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How can anyone of any religion depart from the core teachings of love that all these great religions have?

If there is a hell, should they not all go there before anyone else? Given that they should know better!

Peace and hope for the future of humanities victory over hatred and fear.



Yes, I am a sinic too in regards to organized religion. I just am sick of people saying one thing out of one side of their mouths and then saying something contradictory out of the other in the name of God. Especially the haters and bullies on 360. Sick, sick ,sick!

Cosmic I would surrender now and give you best answer but I have to wait for four hours! LOL! I wish your mentality was contageous. No cure either. All good.


Update 2:

Apicole! Bravo! Everyone has made good points... but yes, that has not been adressed. So is this departure due to errossion?Possibly.

I site Hypatia as an example that may erode the former. Hypatia if you have not heard of her, was a mathematition, neo-Platonic phylosopher and teacher during the time when the city of Alexandrea came under a strong wave of Christian conversion. It was due to this and struggles for power, that the great library of Alexandrea and it contents were distroyed. It was the greatest vessel of pre Christian knowledge at in that part of the world. This was not the first time knowledge from Pagan sources was decimated! A loss beyond price!

Hypatia was brutally murdered and her body desecrated by a group of Christian monks.

So, if in refering to our old religions you are including together everything Christian, Druid, Muslum, Hinduism etc. perhaps.

I agree with you about the corruption of the original teachers works and 'religion' though not new.

Update 3:

Well I am amazed at the resistance to LOVE as a core teaching. Perhaps I have given all of these sources too much credit. unconditional love is MY CORE TEACHING! Yes I do understand unconditional love and I live it. Hey! Even mother Terresa was not perfect and had her bad days. read her biography! So I am not saying I am even close to perfect or that my emotions cannot feel pretty nasty but yes, I do live in a staight of uncoinditional love. I didn't think that that was a minority condition! WOW! Maybe despite all the horrors that have been and still are entitiated by people of the cloth I still instinctivly believe that that was the place people like Jesus came from in their teachings. Foolish me!

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since you ask "How can anyone depart ..." and nobody has given the answer to your "how" I will try to do it.

    Religion like everything else in creation has a natural cycle.

    It is born, grows and matures, gives it's best fruits and then gets old and "dies".

    Despite all the criticism made to all the old religions of the world, their contribution to world civilization in areas like medicine, art, philosophy, literature, mathematics, astronomy, communications, etc.. is undeniable and can be verified in all historical books.

    But religion is today synonymous with fanaticism, bigotry, prejudices, hatred, animosity, blind beliefs, etc.. all contrary to the original teachings of that religion.

    Old religions of the past are no longer able to produce the transformation needed in man because they have completed their natural cycle of life.

    We need desperately a new * spring time * for mankind.


  • 1 decade ago

    Because "love" is a very much overused and misunderstood word in the English language. Do we really understand what is meant by the "core teaching of love", or "love your neighbor" or "love God above all else"?

    These "departures" from the "core teaching of love" are simply interpretation of the teaching postulated by the different religious leaders. Of course personal pride and greed on the part of religious leaders can easily prostitute this "core teaching".

  • 1 decade ago

    The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it. Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't.

    HBT; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1

    “The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization.”

  • 1 decade ago

    whomever wrote the comment defending the religion

    way...needs to be fraternized for that.

    i didnt even get to the rest. and in any case "love" isnt in most mainstream religions core beliefs. It's just a fake sparkling rubber bait.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What "core teachings of love" are you talking about? Be specific. The most popular world religions are hardly all based on pure altruism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible teaches love for the individual, but hatred for sin.

  • luka
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    the question is not religion, but Christ,he said that he is the way ,the truth and the life,no one can get to heaven but by him, that's why he died on the cross.

  • Jack
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    where's were your proof any religion is true other than a fictional old book written by uneducated bronze-age political and religious hustlers?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some religions have no LOVE except for those who LOVE their religion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jamie you know there is only one true religion and Buddha, Christ and others are it's members, all others are societies way of controlling the masses. Gassho! ~*~ EDIT: Thanks Jamie, we must be related. ~*~

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