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BIG RELATIONSHIP PROBLEM- He's got a girlfriend-what do i do???

There's this guy I know, who I'm good friends with, and I've had feelings for him for some time now. The problem is, he's got a girlfriend,. Whenever we meet up now, its awkward between us, and I don't know why. I don't know what to do, I'm crazy about him- what should I do?

31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can't do anything except wait. Telling him you like him would just make him awkward around you too. Most relationships end eventually so all you can do is stay calm and wait. But keep looking for another guy. Who knows? You might find someone you like even more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, you do know why it's awkward, it's because you like him! You're just too scared to do anything about it because you don't want to ruin your friendship... that probably seems more unbearable to you than your current situation.

    Well, you have 4 options:

    First of all you could do nothing and try to just be the good friend and secretly hope that things won't work out with him and his girlfriend and that someday he'll realize that you were always the one for him.

    Second you could disappear and perhaps he'd really miss you and he'd come chasing after you because he would suddenly realize that he's in love with you.

    Third you could be honest and just tell him... let him know that you're in love with him and that it's hard for you to act like you used to because of this. Then you tell him that you just had to at least get it off your chest and that if he doesn't feel the same that you'd still like to be friends because that would be the most unbearable thing. (Though trust me, it's extremely difficult to stay friends as well.)

    Last you could get some guts and tell him how you feel. And give him an ultimatum... either he hooks up with you or you're outta there sis-ta... because you wouldn't want to stick around, you'd want to move on!

    If you want any ideas watch Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne.

    In any case you've got to decide witch course of action or non-action that you will take. Once you've made a firm decision, no matter what it is, you'll actually feel a lot better. But weigh the different options and decide which one you're happiest with, then do it! Really you've got to do it and mean it!

    Good luck with everything, my heart goes out to you, I was in a very similar situation once too.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, let me say how I totally know how you feel! I've gone through this numerous times, and for me, it never seems to work out too well. :/ So, is he like always caught up in his girlfriend nowadays? Ever since he's been with her, maybe he feels that it's "wrong" to be hanging out with you, because he has a girlfriend. It is also possible he's worried about your take on the situation. If you bring his girlfriend up a lot in conversation in a negetive way, or he caught onto you liking him, he may feel odd. Boys are strange. But, I'm sure that if it's meant to be, it will be. Maybe his eyes will open up and see that you are the one! Just give it some time, and things will sort its way out. For now, just act like everything is okay, and avoid girlfriend convo as much as possible.

    Source(s): Many, many years of boys. Ugh.
  • 1 decade ago

    well u should never be afraid and tell infront of the gal that i had feelings for u so what do i do wid dem now ..........

    I love u but u r having a girl friend ......... blala be truthfull

    well U know Man are like dat they cant live wid one I m a Muslim. GOD who created the mankind knew about there sexual feelings so he allowed man to marry more then wife because it is better then cheating ,,,,,,,,,,,,,so I think ur answer to those who say why four wives it is bad and blablabla an average man in USA has sseven girls ... its a research...

    But still I wanna tell ya u should tell the gal u like him and be polite do no quarrel and tell the guy if u cant spend time wid me then i;m going and u find another good guy GOD may give u a better then this guy ........

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  • Rhuby
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    avoid him like the plague.

    If it's awkward, it's no fun to be with him, nobody likes feeling awkward. Also, he has a girlfriend so you have to give her some respect. Imagine if you found out your boyfriend was cheating on you? I've known too many women who've had that happen to them and it's never been a good experience.

    If it's ment to be he wont stay with that girl, and once he's single you can persue him.

    If he's interested in you he wont stay with her, and he'll come to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you KNOW he likes you more than his girlfriend, then here's what you do:

    start by making jokes, like when you're doing something with him, make a quick joke by adding "as if we were boyfriend and girlfriend" at the end of his sentences.

    Then progress it to the point where it really gets to his head, and then talk seriously about it with him, and he'll prob cut the other relationship for you

    However, if he likes his current girlfriend more than he likes you, there's not much you can do ethically.

  • 1 decade ago

    back away right now.... even if he did leave her for you, you would always e the other girl and he would always be the guy that broke up with his chick for you and as therules of life go, if he's done it once he'll do it again and this time you'll be the one who gets dumped. Give the friendship some space and to cool off your emotions and then if you can see him as a friend maintain the friendship if not stay away, you don't want to be a home wrecker.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's awkward because you're buddies, and yet there is that relationship type energy in the air - so you're sort of in no-man's land here.

    Entering into a situation like that, although sometimes irresistible when we're attracted so someone, is a difficult road to go down

    So my best advice to you would be to keep your options open and out dating and wait until he's free before entering into any kind of relationship with him.

  • 1 decade ago

    You want something you can't have & thats horrible hun.

    I've gone through it before and all I can say is wait for his relationship to be over with this girl or get over him.

    Sorry to put a damper on things, but he doesn't like you the way you like him. So you have to move on. Date guys, try new things. Don't wait to be crazy about a guy to start dating him, just go for it! But I would suggest you like them!

    In an ideal world, this girl will break his heart and he will come to you to mend it. Then he will realize that you were meant to be, and blah blah blah. But that is something that we can only dream of.

    Source(s): Personal Experience.
  • JC
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    For now, it might be best to keep your feelings to yourself. He has a girlfriend; why would you want to be the person who splits them up?

    Now, if they break up and he asks how you feel about him, I'd tell him the truth. In the meantime, respect his relationship with his girlfriend.

    It's not easy to like someone from a distance but, in this situation, it might be best. Be his friend; not a relationship ruiner.

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