. She is my dog, and i wont just shift responsibility for her onto another person, because it might be too hard for me, i just wont do that, and i dont believe in others doing it either, its not fair on the dog or the other person, or me for that matter. As far as i am concerned, i have just as much responsibility to her as i do to my children, if one of my kids hurt their sibling badly, i wouldnt be dumping them in a shelter, would i? I need some honest advice on what training methods might be used to help put my dog back in her place.

Update 3:

I never said i would euthanase her, i just meant that it was the only other option to fixing the problem myself. I live in rural western australia, there is no such thing as a 'no kill' shelter here, and the closest rescue org that would take her in is over 700km away, trust me, i work for the only rescue org in my area. As for my son, yes, he does some pretty stupid things to the dogs occassionally, not all bad, and he has never actually hurt one of them. I am actually more concerned that its my fault, i will take the blame, but do not question my parenting, my son is being taught the correct way to treat animals. But he is only 4 and does get carried away sometimes, and it takes more than once to tell him not to do a certain thing, and to tell the truth, the dobe is almost as bad as he is for stupid play, sometimes worse. Yes i admit, a bit more learning is in order for him, and me too, but at least i am trying to fix it, so you have to give me credit there.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    From my position as a trainer this sounds like it would be very easy to manage thru training of the dog and family members by a good trainer....however not being able to view the dog makes me add use caution....

    Dog bites are lumped into one single group by most as you can tell by reading the "nay' sayers here in response to your post.....seldom do dogs bite in a manner or from a motivation that requires they be put to sleep...Most dogs bite from the position of defense avoidance...meaning they simply get overloaded with stress or fear...

    A good start would be making it well known your children are first in your circle by chasing the dog from them thru out the day...Please find a trainer who has adopted this attitude and start soon...

    I am a NY Court certified expert in dog bites and I have saved many a dog.....

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a firm believer in the idea that young children + dogs do not mix well. Children are just too clueless up to a certain age when it comes to animals, no matter what you do, and dogs aren't understanding of any off-kilter behavior. I don't care what kind of dog it is. No matter how much you love the dog, it will always be unpredictable, because that's just the nature of dogs. You can't assume you know the dog well enough that it would/wouldn't do something that would shock you. And your child isn't mature enough to realize the consequences of his actions before he does something bad.

    I'm an animal lover, but having a dog in your house right now, particularly one that has shown any aggression, is irresponsible. You may love the dog, and it sounds like you're trying everything you can to avoid the idea of having to lose it. But this is your son; you brought life in the world, you need to make the right decision and let the dog go. It stinks, yes, but you have two fire starters in the same room together, and it is undeniably dangerous to both your son and your dog. Give the dog a better home with someone that either has older children or no children at all. If you want a dog, that's fine, but you have a responsibility to your child right now; wait until he is of a somewhat mature age to have another dog in the house, please!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll be upfront. I do not believe in killing a dog because it defended itself from a pestering child. A dog might actually start to hate all children if he gets annoyed and hurt by them too much.

    Your dog is clearly ill, you have known this for a while. Taking the weight of a child across her back, might hurt her quite a bit. Would you expect a dog to endure pain indefinitely just because it is a child that is inflicting it?

    A dog will NEVER recognise a small child as higher up the ladder. That's why most reputable dog clubs refuse to accept children as handlers for training purposes, unless the child is at least 10 - 12 years old.

    A child needs to know that a dog can bite, and I your 4 year old son seems to be a slow learner.

    Why do you think that nobody else can train your dog, if you can't? That sounds pretty arrogant to me. You dog might need an invironment where it is not being harrassed by children, or where it has an owner with more time for them. I am sure with 2 and 1/2 children, soon 3, there will not be too much time left for your dog.

    I really sound more critical of you than I mean to, but I really think that even to consider having a dog euthanized is terrible. You yourself said, " if one of my kids hurt their sibling badly, i wouldnt be dumping them in a shelter, would i?"

    So what would you do with that kid instead, have them euthanized?

    I do not agree that you need help put your dog back in her place. Your dog needs peace and quiet to recuperate and I doubt that your household will ever be the right place for her. Please think about it, and don't deny her the joy of living, if she can't live with your family.


