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Duration of love making?

what is the duration of making love? i mean how many minutes for one love making session?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I feel that the time of lovemaking should really depend on the two people and how they feel WHILE IN THE MIDST of the action. If they're both just enjoying the feel of the two bodies pressed together...Then Make it Last "FOREVER", so to speak, or as long as one or the other can hold out from "Going over the mountaintop". And even then, afterwards can be just as enjoyable, or almost as enjoyable, because you can still touch and caress and "SPOON", and just "FEEL" one'd be surprised how much Us Guys enjoy that as well. Plus you don't have that FAR TO GO when you're ready to get "started" again...Think About It!!! HAVE FUN!! ; )!!

    Source(s): My own past
  • 1 decade ago

    There is no timeframe on making love. Usually the younger the couple is the shorter the duration. The older and more experienced couples last longer because they learn what their partner needs and take time to enjoy each other.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It should last a long time, an hour at least, most of the time, from start to finish... that's what the word Love Making is about. There should be lots of touching, kissing and foreplay, or it just isn't love making, it's just sex. The actual sex should be about 5 minutes.

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends on mood, vigor, sexual position, control on breathing and nerves etc. Average love making time 6-10 minutes. With some practices on breathing and nerves control men and women can make love for hours or as long as they want. You can visit the website of Al and Pala about tantra love making.

    Source(s): personal experience, also website above
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not really sure since I've never had any "love making" episodes and doubt they exist.

    However, I will say that my ex-husband lasted about 7 seconds, and the last boyfriend I had lasted about 4 hours. Both just as irritating as the other.

  • 1 decade ago

    it depends on the people involved. some people *** quick and others take longer. generally speaking its up to the couple and depends on how long the foreplay is and the intercourse. average is probably like 10-30 mins. shorter than 10 is probably too short and longer than 30 is too long for some people. keep in mind that women typically take longer than men to achieve orgasm.

  • 1 decade ago

    how long does a pan stays hot . . . lol. depend son the fire and pan?

    depends on the intimacy level and lovemaking does not only consists of only the man pleasure that is intercourse. there's the foreplay too . . .

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends. Do you want a "quickie" or do you want to make passionate love? Everyone is different and there isn't a "set" amount of time.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no time frame, every couple has a different length of time when they are intimate. We are not punching a clock now.

    Source(s): beliz62
  • 1 decade ago

    haha, for the average guy, it's only a few minutes... but don't worry, he can recharge and be ready to go again!

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