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Will any one give the detail answer on the Internet?

what is the meaning of internet?

When it first start?

How many types of Internet are?

What are the uses and disuses of it?


5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Two Page response I will make it short.

    INTER - means - BETWEEN any two identity, object, person or place.

    NET - means - CRISCROSS - sections of those identity, object, person or place linked together.

    It was first started during world war II

    There are two types

    1) INTERNET which has a long HISTORY and GEOGRAPHY with some METHAMETICS and SCIENCE to improve your CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES and sports foundation to get Good ENGLISH and FRENCH Litrature and to get those result of your life which you want to be best in this world.

    2) INTRANET - is like internal family used for company and small enterprises to be connected to their sister company but not lettting any others to interfear in their family matters or business.

    Now you must have got the answer?

  • 1 decade ago

    Look it up yourself. I just simply searched "history of the internet" and got over 227million hits on yahoo.

    Here's one to get you started:

    But Q's like this are best researched for yourself so that you get the info that you need.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Search for ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork). You will get what you are looking for.

  • 1 decade ago

    You understand your asking for about a 2 page response..

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago


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