  • 1 decade ago

    I really mean no offense here but it sound to me that you are not teaching you child how to properly respect an "animal". All to many times owners just assume the dog should know better when its the parents who need to teach the child how to "know better". Humans are the intelligent breed here.

    I have been an owner of large breed dogs my whole life. I see too many times when I am at the vet a child will run up to my Rottweilers and try to hug them or pet them without asking permission.

    If you were in a doctors office and some stranger came running up to you to hug you would you not get offensive. I know I would. You own a working dog who has a high prey drive. I have two nephews that come to my home often and although everyone classifies my dogs as "Mushes" they are NEVER left alone with my dogs. I don't care if I had a tea cup poodle. A dog is a dog and a child is a child. So many times I see children pull at dogs lay on top of them and say to myself why are these children not taught to respect the animal. A dog of any size cannot handle the weight of a 4 year old on top of it.

    You need to do some more training for your dog and the family and possible seek professional training. When training your animal ALL family members should be involved. Even your four year old. He needs to learn that he should treat the dog the way he himself would like to be treated. I doubt your son would like it if your Dobie layed on top of him.

    I do suggest a vet visit to see if their is any illnesses your Dobie is suffering with. Bloodwork shows alot. I would not wait on this. If your Dobie decides to really bite your son the damage will be devistating. And the animal will unfortunately be put down. And annoying an animal for a whole hour and you expect the dog to be tolerant, I wouldn't be and I am human. Like I said before I hope you don't take offense but it seems its your own fault that this is all happening. Take some time to teach your son how to respect your dogs space and "make nice" to your Dobie.

    Hope this helps.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't blame the dog in this situation at all. You need to teach your child to respect animals by not climbing on their backs and "giving them a hard time." Especially if the dog is sick. It seem to me that she was just warning him to leave her alone, which you should be grateful for. Believe me, if the dog was being aggressive, your son would now be in the hospital.

    As for establishing the order of the pack, which you definitley should do...have your son do some of the feeding. Have him give her the "sit" command before he gives her a bowl full of food. Let him work with her on training a bit, but it's imperative that you teach him how to treat the dog first.

    I think you should contact a trainer to help out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you need to do more training with your children as well on how to treat a dog. Perhaps the dog is tired of being mistreated and being ill has taken its toll on her patience. Small kids and dogs should never be left unattended. Has the dog recieved vet care for her illness? Maybe the dog would be better off in a family with no kids.

    You would really kill the dog because you never taught your kids how to behave around her? Find a doberman rescue and give the dog a chance at a happy life...

  • 1 decade ago

    I seriously don't hink it is a training question. The dog is sick.... When you get the flu, and running high fever, doesn't your whole body aches, want to be left alone and rest? Think about that.....and then apply those feelings to your dog.

    How do you let your son bother the dog for an hour? You know how she's feeling and you know it will tick her senses at some point.

    I have a dog and a 5 yr old and when I think they have had too much of each other I give them time away from each other and then they can play again.


  • 1 decade ago

    Teach this kid something first of all. Sounds to me like the child is right out of control. Why in the world would you let your child act like this. And you have another and another on the way. I would place the dog in another home. I would take her in a minute, I already have 5. This dog needs a fricken break. Your family should not have pets if the kids are going to be allowed to act like this with them. I have raised four girls with a houseful of Dobes and over the 29 years have never had one single problem. I even found my second daughter nursing alongside the litter once. That shows you how accepting they can be. It is your out of control child that needs training.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most deffinately work with the dog and train her as much as possible... Have you ever thought about sitting your son down and explaining to him what might happen if he doesn't stop being so rough with her? Not in a scary way but does he totally understand that if he teases the dog or is rough the dog will have to be put to sleep.

    be very very careful if you consider this that your son will not be petrified at the thought or take any blame on board. Infact forget my suggestion altogether - it's way to risky and could be a huge burden for your son to handle.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    any dog that bites should not be kept in a family home. especially with that many children. When was younger i was bitten gby a dog, got stitches went home and my dog ripped them open, mum was in the car with the dog wihin 10 mins and took herto a shelter. If yu keep the dog away from your children thn obviously there is no way that she can hurt tem but otherwise it is irresoponsible no to do anything about it.

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