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Maverick asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Liberals: Since we're doing such a poor job in the Middle East, explain something to me please.?

Why hasn't there been another successful terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11?

Ever think that maybe we're keeping them too pre-occupied in the Middle East to plan anything big again for the U.S.?


U_Mex: I actually went to Hawaii about a month and a half ago. I had no problems whatsoever. Good try though.

Update 2:

Georgia_Peach: That was the liberals in Congress, not the Republicans. Good try though.

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Explain something to me: Why did the one on 9/11 happen? Bush FAILED to protect us. And he FAILED... no, scratch that, he CHOSE NOT to capture the man responsible. Meanwhile, our soldiers are still dying in Iraq for... what, exactly?

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with slapnut and others. To see what illogical B.S. you pro-Bushies put out, you'd think we withstood nonstop terrorist attacks before 9/11. I have no idea why terrorists haven't attacked the U.S. since and neither do you. Maybe, since their goal is to spread terror (hence the name terrorist) and Bush and his pals are doing there best to keep the global terror level as high as possible to prohibit clear thought and expand executive privilege, the terrorists consider their mission accomplished. I'm glad there hasn't been another serious attempt at a terrorist attack in the U.S. because Bush would probably ignore any repeated warnings from the intelligence community, like he did before 9/11.

  • 1 decade ago

    9/11 took years to plan and carry out. There hasn't been another 9/11 yet because they are patient and are deciding the best way to blindside us, as well as working Europe (Madrid train bombings, 7/7 in the UK). Al Quaida already had "fighters" trained up for more tradtional style fighting and recruited many more after the invasion of Iraq. These are the ones we are seeing in Iraq and Afghanistan. The terrorist like the ones who carried out 9/11 were picked out and trained to be blend in with the societies they infiltrate and to not stand out until they attack. These types are not tied up in the middle east. They are in training or they are at their desitnation waiting to strike.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you forget the use of Ricin and Anthrax in Washington DC post 911? Funny how you clowns can claim no attacks. Is it because of the war in the middle east? Nope, because you already missed the biological attacks post 911.

    Do you sincerely believe that our borders are secure? Bush has ignored that threat as you ignore the Anthrax and Ricin.

    Homer: Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol must be working like a charm!

    Lisa: That's specious reasoning, Dad.

    Homer: Thank you, dear.

    Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.

    Homer: Oh, how does it work?

    Lisa: It doesn't work.

    Homer: Uh-huh.

    Lisa: It's just a stupid rock.

    Homer: Uh-huh.

    Lisa: But I don't see any tigers around, do you?

    [Homer thinks of this, then pulls out some money]

    Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why attach liberals? I love my country but, hate the warmongers who run it. They keep us in fear. Have you ever taken a chicken and put a sand bag on its neck. It won't move because of fear. I lived to know what Nixon did? If feel like Iam in a fog of flash backs of rude incompetent leaders.,who have only their interests in mind. You really think that the American people believe everything that comes out of Bush's mouth. If so, you are a fool. He has tried to change our constitution, he is arugant and it is getting real messing. We the people of this wonderful country are mentally and phyically paying for his greed. Why can't the terrists realize we are not behind this war? Why are we paying as a nation for our leaders greed? OIL, OIL,OIL. Most liberals are for human rights not corporate rights. Get a grip.

  • 1 decade ago

    I ate sprots last night. Sprots are small fish that are extremely tasty, especially with beer.

    I never ever saw an elephant on my street and I been eating sprots my whole life.

    Maybe Sprots are keeping elephants away?

    Can you believe that your actions in Middle East have zero to do with terrorists attacks in America?

    Maybe news not flow to well across the ocean, but many terrorist attacks from Spain to Sweden are being done.

    Maybe you should consider eating Sprots?

  • Rek T
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because it is not cost effective. They took 6-7 years training the first guys. Had to implant them in America, buy air line tickets, flight training, and combat techniques. Right now all they have to do is give a guy an AK and send him to Iraq. If you honestly believe losing nearly 4000 American soldiers is keeping the "preoccupied" and is a better alternative you are sick. I would rather have TSA and local law enforcement arresting these guys everyday than keep losing my brothers in arms.

    Source(s): 6 months Irag, 2 months Afghanistan. Primary Stretcher bearer onboard a special forces platform. I had to look Men in the eyes as they died for Bush's WMD's.
  • 1 decade ago

    It could be that's exactly the case.

    Could it be easier & cheaper to spend money on "Peace Education Negotiators" in our colleges & universities, who could learn to dialogue with foreign dignitaries & with hostile groups of various types (coups and such), and equally well prevent terrorist attacks?

    A couple of graduates in my daughter's high school graduating class wanted to pursue such occupations. They were gifted/ high achieving & I believe could do it. Maybe it would be a new approach that could keep us (all) safe at lower cost of money and lives....

  • 1 decade ago

    8 years passed between the most recent islamic terrorist attacks on US soil...WTC '93 and 9/11/2001.

    Just because one hasn't happend between 2001 and now, it doesn't mean Bush prevented it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Liberal: "No. We absolutely can not and will not give Bush credit for anything whatsoever. If we have the choice we will support Bin Laden before we will support Bush. That's how blinded we are by our own ignorance, vitriol and hatred and want for revenge for the Right's attacks on Clinton in the 90's. Oh, and Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, - even though al-Qaeda is there blowing cars up daily as we speak. We don't care about facts or logic, we reach conclusions purely based on emotion, and we wolf down every drop of hatred fed to us by our polically motivated leaders, whom put their own agenda before the welfare of this country, every single chance we get. To us, being right, is more important than being safe or for that matter even being alive. We hate Bush more than we love life. It completes us and gives us purpose. We don't know what we will do when he leaves office because we will have no one to direct our loathing and hatred on anymore."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When was the last major terrorist attack on US soil before Sept 11th....oh, never. That blows a giant hole in your theory...Clinton did not invade Iraq and the only attack on US soil during his term was a minor explosion at the WTC, not even comparable to the 9-11 attacks.

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